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Chapter 5 – Krone’s Training

The next day, I woke Krone, who was sleeping soundly in her bed despite all the sweating we did yesterday.

She seemed to be in a somewhat bad mood after waking up, but other than that, she wasn’t roused with anything in particular.

She didn’t have nightmares of monsters or anything of the sort, despite the traumatic experience she got from the last skirmish.

After quickly getting ready, we went to Lucy’s room to tell her about what had happened.

Of course, I told her everything.

“…and that’s all I have to report on Krone Karl.”

I concluded as I reported the previous day’s test to “my father” and Lucy.

Now that I am adapted to the Karl Household as per our previous dealing, I am now Krone’s stepbrother, at least on paper. So I can address her now while leaving the “viscountess” part.

Nevertheless, I don’t consider her my sister, and I don’t think she wants to think of me as her brother either.

Lucy received the documents from me and looked at them with a thoughtful expression on her face.

“I see. Seeing the results, it may be a little early to give Krone the frontline command.”

I’m sure if she takes the time to get used to it, she will be fine, but unfortunately, we have a new operation coming up tomorrow.

Since the increased strength cannot be left idle, Krone’s 4th Unit will be commanded by Lucy’s vassals in the meantime if we go with the procedures.

But as I was thinking this, Krone, who is standing behind me, interjected.

“Oi oi, I’m a staff officer by profession, you know. I am not suited for frontline command by nature, so even if you train me… anyway, it would be a waste of time.”

You may be saying that, but to me, you’re just giving excuses because you cannot stand to be criticized in an area completely different from your field of expertise.

As I thought of this, Lucy then asked Krone.

“There’s a lot you can do when you say ‘general staff,’ what can you do, Ms. Krone?”

“I specialize in logistical support, but I can also do intelligence analysis and strategic operations. At least, I can be more useful than this untrained deputy over here.”

Krone says confidently as she asserts her own abilities.

Looks like her hostility toward me has not waned a bit.

Better put her in a place where I can see her.

“… she herself is saying this, but what shall we do?”

“We don’t have a choice but to test her. Well then, I’ll transfer her to my headquarters unit for the time being. We will decide what to do depending on how she will fare there.”

Lucy answered my question.

True, I’m working as Lucy’s deputy, but to be honest, I don’t have the expertise to do many things a staff officer can do. But when it comes to schemes… well, if I weren’t, then I wouldn’t be standing here.

Then again, I cannot deny that a part of my successes is because I got lucky.

If Krone’s abilities are as she had stated, we will now be able to ease Lucy’s burden from here.

“Well then, Ms. Krone. We have a lot of work to do before tomorrow’s mission. I’ll be counting on you from now on.”

“Of course, I will do my best to help you with anything unless it’s related to monster extermination. Enough to replace this dunce here.”

Lucy only laughed at the way Krone responded, who wasn’t even trying to hide the thorns in her speech.

“I will also be counting on you. Let’s see what you can do, stepsister.”

“Ew! Don’t call me that, you pervert! It’s disgusting!”

At any rate, the Krone treatment has now been decided.

I just hope we will be able to proceed smoothly from here on.

◆     ◆

Later that day, I realized that Krone wasn’t lying in her boasts.

Using the data we compiled yesterday, she was able to point out the inadequacies of the unit’s logistical support system, including maintenance and medical care.

All of her opinions were sound, and the suggestions for improvement she made to me were all valid.

Although they were not something that could be implemented today or tomorrow, it was undeniable that once everything was completed, the operation of the unit would become smoother. Plus, despite her high sense of pride, she is objective and down-to-earth when it comes to her work.

It was really baffling that this was the same Krone I saw stealing the troops’ funds for her own use the other day.

But still, being the high and mighty woman she was, if I don’t watch her, sooner or later, she will soon cause friction with the others. And that’s hard to resolve.

“I’ve seen the documents, and most of the operations you have carried out are either reinforcement of troops or assaults from the enemy’s rear. If we continue to follow a pattern like this, we will lose flexibility in our actions. What will you do, for example, when you are put in a situation where you will be fighting in the daytime on a plain with a good view?”

Perhaps gaining confidence from her proposal getting accepted multiple times, Krone even started to get herself involved with the attack operations.

“So I suggest, instead of just focusing on rear assaults, how about we build a main force of our own and then a reserve force to flank the enemy? After all, our troops are now huge enough to do that.”

“Is that really necessary? Then again, the enemy is nothing but a bunch of woodcocks who can do nothing but charge…”

After a couple of exchanges, Krone started to move the pieces that resemble soldiers as she rattled off her ideas to me.

“But we already got four whole units here. That is sufficient enough to handle such formation effectively once a crisis starts, isn’t it? Like, how about we divide it into two companies. One plays the role of resisting the main enemy force, while the other one goes to the side and flanks them.”

