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The Local Gossip

Chef nodded in satisfaction as he stared at the filled up before him. It was just a simple job posting; Help Wanted, Cashier. With a low enough requirement of High School level Arithmetic, anyone older than the legal age should be able to apply for the job. Even someone with a criminal record could apply for it so long as they have the patience to deal with people. It was perfect really, the problem was, “What the hell am I going to pay them with?”

Hiring someone was easy, the problem was that he really didn’t have any sort of income to pay for them so to speak. “Do I earn enough from the shop to pay them?” He mused out. He does sell a lot in the eight hours he’s open hut is it enough to cover for them?

“I wonder if I could offer them buckets of fruit instead, those always work for my daily expenses…” He mused out as he added in some benefits some benefits after the still blank monthly salary.

As someone that can make food, daily expenses was not something that came to mind that often. Without the need to buy for food, he could just technically live on the streets but food and water just covers part of a mans daily needs. There was still the matter of shelter, access to the net and other necessities. “Fruits are expensive so that might not be a good idea,” he then said.

Paying someone with fruit might raise a few eyebrows… and attract the wrong attention. “Maybe I could just give them the profit for the day? That would certainly make them more motivated,” he mused out as he typed that in. Hovering over the send button, he hesitated, wondering if he really need a cashier.

Thoughts about his future hire would come to a screeching halt as a voice screeching halt as a voice whispered behind his ears, “Looking for a cashier to run your shitty joint? About damn time,” A familiar voice whispered.

Letting out a small manly scream, he whirled around and found his red hooded regular standing behind him as she listlessly chewed on the bagel he had kept aside for her. Resting his hand against his chest, he cursed out, “God damn it Red, I swear you do this on purpose every damn time!” He wasn’t one to hate on surprise but Red had her ways to scare him and she wasn’t even shy as the girls grinned back.

“I try,” She replied all too smugly despite her dead pan tone. Taking another bite, she quickly demolished her bagel as she moved on to the next one in the paper bag.

Shaking his head, he then asked her, “I know you’re a regular and all but can you please not jump over the counter?”

“Make me,” She challenged him, making him groan out in frustration.

“You damn brat,” He groaned out. He hated how much she wanted to mess with him but in the end of the day, it was just all fun and games.This has become their song and dance as Red comes by almost everyday without fail, to get her daily bagels. She gave him the machine to make it and she was making the most out of it.

Staring at the girl, he noticed how tense and agitated she looked. That frown, that adorable pout, and the way she tapped her feet all told him a clear picture. Quirking a brow at her, he then asked, “Something wrong? Your arrived later than usual.” It was either she arrived on time or have some scared looking suit from Arasaka pick it up, rarely late like this.

“Eh, you can say that,” Red shrugged as she crossed her arms and leaned against the counter. Gazing out to the market, she then said, “Just annoyed that I got called for some useless crap. I had to process some egghead cause of a facility of ours got all messed up,”

Nodding, he then replied, “Shouldn’t you avoid talking about work outside in public?” He wasn’t one to pry to the business of others but this sounded of corporate stuff, stuff he really didn’t want to be a part off, “I mean, I could be someone from a rival company for all you know. Better be safe than sorry,” he added. He also rather not have her get in trouble cause of him.

Giving him a once over, the girl just snorted as she replied, “Yeah, I don’t see the problem,” He wasn’t sure if he should take that as a compliment or an insult. Grabbing the remote to his TV, she opened it to the news station as she pointed, “Besides, it’s all over the News right now.”

Pausing, he turned to find a birds eye view of a crater. Upon closer inspection and a quick read on the info given, he came to the quick realization this was all that’s left of a few buildings atop some lonely hill in the Japanese Country side. With all the fire fighters and rescuers on the scene, it looked more like a warzone than a sight of an accident.

“Here we are live on the scene an Arasaka Facility  lay in ruins after a small 5.2 magnitude earthquake rocked Northern Honshu just this evening,” the Nippon Daily news caster reported as images from the ground soon flashed across the scene where Arasaka personals blocked as much of the facility as possible all while rebuffing any questions from the media. “”

For a moment, he was confused why Red was showing him news about Arasaka before the realization hit him, “Wait, you work for Arasaka?” he replied with mild shock. Staring at her outfit, a punkish take of little red riding hood, she looked more like an edgerunner than a corporate worker.

“Yeah, what about it?” She replied as she stared back at him.

“Just taken by surprise, that’s all,” He admitted. It was hard picturing this sassy little girl as someone that works for Arasaka, much less work as part of a security detail. Scratching his chin, he recalled the times that she talked whenever the topic of Arasaka comes about. “t’s just you seemed pissed about them most of the time. Thought you were a Solo or something,” he then told her. ‘

The girl let out a hollow chuckle as she explained to him, “Kid, there’s a difference between working with your boss and liking your boss. Those two can be mutually exclusive from each other.”

He nodded in response, “Fair enough,” before he turned back to the news, watching in mild horror and fascination as rescue efforts continued from the ruined sight. “It’s a pretty big accident if they can’t hide it huh?” He noted as the camera crew managed to take a quick peak inside a facility where a green coffin was being carried away just before the feed cuts off.

“Tell me about it,” the diminutive girl gritted out as she reached up and pinched the bridge of her nose, “Got my boss’s panties all twisted up. Now I have so many more assholes to watch over.”

“I can only imagine,” He replied as he gave her a comforting pat on the shoulder. The girl gave him a glare for that but thankfully, she did not pull her gun out at him. Pulling back, he briefly considered the possibility before he offered, “Well there’s a job opening here so maybe you can consider jumping ship…?”

There was a pause as the girl just looked at him before she let out a hallow laugh, “Haha, very funny chef,” Glancing over to Arasaka’s tower, she then continued, “But the answer is no. I hate my boss but I like my work. I have all the targets I can ever want.”  Watching that creepy smile stretch across his face sent shivers down his spine. Well, now he realized why she worked in security.

“I can respect that,” He replied, raising a hand in surrender. That bloodthirsty grin was not putting him at ease. Thankfully, it would go away as her eyes lit up.

Scowling, she cursed out, “Damn it,” Scarfing down the bagel she had on hand, she then tucked the bag under her arms as she excused herself, “Just when I had time to try today’s special, work has to come knocking. Just my luck.” she muttered angrily as she hopped over the counter.

“Good luck with that!” He told her as he gathered the ingredients for today’s special or rather took the preprepared ingredients out of the fridge. The marinated meat swimming in his special blend of sauces was all too ready for the grill he had readied, “If you can drop by later, I’m sure I could save some for you!”

“I’ll probably be busy for the rest of the day so don’t bother,” She waved him off as she headed straight for the exist. Just as she was about to run off, she then paused. Turning to him, she then told him, “Oh yeah, better go home early today. You don’t want to be caught out in the dark, trust me.”

“I’ll keep that in mind…” He replied, mystified by her warning. Watching her run off, he wondered what that was all about. He then shrugged as he turned his attention back to his add. He still had some people to hire and with how fast information spread on the net, maybe he could get an applicant today as well!


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