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Chapter 1 – Otherworld “Survival”

Yoichi was currently walking through the forest of Jana at a casual pace.

It was a dense forest, with trees which were almost like the sea in which if you walked a few meters and looked back, you would not recognize the scenery.

Despite that, Yoichi wasn’t bothered.

If this was a training exercise, Yoichi could have just walk around the area and defeat the monsters and then use [Return+] to get home.

This time, however, he had other goals in mind. It was another destination: a place east of Home Point 1 that was probably a town.

Of course, if he walked too carelessly, he could end up heading in the wrong direction and reaching the day after tomorrow. If it comes down to it, he could use [Return+] to return to his starting point, but if he did that, he would waste a lot of time, much more delaying the start of his otherworldly adventure.

For this reason, Yoichi kept walking.

It was a casual pace, as if he already knew the right path to take, even though it was the first time he got here.

But the thing is, he already knew it.


The more he used it, the more he was amazed at the richness of its functions.

Yoichi found through continuous use that it could do most things that a modern web search engine could do.

Not only can you search for the information you want to know and get the answer right away, it can also search for images, videos, and even maps in both worlds.

The source of this so-called information was the “Treasury of Knowledge,” which Yoichi thought of like an Akashic Records kind of thing. Together with the divine power of the administrator as its power supply, any information could be viewed from any location as long as Yoichi wills it.

What Yoichi and the administrator who had given him the skill didn’t know —was that this [Appraisal+] is also growing and developing.

Yes, the same protection the administrator had given to Yoichi was repeatedly customizing itself to make it easier for the man to use, and whenever he wished for something to happen to the skill, it would adjust itself in response.

As a result, [Appraisal+] had grown into a skill that could already be called “The Browser of all Things in the Universe”  – with Yoichi’s ethics for privacy, ironically, acting as its safe filter.

Even right now, Yoichi is using the map search function of [Appraisal+] to search for the shortest and easiest route using its navigation system, hence the reason for his walking without hesitation whatsoever.

As per usual, he hunted the demons he encountered, but since his main goal was to get to the town, he ignored the ones which went outside the range of his gun.

About his food, Yoichi had enough to last him for at least a month.

After all, he had been using the [Infinite Storage+] time stop function to store and preserve a large amount of freshly prepared lunch boxes and take-outs from restaurants, so he never has to worry about getting hungry.

However, he also couldn’t help to think of them as emergency rations as despite being many, their stocks won’t be replenished right away. So before eating them, he opted for searching for food in this otherworld in the meantime.

Since he had come all the way to another world, Yoichi thought that he would try his chance to do something survival-like like those survival shows he has seen on TV.

However, he changed his mind quickly on this as his “skills” proved to be too convenient to let go of. It’s just that of too much of an all-around appliance.

The monsters he hunted could be easily dismantled by the [Infinite Storage+]. Not only that, because of its auto-loot function, he could also collect not only their meat but also the plants, nuts, fruits, and mushrooms that grow naturally in the forest, easier than hitting the space bar in an RPG game. He could also use [Appraisal+] to determine whether they are edible or not and whether they taste good.

Because of his, however, he felt more like he was still an industry worker loading raw materials in a chute for processing rather than a survivalist expert, and he was let down.

After half a day of walking, he decided to have a meal.

And because his mood is ruined now for his failure to reenact a survival expert, he couldn’t bother to make a fire by natural means anymore, so he took out a portable cassette stove instead.[1]

Yoichi had already stored a lot of butane gas cylinders before arriving here.

In fact, he even stocked a full-fledged gas stove and several LPG tanks, but he decided not to bring them out at the beginning, as it might ruin the “mood”.

He then took out a cutting board and a knife and cut the meat of the monster appropriately.

It is said in the [Appraisal+] the higher the rank of the monster meat, the tastier it tends to be because of the mana it possessed. For this reason, he used the meat of a one-eyed bear without hesitation.

Yoichi then cut up the mushrooms and wild vegetables he had collected, put them in a colander, then washed them in water using a water tank with a faucet that he has also stored with his skill.

It was needless to say that Yoichi has also bought plenty of water tanks in him.

All that was left to do was grill them in a frying pan and season them appropriately, and just like that, the side dish was complete.

As for the rice, he bought a commercial rice cooker with a capacity of five cups and cooked it beforehand, then stored the entire cooker at a time stop.

He served himself about two cups of rice in a bowl and quickly put the rice cooker into the [Infinite Storage+] before the rice cooled down even a little.

Then, he took out a thermos bottle of hot tea and placed it in the space where the rice cooker had been.

