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Prologue 8 – The Effects of the Divine Skill, Part 1

――Fufufu… how is it? Care for Round 2?

Xaneela stood up right after she said those lines, and I stood alongside her.

I walked over to Xaneela, where she immediately wrapped her arms around my neck.

I also put my hands on Xaneela’s back, then we hugged and kissed each other immediately.

(What the hell is this?)

The moment our lips made contact, I was overcome with a pleasure that pierced my brain.

And as our tongues entwined, I felt more and more elated.

Yesterday’s kiss was amazing, yes, but I didn’t think it was this sexually pleasing.

Indeed, there was a “Uwaaa, I’m doing something erotic,” but that’s it back then. No pleasure made my brain feel intoxicated like it does now.

This is bad… If I keep it coming like this, I will probably ejaculate just from kissing alone.

(What you are feeling now is one of the effects of [Fascination], which, in order to take effect, the user of the skill must have an intimate kiss with the other party, or the so-called “mucosal contact”.)

“Mmmh… fufu. Feels good, isn’t it?”

After her explanation via telepathy, Xaneela moved her lips away and spoke to me.

But even with that being said, I still don’t know what to feel. The moment she left my lips, I was torn and wanted to keep the sensation more, but I was also thankful that she separated on her own, or else I wouldn’t be able to stop it.

“Hey. Do you want to touch it?”

Xaneela took my hand.

I sensed her intentions and in response went on to lift up her skirt, which was literally just a strip of cloth, and put my hand on the crack underneath.


The moment my hand made contact, Xaneela screamed. Louder than I expected.

As for the area that I touched, it was already sticky with love juices, and looking further downward, I could also see the excess fluids running down her inner thighs and wetting the floor.

“Wow… and this is just from the kiss…”

I responded in awe.

However, I was in a tough spot too.

Perhaps the intention to wear such a piece of fabric, on top of having no underwear beneath it, was for the intent to arouse me. And indeed, it aroused me a lot. But maybe because of the skill, it also made me leak a lot more than normal that you would think I had pissed in my pants.

“Hey… please… I’m already… Mmmhh!!”

Xaneela was saying something, but I could no longer pay attention to it.

I robbed her lips with mine.

But based on the few words I caught, she was probably thinking the same thing as I was.

As Xaneela and I engaged our tongues, I held her close with one arm, the same arm that was touching her crack earlier. As for my other arm, I unbuckled my belt and shifted my pants down in one swift motion.

With that, my thing is now revealed.

It was viciously swollen and overflowing with clear liquid from the tip.


Xaneela must have sensed my action because once I did that, she pulled up the cloth covering her front and lifted one of her legs.

Her other arm around my neck tightened, and when I looked further down, I saw that Xaneela was now aiming my member on her orifice, standing on tiptoe with her remaining leg.

I dropped to my knees a little. Then, after putting my hands around her waist, I pulled her in.

The tip of my glans touched Xaneela’s crack as I did so.

I could feel her heat from the tip.

I could also feel the love juices flowing out from her precious parts, mingling with the Cowper fluids and running down my shaft.

I raised my hips and prodded her secret place.


Xaneela gasped, her mouth still covered with my kisses.

As for her vagina, the feeling of entering it was completely different from the first time.

It was wetter than the last time. But even though it should now have lesser resistance, it clung to me even tighter than before.

“Nghaaa… mmmm… so big… yours feel a lot bigger inside me now…”

She looked at her own crotch and murmured once her lips parted.

I see. this is also another effect of the Divine Skill.

Not only did our mood get abnormally heightened by our kissing, but the size of my thing also changed to best fit my partner.

Xaneela said she was feeling better, but it is I who is feeling more wonderful than before. Well, compared to the last time.

So this is the power of the Divine Skill.


“Mmmh… Ahnn… more…”

As we stood and embraced each other, I inserted myself further, then slowly moved my hips back and forth.

But even though it felt better than the last time, I can now endure it for longer.

This was probably thanks to the Divine Skill as well.

Or maybe because Xaneela wants our fun to last longer? I mean, she is the goddess of procreation after all.

Whatever it is, I’m good. I also do not want to end it quickly either.

“Anh! Ahhh! Yes! That feels good! More!!”

Gradually, my movements became more and more intense.

In return, Xaneela’s grip on me also got stronger and stronger as she panted.

When I looked down at my feet, I saw that the floor beneath us had become fully wet. It was as if we peed ourselves on the spot.

“Ahhn… so good…!! Cumming… I’m cummiinnnggg!!”

Xaneela’s tightness was gradually increasing.

