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Commissions are opened up for next month. As it had been a year or so since I started writing, rates will be adjusted for inflation. Rates moving on forward will be 1.5 USD per 100 words. It will take some time before I get to do the commissions however as there is the matter of sorting through the wait list to check if people are still interested.

The schedule of current works shouldn't be affected too much. The voted works will have priority but commissions will take up some time. Rest assured that I will not neglect what you guys wants to read every month. 

Moving on to Benefit Adjustment. The words per person for higher tier patrons will be adjusted but only for new patrons moving on forward. All patrons will have their current benefits grandfathered so long as they keep their current rates. There will be consideration if IRL matters requires patron to pause their subscription as IRL is still more important.

As always, I'll go back to writing :V... actually, I really should go post some of the Beta'd stuff already lol...


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