“While that strategy seems good, Krone, there is still one major problem. Whether resisting the enemy’s main force or circumnavigating behind their lines, either of them requires skill to implement. There’s also the fact that the 4th Unit is not yet skilled enough to carry out either complex operations. No matter how excellent the plan, it won’t be effective if those involved cannot execute it properly.”


Because of the recent bad performance of the 4th Unit, their capabilities are now doubted among the troops. You could even say they’re a liability now rather than an asset.

Although their commander here is excellent at coming up with strategies in her head, if it cannot be put into action by the soldiers, who were the hands and feet in this operation, then all of it will be meaningless.

Added the fact that surrounding her were the flesh-and-blood soldiers who fought on the front lines, it could be said that Krone’s current position is nothing better than a paper tiger.

Looks ferocious. But only on paper.

The actual frontline fighters are the real soldiers.

Not knowing their characteristics, strengths, and weaknesses, you will be bound to make an unforeseen yet predicted mistake.

In this respect, I, who have been on the frontline for a longer time and have seen a lot of the movements of my subordinate soldiers, have the advantage over her at this moment. Even though she’s more literate than me in this regard.

We argued and bickered, and in the end, I was able to make some corrections to Krone’s plan.

And soon came the day to implement it all.

◆     ◆

“Are you two guys ready? We’re sending out the troops.”

Lucy spoke as she checked us up on the day of the campaign.

Is it that time already? I guess we went too busy formulating the strategy with Krone.

Because I promised to assist this viscountess, I’m now staying by her side temporarily.

You could say that I’m practically her adjutant now. Though it is only in this campaign.

After waking up Krone and urging her to get ready, I followed Lucy to the stables and moved to her side, where I put myself in position.

“Today is the day to get rid of the herd that appeared on the western roads, right?”

“Yes, because if they continue to block that road, we won’t be able to contact the western fort.”

According to our information, the enemy numbers about nine hundred, mostly comprised of goblins.

It was Krone, who was standing behind us, who personally provided us with this intel.

“We’ll have to get a little creative if we’re going to face them with four hundred of our own troops.”

Lucy made a thoughtful gesture when she said this, but then a voice called out to her from behind.

“Um, Viscount Finlay, is it?”

When I turned to look at the voice, I saw two women there.

One is about the age of Anastasia and the other about the same age as Lucy and Krone.

They both have blueish hair color and similar facial features. Could they be sisters?

“Ah, yes. I am indeed Viscount Finlay.”

When Lucy walked forward to introduce herself to the other party, the older one stepped in on the other side.

“I am Milena Zaintert, the eldest daughter of Count Zaintert, and behind me is my sister, Florencia.”

The younger sister Florencia smiles and waves at her introduction.

Compared to her polite and meek-looking older sister, this younger sister seems quite energetic.

“Zaintert…could it be that you are uncle’s…”

“Yes, I am Marquis Krall’s niece. I have been ordered by the Marquis to join the Viscount in her expedition today.”

At the place Milena indicated, there were about two hundred soldiers in full force.

The soldiers were well equipped and disciplined, fully deserving the title of being soldiers belonging to a Count’s House.

“Reinforcements? I hadn’t heard anything from the headquarters.”

“This is a personal favor from the Marquis. He said he did it because he didn’t want Miss Lucy, who has become a hero, to get hurt in this campaign.”

“I appreciate the sentiment, but I’m also a soldier myself. I would appreciate it more if uncle stops treating me like a child.”

Lucy says that being a part of the military means you are always in danger, but Milena is also insistent on her matter.

“Also, we also want to see up close how you are conducting those “heroic” operations that we have been hearing so much about.”


The fact that this was a sudden and unannounced event couldn’t help but give us the impression that something was going on behind the scenes.

It wasn’t without basis.

Aside from the happenings with Count Luke, if we trace back to our first meeting, you could say that I have only given the Marquis nothing but bad impressions. Because of it, it doesn’t make sense that he would do something that would benefit us.

However, it also couldn’t be denied that we are short on strength right now. With our lives on the line, I would always appreciate any reinforcements joining us. As long as it is not that backstabbing Count Luke.

I told Lucy my intentions, and she nodded her head.

“In that case, I’ll take your word for it. The more soldiers we have, the better.”

“Really? Thank goodness! I’m sure the Marquis would also be delighted when he hears it! In any case, I look forward to working with you today.”

“Hello! My name is Florencia. And since ‘Florencia’ is long, so please call me ‘Lacy’ instead. We look forward to working with you~.”

As Milena finished her introductions with a smile, her sister Florencia came out from behind and said this.

And as I had expected in my first sight of her, she seemed to be a person who posseses a lively personality.

However, despite her liveliness, the sword she carries at her waist is quite intimidating, as it is really big. This alone indicates that she is powerful enough to fight in the vanguard.

“I am also looking forward to working with you today.”

Lucy spoke as she held out her hand. Lacy is the one who took and shook it.

In this way, we were able to welcome Krone as a full-fledged member of our team and headed for the monster subjugation in addition to the two sisters who are our new reinforcements.

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