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Help, Wanted

The Arasaka Northern Honshu Research and Development Facility, one of the most heavily fortified and well secured compound in the entire world, was cracked open by a large explosion. The once unremarkable snow covered hill was now a gaping open maw as harsh claxons and gunfire filled the air. Black soot rained down upon the ground as a towering cloud of acrid smoke rose up to the dark overcast sky above.

It was a scene of utter chaos as people, both workers and researchers alike, ran in confusion all while Soldiers streamed in trying desperately to get into the facility. The once indomitable facility, the impenetrable fortress that held Arasaka’s darkest and most secretive experiments was compromised.

It was not an invading force that would finally crack the walls of this facility for no mortal force could pry its defense open, but rather it was something of Arasaka’s own creation, one made in the very bowels of the facility that would bring the facility crumbling down.

Huge chunks of debris started to float up in the air before they were slammed down upon the earth, shaking the already crumbling facility. Men and machine alike were tossed around as the smoke whirled into a billowing column of roiling wind and stone. For all the defenses it had, not once had its makers considered an attack from within. Now, Arasaka pays a hefty price as it struggled to take back its facility.

Amidst the chaos, a group of researchers were herded along to the helipad where an Aerodyne was primed and ready for them. “You fool! I told you that Project Green was far too volatile!” One of them shouted as they jostled and argued amongst themselves, “We should have kept them locked up, in fact, we should have added a kill switch just for this scenario!”

“And waste countless hours by killing the one subject we produced?” Another, more senior looking researcher argued back as they clutched their briefcase close to their chest; it was all they could save from the all but doomed facility, “Besides, it was a mere miscalculation. We simply did not account for their emotional state at the time.”

“A miscalculation you caused!” Another much younger researcher spat out before an explosion cut them off. Cowering from the fire ball as it rose up into the air, he then turned back with renewed fury as he screamed out, “You forced us to socialize Project Green and Red together, now we have a problem at our hands!”

“A problem you caused by separating the two!” the elderly researcher fired back. Their bickering however would only earn them the ire of their guards as one of them finally snapped.

Firing a shot in the air, the lead guard cut the two off as they turned to him in shock and fear. Staring at them through his featureless mask, the man barked at them, “Knock it off!”

Scolded, they finally settled down. Growling, the man then swore, “I swear if the Emperor didn’t ask for you eggheads to get rescuee, we would have left you in their with the problems you lot made!” Pointing at the Aerodyne just ahead, he then ordered, “Now get in the Aerodyne or by the gods, I’m going to lose it!”

The two were left red faced and shamed as the man left them, hoping into the transport without a second of hesitation. “We already lost enough from the face snatcher and the psychic so if you want to stay here and be her next meal or get murder blend, then be my guest!” The man shouted as he gestured at the driver.

As the aerodyne’s engine wind up, the researchers scrambled for the craft. “We’re going to keep you guys at Night City so buckle up, it’ll be a long ride,” Their guards told them, “And hey, if you guys behave well enough, maybe we could drop by to get you some snacks.”

This immediately lightened the mood as the researchers nodded amongst themselves. “My brother over there keeps talking about some Bagels from this one shop…” The guard talked on, keeping them all busy as the aerodyne flew off from the scene.

Unbeknownst to them, underneath the undercarriage of their ride was someone hitching a ride. Project Red’s bloody clawed hands dug into the hard metal as Project Green gave them all the distraction in the world. “I’ll comeback for you, I promise,” She whispered as Project Red endured the cold thin air of the Northern Pacific.


While chaos descended upon the Arasaka Research Facility, a similar chaotic mess descended upon a certain shop in the Cherry Blossom Market. While not faced by a disaster brought about by one own hubris, a certain cook found himself facing an equally destructive force; demanding customers.

“Two Dozen Everything Bagel on the go!” A customer shouted as the shouts of people in the line almost drowned them. It was another busy morning and he was faced with the rush hour crowd that wanted their morning meal before the start of the day.