If this keeps up, I won’t be able to last.

“It’s okay… come… together…!!”

Suddenly, Xaneela screamed, as if appeasing my thoughts.

Taking that as the signal, I reached my limit.


I ejaculated as hard as I could, all of it going into the Goddess’s vagina.

My member, sucked all the way to the base, pulsed hard. And with each pulse, a load of cum would pour with a thump inside Xaleena.

“Ahhhhhh!! Mmmhh… it’s throbbing hard… and spraying a lot in mee…”

Meanwhile, Xaneela twitched lightly at every pump, and soon her knees shook, showing signs of giving up.

Before long, she collapsed, but I picked her up and supported her.


Xaneela was in a trance for a moment, but as soon as everything calmed down, she realized her state and looked at me with an amused face, as if she didn’t care that she almost fell.

Well, she’s still a goddess. A simple fall won’t break her that easily. Probably.

“Fufufu… that was great!! How was it for you?”

“It’s great… the best thing I felt in my life… way better compared to yesterday.”

I answered her question, then pulled my thing out of her vagina.


After it was released, a lot of cum poured out of Xaneela’s hole and ran down her inner thighs.

Seeing this, I became strangely aroused, and my slightly deflated body began to grow again.


When Xaneela saw this, she gave a mischievous smile and turned her back to me.

Then she put her hands on the table on which the tea set was placed, stuck her buttocks out, and rolled up the fabric she was wearing below.

This time, it was the fabric on the part of her butt. Then, she looked back at me with anticipating eyes.

The exposed buttocks were very well shaped when I looked at them again.

I could also see the twitching folds between her buttocks and thighs.

The vulva, as it has just been penetrated, has not yet closed, and a mixture of love juice and semen mucus is overflowing from it.

It was as if she was inviting me to come.

And so I did come.


“Guh, oh, Goddess…”

I penetrated Xaneela from behind, and it was so comfortable that my voice leaked out.

I ejaculated just a few minutes ago, but it still felt as good as if I was holding back my masturbation for a week.

Though the feeling is different now because I am inserting it on the back instead of on the front.

When I put it in from the front, it felt good, as if the whole of my member was being enveloped, but now that I am penetrating from the back, I felt an uneven yet stronger stimulation, primarily at the area around my rod’s underside.

There was also a sensation that I was reaching even deeper in her vagina compared to when I was penetrating her from the front.

“Ahnn!! So deep… it’s hitting me way deeper than before…nnnhh!!”

Every time I moved back and forth, I would feel a gurgling sensation on the underside of my staff, and whenever I plunged deep, I would feel the tip of the glans hitting something.

Because I was moving without holding back this time, I soon reached my limit.

“Oh no… I’m…”

“It’s fine… in my pussy… put it in my pussy…!!”


At the end, I pulled my hips as hard as I could.

Then using that gap I created to gain momentum, I plunged swiftly into the deepest part of her body.

After that, I ejaculated.

“Higiiiiihhh!! It’s coming… inside me… again…”

Even though this was my second shot, I felt I had produced the same amount of semen as my first one.

The pleasure included in it is also the same. It has not even diminished.

Seriously, what the heck is this?

“Mmm… Mmmmh… auuhh…”

As for Xaneela, she is now convulsing as she plops down on the table.

Her hips would jerk and shake from time to time, causing her shapely buttocks to jiggle and sway in front of me.


I pulled my hips back, also pulling out my thing completely.

This caused a large amount of white mucus to flow out again from the vaginal opening, which was now more sloppily gaping than before.

The surrounding folds were twitching and throbbing.

Not only that, but I could also see the end of her vulva, which would slowly squirm in time with Xaneela’s breathing.

Ooh. This sends me back to those times I was fapping in uncensored creampie compilations.

I’ve also heard that the semen in those videos was not real semen but fake lookalikes that were injected beforehand to avoid pregnancy. Nevertheless, being the simple virgin man I was, I didn’t care about it too much.

As long as I was able to see those white mucus sloshing out of the vulva after the object was removed and the folds of flesh twitching and moving in the aftermath, I was already content.

But it is different now.

Even though I have ejaculated twice in a real pussy, a pussy of a Goddess even, my cock is still not satisfied.

It’s still hard, even now.

“Higgghhh!? What are you… ahh, ahhh, so sudden!! Waiiit…!’m still… cumming, I’m cummiiiinngg!!!”

So, without letting out any words, I aimed my cock into Xaneela’s still gaping vagina again, and for the third time, I slammed my hips from there.

A series of relentless shaking of hips followed by a lot of alluring moans followed right after.

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