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Prologue 7 – Xaneela’s Blessing and Divine Skill

Soon as she said “break”, sandwiches and soup immediately appeared on the table.

I hadn’t paid much attention to my stomach until now, but now that food was in front of me, I suddenly felt hungry.

“Come. Let’s eat.”

“Thank you very much.”

I bit into the sandwich prepared for me.


“Phew, thanks for the food.”

Having finished my light meal, I sat back and sipped my coffee.

Yes, I was served coffee when I asked for it.

When I told Xaneela that I am a coffee lover, she prepared a “Magic Coffee Mug” in the item box that allows me to drink freshly ground and brewed black coffee anytime I want.

I can pledge my undying loyalty to Xaneela just for this, even fight for this, just like King Arthur to his Holy Grail.

“Ahahaha, thanks for the praise. That said, allow me explain the [Blessing] and the [Divine Skill] while we’re at it.”

Xaneela is the goddess of “fertility and prosperity” of this world.

And being such a Goddess, her powers and specialty rely on “procreation”, the most important aspect of prosperity.

As such, [Xaneela’s Blessing] is also the same way – to provide assistance in procreation.

In other words, her [Xaneela’s Blessing] is related to making babies.

The following is an itemized list of the bonuses provided by [Xaneela’s Blessing], based on my understanding.

[Pregnancy and Childbirth Assist]

Women who will have sex with me will always become pregnant. If she is unfit to conceive for some reason, the power of the blessing will completely cure her. However, it cannot be restored if it is due to aging or natural causes, such as menopause. Immediately after sex, the power of the blessing will induce ovulation, and fertilization will occur immediately. After that, the pregnant woman will be applied a divine protection until she safely gives birth to her child.

[Pure-blooded Male Offspring]

Any woman who engages in sex with me will get pregnant and give birth to a pure-blood male of the woman’s own race. The child will also receive divine protection until adulthood, making them less likely to get sick or injured. Their appearance will be strongly influenced by their mother.

[Blessing Inheritance]

The child resulting from you and the woman’s communion will also inherit the blessing of [Pregnancy and Childbirth Assist]. However, mixed blood will be born if the child is to crossbreed with a different race. The chances of the blessing being inherited will diminish with each successive generation. However, it will still be passed on in a certain number to maintain the population count.

[Apostle of the Goddess of Fertility and Prosperity]

This one allows me to give [Xaneela’s Blessing] on Goddess Xaneela’s behalf, which will increase the health and luck of a pregnant woman to ensure that she will have a safe delivery. Any pregnant woman can receive this blessing, even if she is not the one I impregnated. That said, all pregnant women who have received this blessing will be unable to perform any acts that will negatively affect their pregnancy and delivery. Use this with caution.

“And that’s about it. There are also other blessings related to fertility, but you’ll get to that later in your journey.”

“Uhm, to sum it up, once I have children, these children grow up sturdy as they will inherit the blessing, which will increase the world’s population exponentially in the future?”

“Yes, that’s right. Well, it will be a long time before the effects of the blessing start to appear, so you don’t have to worry about it too much. My blessing will also take care of them. As for your task, you only need to have sex with every girl you meet. In fact, that’s all that matters. And the [Divine Skill] will help you with that.”

[Divine Skill] seems to be a skill related to sex, just as Xaneela phrased it as [Sexual Skill].

Usually, using a skill consumes life force or magic power, but this [Divine Skill] is activated with the help of Xaneela’s power, so it can be used without any restrictions and cooldowns.

It’s like I have some kind of divine power as a hidden parameter or something.

And this, too, has several bonuses, like the [Xaneela’s Blessing], which are the following:


To sum it up, this is a [Charm] skill if I were to base it on my world, or is [Aphrodisiac] better? Anyways, this skill makes me and the other party horny and want to desire each other, though certain conditions must be fulfilled for this skill to take effect. The condition changes with skill level. At Lv1, I have to kiss the other party for this to take effect. Lv2 is body contact. The conditions loosen as the skill Lv increases, and in Lv3 and beyond, well, Xaneela said she won’t spoil me the details so that I can look forward to it.

[Divine Acts Assist]

According to the doctrines of the Goddess of Fertility and Prosperity, procreation is treated as a “divine act”. This means that when you’re in front of someone you’ve “fascinated” and get hard after that, this skill will activate to assist us in communing, like adjusting my penis size to the optimum level to provide the greatest pleasure to my partner and something like that. She said this is necessary, as I will not only have sex with Humans but with other races as well. For example, humans and halflings have different body and vagina sizes. With the assistance of this skill, it will adjust the size of our genitals to the size that is most comfortable for us. This skill will also help us feel several times more pleasure than normal sex. This skill is amazing, in one way or another.


This is a skill that will help me regenerate the stamina I have lost during sex. It can also recover life force and magic power on higher skill levels.


What is its difference from recovery, you might ask? Well, this is the ability to create anew what was lost in your body. And as the level goes up, the regeneration scope and speed would also increase, or so I was told. By the way, the regeneration scope for Lv1 is “Bodily fluids”. In short, it is semen. In other words, thanks to this, it is now possible for me to do an unlimited of shots. I told Xaneela, “Isn’t it a bit redundant to have this, especially now that it would only take one shot of my load for a woman to get pregnant? I mean, what’s the purpose of doing it again with that same woman?” but I was told that this was a “reward” of some sorts, and I would realize its significance later.

Then again, having [Recovery] and [Regeneration] always activated without consuming magic power is overpowered in itself, so I cannot complain.

Let’s work hard to raise their skill levels.

“Well, to sum it up, I crammed up all the skills that are convenient in procreation, all in one skill.”

“Yeah, I can see that. And the more I hear about it, the more I think it is too convenient. But still, do you think I’ll do well?”

“You’ll be okay. You already have my blessing and can use the skills I bestowed to you without worrying about the limit. I think that is enough reason for you not to worry. Also, it is not like I will let you go without testing the skills.”

“Testing the skills? You mean….”

“Fufufu… how is it? Care for Round 2? To give a bit of confidence to my newborn knight.”

Xaneela smiled lustrously as she spoke that last line.

When I saw this, my penis became enraged to the point of almost bursting into a frenzy.

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