“Two Dozen coming right up!” Chef scrambled to fulfill the relentless and never ending line. It was exhausting, juggling orders and making Bagels on the go but he was managing… barely. Tossing them the bag, he moved on to the next. One order down, a dozen more took its place.

Eventually, he would run out and he sighed out in relief. “We’re all out folks!” He announced to the crowd and he was met with disappointed moans as they filtered out of the store. Finally, he could have some rest as he plopped down on his seat.

“The line just keeps getting longer everyday, I swear,” Rebecca muttered as she slipped inside the shop, “I just went out to get check Christine’s ware and the next thing I know, I couldn’t get back in the shop!” She complained with a pout.

“Found anything good?” He asked as he wiped the counter. There were still some left over though and best to clean it now before it hardened to annoying, moldy crust.

“Nah, just the same old components,” Rebecca replied as she plopped down on one of the seats. Crossing her arms behind the back of her head, she then leaned back, “But seriously, you’re way too overworked,” She then pointed out, “You’re a one man crew. Have you considered actually hiring someone?”

“I have actually but kinda busy?” He replied. He hasn’t found time to make some posters and get things done with all the stuff he needed to do.

“See?” Rebecca replied, “You need a cashier or something. A face for the operation if you will,” she mused out loud.

“Did somebody say they need a job?” a familiar southern voice asked as Yang walked in the store. He waved at the girl as Rebecca scowled at them. “But nah, not really my thing. I’m more of an action type gal,” She replied as she sat down besides Rebecca. Yang has become one of his regulars, dropping by from time to time much to his output’s displeasure. They’ll probably get along eventually… he hoped?

Wiping the rest of the front desk dry, he then went over the sink to squeeze his towel dry. “I take that you’re not getting any jobs then huh?” This had the girl sulking as she slumped against the table.

“You can say that,” Yang sighed out as she tipped her hat forward, “Every job I found need a crew and I’m just a gal all out of luck,” He could only shake his head in dismay. Even Rebecca couldn’t help but give the girl a pat on the back. He found that the girl could get incredibly unlucky at times, no wonder she hang around his shop a lot.

Humming, he then suggested, “Say Rebecca, isn’t Maine looking for someone in your crew?”

Rebecca quirked a brow back as she replied, “Yeah… wait, wait wait!” She then shouted, raising her hands up, “Are you seriously suggesting I take her in?!” She pointed at Yang who perked up at the mention of Maine’s crew.

“I mean, why not?” He replied, “Maine got his shiny new chrome and is looking to expand and you got right here someone looking for a crew? It’s perfect!”  

“Yes but-!” Rebecca blabbered as she found herself looking all conflicted before Yang cut her off. His girl let out a cute squeak as Yang clasped her hands and got down to her knees, “W-wait! I, We don’t!” she stammered, getting all red faced as she does so.

“Oh please Miss Rebecca, give me a shot!” Yang begged, “I can shot as well as I can punch! Just give me something Miss Rebecca, anything! I can’t go back to my tribe empty handed! Please!” The girl pleaded, making Rebecca rear back in surprise.

“Come on Bee, can you give her a chance?” He asked with a smile, hoping she listened. Maybe it was his charm, or maybe it was Yang’s but all resistance in Rebecca’s eyes melted away as she let out a sigh.

“Fine,” She reluctantly replied before growling, “But you have one shot! Mess this up for me and I swear I’ll use your breast as my stress balls!” She threatened with a glare. That would prove to be ineffective as his girl would find herself enveloped in a tight hug from the cowgirl.

“Oh thank you, thank you, thank you!” The blonde thanked Rebecca profusely all the while Rebecca struggled against her. He laughed as Rebecca got herself a face full of the girls chest. As Rebecca slipped up the girls grasp, he gave her a shit eating grin and a thumbs up. His input in response gave him a baleful glare. It was well worth it though.

“Well, while you two sort things out,” He then said as he took out an electronic pad and a pen, “I’m going to make a job posting,” If Maine’s crew was going to get themselves a new person in the group, maybe it’s a good idea to get himself some help as well. At the very least, it’ll help him get some more free time to actually cook.


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