After stir-frying the meat and vegetables directly from the frying pan, he turned down the heat and picked some of them with his chopsticks, and with the accompaniment of rice, Yoichi shoved them into his mouth with gusto.

“Mmmm~ so delicious!!”

He praised in delight as he savored his first taste of monster meat, otherworldly wild vegetables, and mushrooms. Yoichi refilled his bowl with another two cups of rice after that.

Hence, it was not that long before he has eaten his fill.

“That was incredible.” Picking his teeth with a toothpick, Yoichi rated his meal while mesmerizing at the aftertaste.

After that, he stored the used dishes in the [Infinite Storage+]. And because the said skill has a maintenance function provided, they were immediately cleaned, no more providing the need to wash them manually.

(Damn, I ruined the otherworld survival atmosphere once again.)

What he imagined as a survival plan was transformed into an outdoor camping. Nevertheless, Yoichi was satisfied.

After another half day of walking, the sun reached the other horizon, signaling Yoichi to hit the bed.

Yoichi had prepared several types of tents before this, but since he was in the middle of a forest, he decided to use a tree tent for now, which is a type of tent fixed aboveground like a hammock suspended with ropes between the trees.

Yoichi had never pitched a tent outdoors before, so it was only to his surprise how it was surprisingly easy to set up.

“Now that’s set up, let’s wash. I have no need to shower yet, but at least it’s okay to wash my hands, feet, and face, right?” So Yoichi reasoned out to himself as he pulled out a portable water tank with a pump. This water tank is unique as it has a showerhead attached to the end of the hose.

By pumping the lever on the tank up and down, the air pressure inside the tank gets increased. That increased air pressure is then used to release the water inside the tank.[2]

By the way, Yoichi has set the water temperature to about 40 degrees Celsius beforehand, a temperature he felt good to shower.

“Heave, ho. Heave, ho.”

Pumping the lever with a grunt repeatedly, he felt resistance on his hand gradually getting stronger.

It’s almost like inflating a bicycle tire, but harder.

“Okay, that’s about right.”

When Yoichi felt that the pressure had increased to some extent, he picked up the shower nozzle and pulled the trigger to test it.


The water blasted with more pressure than he expected.

“That feels nice.”

He then praised as he wetted his hands and feet with warm water. Whenever the water slows down, he’ll just pump air on it once again to increase the pressure.

After that, he took a foaming cleanser out and used it to wash his face, hands, and feet.

He didn’t bring any hand soap/body soap with him because he figured if he could use it for his face, why not use it for the whole body too?

After he has refreshed himself, Yoichi entered the tent.

Of course, with shoes already taken off.

After entering, he also removed his gear, took off his clothes, and changed his underwear. He then stored them in his [Infinite Storage+].

This way, he won’t be needing to wash them since clothes and underwear would automatically get cleaned once he used the maintenance function of the [Infinite Storage+].

Grabbing and wearing his clothes once again, except for his underwear in which he changed for a new one despite the previous being already clean, he also put on his stab-proof hoodie and other protective equipment, minus the protector.

After all, he was still in the forest of an alien world infested with monsters, so he can’t be too defenseless and sleep only in sleepwear.

After setting his [Appraisal+] to warn him if there’s a monster or a person with harmful intentions approaching within a 100-meter radius, Yoichi got into his sleeping bag.

Yoichi’s skill had grown to a point where even he thought whether he should look up the meaning of the word “appraisal” in the dictionary once again, but since there was no point in worrying about it at this moment, he didn’t bother. After all, the topic was too convenient to be regarded as a problem.

After a while, morning sunshine woke his eyes.

Without being disturbed by anyone, Yoichi was able to start his day in peace and was able to finish his breakfast with a sandwich and coffee he had bought in advance from a convenience store.

After eating his fill, he pulled out a trash can and store the wrappers and the cup inside, intending to be taken out on trash day once he goes back to Earth.

Even though it’s a different world, Yoichi does not intend to pollute the forest. And as a model Japanese spectator, he had the common sense to keep the forest cleaner than it was when he first arrived.

After dismantling and storing the tent, Yoichi walked through the forest toward the direction of the town again.

If all went well, he should be able to get out of the forest tomorrow.

He walked until around mid-day, but by the time he was about to have lunch, [Appraisal+] told him that there was someone in the vicinity.

He had set it to notify him when there were people within a 100-meter radius, hoping to have a chance to make contact with the locals, and now it seemed to have responded.

Although it was a little off the route, Yoichi decided to head there with caution. He walked carefully, hiding in the shade of the trees so as not to make any noise.

Eventually, he was able to see four figures.

