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Chapter 14 – To Change or Not to Change?

Yoichi opened the door and invited the girl in.

She was about 155 centimeters tall, slender and slim, and from her current looks, her breasts were probably not that big.

She wore a cardigan over a white shirt, a dark blue skirt that covered her knees, and black tights.

On her arm, she was holding a coat that she must have worn outside.

Of course, her hair was black, and she had it in a beautiful, shiny, straight, and short bob. Her black-rimmed, slightly large glasses were a distinctive feature as she wore them on her face.

She wouldn’t attract much attention on the street, but you could see that she was quite beautiful if you looked closely.

“Thank you for choosing me. My name is Akari.”

She had a beautiful and pleasant voice, just as she looked. Her lack of facial expression and intonation may not be to everyone’s taste, but to Yoichi, it was his favorite.

If this is what Yoichi is aiming for, then she must be a very talented girl.

Incidentally, he left it to the bartender to decide who to pick.

This time, he didn’t use [Appraisal+] to scrutinize the information, and he didn’t check her appearance on the photo either.

The barman seemed trustworthy, so he thought it would be a good idea to test his abilities on eyeing people, and at the same time, he also wanted to enjoy the tension of not knowing who will come.

Apparently, the image of what he had received from the bartender was aligned to his mind.

When Yoichi saw the innocent-looking beauty who showed up without any prior information, he was so happy that he had to take a pause.

He led her to the back of the room, and they sat down on the bed side by side.

They will now have a short conversation from there, and if everything was okay, they would start ‘playing.’

If he didn’t like her, he could still change his mind.

As for Yoichi, he had no intention of changing, but just in case, he decided to give her an [Appraisal+].

“Thank you for choosing me today. If it’s all right with you, I’d like you to choose a course.”

Akari began to speak fluently and politely about the course, the content of the plays, and the price, but Yoichi didn’t even get half of what she said into his head.

He looked at Akari with a slightly stunned expression.

“Uhm……is there something wrong? Perhaps, you don’t like me?”

“Oh, no. Not at all.”

“Is that so……but if you want to change, please feel free to tell me right away.”

Akari spoke plainly without changing her expression or tone.

(……I wonder what’s going on here.)

As he made up his mind that he would not view unnecessary personal information as a rule, together with his past experiences, Yoichi had become quite proficient in using [Appraisal+].

Now Yoichi was only able to view only the necessary part of the target’s information. However, this backfired today, because as a result of seeing Akari’s information in front of him, he was now a little unsure whether he should continue his play with her or not.


Condition: Sick (Disease Name: Influenza)


When Yoichi did an [Appraisal+] of the status of the potentially infectious diseases among the abnormal conditions, it showed that Akari is currently suffering from the flu.

A more detailed examination of her symptoms revealed that she was infected two days ago and that it has now been 12 hours since the onset of her illness.

(I could already have become a doctor with this…… but now is not the time to be talking about it.)

It’s been 12 hours since the onset of the flu.

If he were to look closely, he would be able to see her cheeks being puffy and her breathing a little hard.

He thought that the blush was a little too much for natural makeup, but if it was due to fever, then it would make sense.

Due to this, however, it is now hard to tell if her lack of facial expression is a character trait or if it’s due to fatigue from the fever.

Thankfully, her body temperature can also be checked using [Appraisal+], and it showed that it’s currently at 36.8 degrees Celsius.

For Yoichi, who has a high average body temperature, it was not even a slight fever, but upon thorough checking, he found out that Akari’s average temperature was at 36.0℃.

(That might make it a little more complicated.)

In addition, it has been 12 hours since the onset of the illness, which means that the symptoms will get worse and worse.

She probably thought she’s only feeling a little lazy when she went to work tonight.

Now it’s getting a little bad, yet still insufficient enough to take a day off.

For Yoichi, he has now two things to consider: his own infection and her own symptoms.

As for the infection, he thought it might be a good idea to try out the effects of [Healthy Body+] and enjoy the play while at it.

(The problem is her symptoms…… Still, it’s a shame to let such a good-looking girl go.)

Plus, If I were to change my mind about Akari, would she go home and rest quietly? No, she would probably go somewhere else and get another customer. If that’s the case, wouldn’t it be better for me to take care of her since I know what’s going on? After all, It was already past midnight……that was what Yoichi was thinking at the moment.

Then, he began a series of calculations in his head.

(If I chose the 180-minute course, it would end at 3 am. Even if the time hadn’t come yet, the symptoms should have progressed over the next three hours, and at that time, it would become difficult for her. However, it would make it more convincing if I can persuade her to rest at that time.)

(Okay, no, change it! I’ll just give her one shot and let her rest for the rest.)

“Um, sir, ……?”

As the angel and the devil conflicted his mind, Akari looked at him with moist cheeks as she tilted her head.

(S-so cute.)

From that point, it was the devil who won. And even the angel agreed.

((Yep, it would be a waste to let this girl go just like that.))

“Oh, sorry, I was just a little taken aback, yeah.”

“I-is that so? Then, have you selected which play you would have? Or would you like a change?”

“Or course I would like to change……NOT! I’d like the 180-minute course.”

“Ah……yes, thank you.”

Akari then calls the store to inform them of the course.

“The staff will be here now, so please ready your payment.”

It seems that the place Akari belongs to has a system where the staff collects the fee instead of paying the girl directly.

Yoichi thought that this was natural for security reasons. Still, for some people,  this idea was unacceptable as they have to have another contact with anyone other than the girl, much more a man.

After a few minutes, there was a knock at the door.

After confirming it was the staff, Yoichi gave him 50,000 yen and told him he didn’t need change. The man gave a friendly smile in return, bowed lightly without saying a word, and then left.

“Well then, let’s start the course, shall we?”

In many places, the count starts after the girl calls the store, but here, the count seems to begin after the payment of the fee.

It’s only a few minutes difference, but it’s already a nice feature for Yoichi.

“Do you want to take a shower together?”

“Yeah, okay.”

Akari nodded silently and began to take off her clothes.

Yoichi took off his own as well.


Akari’s underwear was very plain, the same as her looks.

It was a simple beige design, but she quickly took it off before Yoichi had the time to enjoy its sight.

Despite her unsmiling looks, Akari had a well-proportioned figure.

Her shoulders were narrow, and her long arms and legs were not too thin for her height but moderately fleshy.

Her waist was moderately curvy, and she had a small but shapely ass. Her breasts are firm and probably a B to C cup size.

Her nipples were pale pink, which was not typical for a prostitute.

And she had no hair on her bottom.

(Isn’t her figure perfect?!)

Yoichi couldn’t help but feel his son harden at the sight of her incredible figure, which he couldn’t imagine from the lackluster clothes and face.

Yoichi was already completely naked, and Akari was also looking at him, but her expression did not change.

Underneath her innocent-looking face, she had an erotic body, and yet she still had that indifferent attitude. However, that stirred Yoichi’s lust more.

(Should I have her glasses back?)

Akari had to take off her glasses, of course, as she couldn’t leave them on while taking a shower.

When she wore the glasses, she looked quite beautiful, but she was surprisingly ordinary when she took them off. Of course, she still had above-average looks.

Perhaps she was aware of this, but after taking off her glasses, Akari’s eyes became a little downcast.

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