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Chapter 15 – Starting with a Shower

After stripping completely naked, the two immediately entered the bath.

And when a man and a woman enter a bathtub that is only wide enough for one adult to stretch out, they will naturally end up in close contact.

This was a unique pleasure that can only be experienced in a business hotel, and was absent in love hotels.

“I want to do it as soon as possible, so let’s finish the shower fast.”

Yoichi suggested, hoping to finish in the shortest time possible and let Akari rest longer.

Akari nodded lightly when she heard it.

Then, after wetting each other’s bodies, they went out of the shower, then proceeded to the washing area of the bathroom.[1]

“Please let me give your back a quick wash.”

Akari then took the body soap she had on hand and applied it to the area between her breasts, lathering it up and applying it to the entire front half of her body.

“Please turn around now.”

When Yoichi turned his back to Akari as he had been told, she clung tightly to his back.

He could feel the softness of her two mounds pressing against his back.

Akari then moved to rub her whole body, washing Yoichi’s rear with her breasts and belly.

The soft, warm touch of Akari and the slippery friction of the soap brought an indescribable feeling of pleasure to Yoichi.

It was not only that. Akari also scooped up the body soap from her own body and began to stroke Yoichi’s chest with her hands.


She washed him carefully, especially around his nipples, and he couldn’t help but groan.

“Wait, that tickles……”

After washing his chest and stomach, Akari then started washing his armpits.

And finally, the hands reached Yoichi’s crotch.


Akari carefully washed his cock, which was already stiff and throbbing.

It’s not only the stick, but also his balls were washed, and even his anus.

“Wait, that place is……”

When Yoichi’s anus was stimulated with a finger, he let out a yelp, but Akari didn’t even break her expression.

After that, his arms and legs were quickly washed, and he was made to face forward.

“Uhm, would you like to wash me here as well?”

Akari looks down at her crotch.

As for the girl’s genitals, Akari leaves it up to the customers to decide if and how much they should be washed, since there are two types of customers: those who prefer it to be washed and cleaned, and those who prefer not to be washed so that they’ll still have a little feminine smell left on them.

Yoichi put his own hand on Akari’s crotch, feeling a little nervous, as there were still bubbles of body soap on her body, which flowed downward and gathered around her crotch.

He could feel the soft flesh and the wet insides as he cupped it with his hand.

Yoichi began to wash the crack, gently stroking it.


Akari’s facial expressions and reactions were lacking, but she didn’t seem to be totally insensitive to pleasure.

Since she hadn’t reacted much before, seeing Akari’s reaction to the slightest touch on her genitals made Yoichi very excited.

After lightly washing the area around her part, Yoichi then put a finger inside Akari’s crack. His finger slid in smoothly, but the sensation was clearly different from that of the body soap foam.


Akari’s body trembled in response to the movement of the shallowly inserted finger. She folded her hands in front of her chest, seemingly enduring the pleasure that made her squirm.

If Akari was in perfect physical condition, Yoichi would have enjoyed some more foreplay with her and then have a shot here.


When he stopped washing her genitals, Yoichi looked at Akari, only to disappoint himself as he could not see much expression on her face.

“It’s about time we go out.”


They both took another shower and washed off the lather that remained on their bodies.

Although she tried to keep the shower away from her face as possible, Akari was shorter than Yoichi, so the water still hit her face and head, thus making her hair become a little wet.

Thankfully, the unit provided extra bath towels.

The first one was free of charge, but the additional towels were 100 yen each.

If it was a typical business hotel, it would be free of charge no matter how many you request, but this place seemed to get a lot of requests for extra bath towels, so it has begun to charge per piece.

Yoichi was told to bring two towels if possible, but he asked them to add one more extra towel just in case, so now, adding the complementary towel, there were now four bath towels in the room.

Yoichi was also told that he could borrow an extra bathrobe for 100 yen, so he did so as well.

They picked up the bath towels and wiped each other’s bodies.

Yoichi, in particular, carefully wiped off as much water as he could from Akari’s body.

When Akari tried to wrap the towel around her body, he handed her a new one.

“It’s okay, it’s okay. I already paid the extra, so feel free to use it.”

“……thank you.”

Yoichi then wrapped his used bath towel around his waist and left the bathroom with Akari. As he had turned up the heat a little and also turned on the humidifier beforehand, there should be no difference now in temperature between the bathroom and the bedroom.

After leaving the bathroom, Yoichi urged Akari to sit down on the bed.

“You want me to dry your hair?”

“Yeah……ah, no, I can do it myself.”

“It’s okay. It’s no good if you catch a cold.”

Well, you already had the flu, not just a cold.

It would be awful if the symptoms progressed by leaving her hair wet, so Yoichi thought he should do what he could while at it and prepared the hairdryer in the room.


Akari was about to take the hairdryer from Yoichi, but Yoichi stopped her and turned on the warm air of the dryer while combing her hair.

Akari looked somewhat uncomfortable, but he didn’t care and went on drying her hair. Since she hadn’t washed her hair, it wasn’t too wet, and it dried quickly around the roots.

There was still a bit of moisture at the ends, but it didn’t have to be that perfect.

“Uhm……Thank you.”

After putting the hairdryer away, Yoichi sat down next to Akari.

The service consisted of kissing, full-body licking, hand job, blow job, and intercrural sex.

There was no insertion.

”Then, can I kiss you?”

He wanted to start right away, but Akari had put on her glasses before he managed to say it, and because she was quite beautiful in them, she let her wear them before requesting to kiss her.

And as she heard Yoichi’s request, Akari nodded silently, then wrapped her hands around Yoichi’s neck and brought her face close to his.

After their lips touched, they stuck out their tongues and intertwined them with each other.

And despite her attitude up to this point, Akari’s kisses were intense. Yoichi couldn’t help but close his eyes as Akari sought his tongue with all her might.

After a few minutes of intense loving kisses, Yoichi put his hand on Akari’s shoulder and lightly pushed her to end the kiss.


Akari’s mouth was half open, and her tongue was sticking out a little when they separated, and she looked somewhat in regret about the kiss that was brought to a halt.

“What do you want to do next, sir?”

“Let’s see. If it’s not bothering you. Can I ask you for a rubbing with your bare crotch?”

“Okay. Please lay a bath towel under your body and lie on your back.”

Yoichi prepared an unused bath towel and laid it on the bed, in addition to the one wrapped around his waist, probably to keep the mattress clean.

He sat down on it, still with the bath towel wrapped around his waist, then laid down on his back.

“Are you ready, Sir? If so, I’ll start now.”

Akari then unwrapped the bath towel around her body, and her beautiful nakedness appeared once more.

Translator Notes:

[1]. The usual Japanese modern bathrooms have wider designs, for sanitary purposes as well as the influence of their culture. However, “wider” doesn’t mean you can fit two persons side by side with arms spread out.

Below is the common bathroom layout.

And this is the typical Japanese bathroom layout.

It consists of the bathtub and washing area (the space before the bathtub, usually where you wash your body before dipping in the tub, like what you do before submerging yourself in a pool at a resort), the datsuiba or the changing room (middle portion) where it was described as “transition space between the watery works of the bath and the dry world of the house”, and of course, the toilet. The datsuiba and toilets may get combined in some places, but the shower area and the tub IS NOT. Never.

Here is a wider ‘design I grabbed on the net that has the washing area accompanied by a shower and a stool. (Using a stool is a must when cleaning to avoid slipping and causing injuries if you slip, especially if you’re lathering soap and doing other stuff like soap plays (foreplays in showers and the like).

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