Other people were lying on the ground, but they did not respond to the [Appraisal+] search.

I tried to [Appraise] one of the fallen people only to find out they were dead.

(Yikes, a dead body……)

While feeling a bit creeped out by the number of corpses lying around haphazardly, Yoichi turned his attention to the four people who were still alive.

A man in light metal armor was standing at the center of his vision, and a man in a robe was sitting a little further away. A man wearing what appeared to be leather armor was kneeling, and in front of him was a woman wearing armor around her shoulders, lying on her back.

(Hey, that’s kind of bad, isn’t it?)

No matter how you look at it, this is a situation where a woman is about to be raped.

Much more, the man is trying to rape a woman while dead bodies are lying around them, and with two men watching from the sidelines.

(Regardless of the circumstances, shouldn’t I help them? No, wait. What if the corpse is one of the victims, and the woman is some kind of murderer, and since they were finally able to restrain her, they decided to return the favor or something of the like……)

While thinking of a situation that seemed unlikely at first, Yoichi used [Appraisal+] to check the men’s background and their actions and thoughts over the past few minutes.

Some unfamiliar proper nouns appeared here and there, like Count this and noble that, but overall, he immediately knew that the woman was not at fault and that the men were scum, so he decided to help her before it was too late.

(Now, how do I get in to help? Fortunately, they hadn’t noticed me yet.)

So the safest thing to do would be to surprise them and kill them before they notice.

(But I’m not sure if I can kill a person even if I can kill a monster……Okay, let’s go with the spirit of the ‘Talk to make them Understand’ Strategy. If it turns sour, I can just run away with [Return +].)

And so, after donning his cloak, Yoichi decided to call out to the four with a non-hostile gesture while unarmed and started walking towards them.

“Um, excuse me…….”


The three men turned around as if startled by Yoichi’s voice.

The man in the robe hurriedly stood up, the man in the light armor quickly readied his sword, and the man in the leather armor immediately went his hands on his hip, drew his dagger, and threw it towards Yoichi.

But with a slightly DONG sound, the knife was flipped by a transparent shield which came out of the blue before the man.

The moment the man in leather armor noticed Yoichi, Yoichi immediately confirmed his intention to attack with [Appraisal+], so he took out the polycarbonate circular shield from [Infinite Storage+] and face it against the approaching dagger in chance timing.

(Fuuh, that was close. Thank goodness I practiced.)

“Oh, So you have [Storage], huh.?”

The man in light armor spoke with admiration as he held up his sword.

“Oh, yeah, that’ll come in handy. Hey, if it’s a magic tool, leave it. If it’s a skill, stay where you are.”

The man in the leather armor threw out words that were probably directed at Yoichi in the second half, but the man in the robe interrupted him.

“There was no flow of magic power peculiar to magic tools. Maybe it’s a skill.”

“Hey, didn’t you hear what I just said?”

Yoichi ignored the words and turned his gaze to the man in light armor.

“I am asking you here, Mister Derrick Melner.”

The following sentence of Yoichi made the man in the light armor to jolt in surprise.

“Y-you, where did you……?”

“That’s more like a question for me.”

“What do you me- “

“I know who you are, but I want to know what you’re doing here. While at it, I was also curious why Mister Farrell here, the eldest son of the Viscount Mead House, a famous family of mages, was doing in the depths of the forest with an “unresisting” woman. Can you care to enlighten me?”

This time, it was the man in the robe who looked up in surprise.

”From what I have gathered, it was a certain small-time villain called “Genber” who accepted Count Colborne’s Request through the steward of Viscount Belajir’s house. I was prepared to meet and take care of this “Genber” but to my surprise, I found you guys together with such a man. So, mind explaining why are the next Baron Derrick Melner, who is soon to join the knights of the Royal Capital, and the next Viscount Farell Mead, who has a promising future as a court mage, also here?”

The face of the man in the robe called Farrell and the man in the light armor called Derrick immediately turned blue.

“Hey, what’s with all the gabbling? Just get rid of him. I’m busy taking care of this woman myself.” The man in trashy leather armor, Genber, finally spoke in irritation. He has been restraining himself because of the sudden intruder, but the effects of the aphrodisiac made him unable to resist, and he tried to push his hips forward.

“Are you sure about that? If you do that, you won’t be able to ever get back to your usual life.”

At these words, Derrick hurriedly stopped and grabbed Genber by the shoulders.

“Hey, what the fuck are you-“

Ignoring Genber’s protests, Derrick flipped the man over with force and stomped on his chest.

Now, he looked like an upside-down turtle being held by its shell.

“Guaaah! Y-you, have you lost your mind!? Why don’t you just get rid of that guy? I know you guys don’t want to get caught, but if you don’t…….”

Realizing they could also do that, Farrell and Derrick looked at each other and nodded.

Just in case, while lightly stepping on Genber, Derrick held his sword at the ready as a warning, and Farrell held up his hand to use his magic.

“Oh? are you sure you want to listen to a crazed man like that? All in his head is just wanting to fuck that woman.”

Before this, Yoichi had already confirmed that Genber was already ruined in the head by the aphrodisiac, so he had narrowed down his persuasion to Farrell and Derrick instead.

“Did you think I found out all of this on my own? Too naïve. If I don’t come back in a while…… “they” will assume that your plan has already been carried out.”

At those words, Farrell and Derrick hesitated.

”Oh, by the way, Derrick’s little girl, Milia, will be ten years old this year, right? Suppose it becomes known that her father is a man who behaves violently like this, cooperating in piling up a helpless woman in a group. Don’t you think it will be very uncomfortable for her to attend the children’s school she will start next year? No, there might even occur some specific harassment, you know? Like the one that is about to happen to that woman over there.“


“Is everything all right, Mr. Farrell? I’ve heard that Count Ozrud, the father of your fiancée, Ms. Orthans, is an honorable man. Even though she is the fourth daughter, she is still the daughter of a countess. If she deemed you unsuitable for marriage and your engagement is annulled, I wonder what will happen to the Viscount’s Mead family in the future? Oh, it’ll be okay because you have an excellent younger brother after all! More excellent than you, in fact.”


Right now, Yoichi is using his [Appraisal+] in full throttle.

Finding out the background and upbringing of the other party, then gathering enough materials for negotiation, and after that using them to persuade his ‘clients’ sincerely.

This was Yoichi’s idea of “talk to make them understand” strategy.

“I’ll take the woman into custody. Now that “the two of you have narrowly stopped that crazy little scoundrel Genber from doing his evil deed,” I want you to capture him and take him away. Let’s end this matter with that, shall we?”

“Y-Yes, that’s right.”

“H-he is indeed a crazy one…….”

Derreck and Farrell sound convinced of Yoichi’s negotiation.

“Fuck you! You’ve got to be kidding me! Get that leg out of the way! Hurry up so I can put it in on the princess knight!”

But Genber just screamed at them for a whole different reason, his cock still hard and leaking a cloudy white liquid from the tip.

He’s so lost in penetrating the woman that he doesn’t even realize he’s being sold out by his friends to save their own hides.

Realizing that the aphrodisiac is working too well, Farrell and Derrick calmed themselves down.

They took their chances.

Farrell crouched down towards the flailing Genber and poked him in the head with the short, branch-like cane he had at his hip.

On the next, Genber became as quiet as a mouse and closed his eyes.

Genber has fainted.

It seemed that he had used magic to make him fall into a coma.

However, the thing between his legs still stood strong, and semen continued to leak out little by little every time Genber twitched.

“W-well then w-we’ll be leaving now…….”

“Pl-please give my regards to everyone.”

After bowing to Yoichi with a blatant sucking up expression on their blue faces, Farrell and Derrick carried the unconscious Genber, wrapped him up in a robe that’s on their shoulders, and hurriedly scampered away.

“Fuuh……somehow I managed to get through…….”

Yoichi let out a deep breath, but then he remembered that there’s still one other person remaining and immediately turned his head around.

Yoichi had investigated the men in detail, but he hadn’t done any research on this “princess knight” who seemed to be the victim.

He had set it up so that her personal information would be withheld as much as possible when investigating the men.

(This is……)

Nevertheless, he couldn’t help but gasp when he saw the princess knight.

The way she was dressed, with her breasts bared and her private parts exposed, Yoichi felt his son react in a big way.

(I’m sorry……! But what an erotic outfit……)

The nipples at the tips of her huge white breasts were erect, and her exposed private parts were overflowing with love juices.

It was a woman with beautiful silver hair.

And it was also the most beautiful woman Yoichi has ever seen up to this date.

However, that same woman was currently breathing hard and staring at Yoichi with a hollow gaze, as if she had already lost her will.

Translator Notes:

[1]. Portable Cassette Stove. Uses Butane canisters and is very light, actually. The downside is it’s very inconvenient as the flames are too weak. Took me 2 hours and several wasted cylinders to pan-grill a batch of thinly sliced steak in full throttle.↰

[2]. Portable Water Tank with Pump. Not really big for a tank, though. This is a 2-gallon version.↰

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