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A Not So Forgettable Meal

Saburo cocked a brow as he stared at the long line that stretched out from the Market. For such a humble store that occupied the less traveled part of the market, it certainly drew in quite a crowd. From normal blue collar workers in their rugged overalls to finely dressed suits from his company, all of them stood in line to grab a bite. For a shop to have such a draw, Saburo couldn’t help but be mildly impressed.

“You say today’s meal is Udon?” He asked as he leaned back into the plush seat of his aerodyne. Trailing down below him was his entourage as they cleared the road for his landing.

“Yes Father, specifically Sutamina Udon,” Hanako replied as she pulled up her tablet to show him the dish for the day; a bowl of thick noodles bathed in a dark broth filled to the brim with a selection of hearty ingredients.

“A fine choice for the cook,” He remarked, “It is certainly a hearty meal to fill the stomach after a long day of work but I still do not see why the long line,” He commented as short jolt rocked his seat. With a hiss, the door to his side opened as his guards stood in attention.

“I believe, father, that people simply flock to the store due to how cheap the dishes are,” Hanako replied as she helped him off the aerodyne. He grimaced as the aches of his joints bothered him once more. His age really was getting to him.

“Hah, that certainly explains things,” He replied as one of his guard handed him his cane. Nothing truly beats a fare that was both cheap and delicious. Truly, humans never change.

Hobbling along, both he and his daughter made their way past the line. Some of the commoners pointed at him and whispered, with some reaching for their weapons but it only smile. Such false bravado they display, truly the citizens of this wretched city never failed to amuse him.

It wouldn’t take both of them long before they arrived at the entrance to the fabled store. With the leer of the kitsune staring back at him and the symbol of the former colony held in her arms, he found himself perplexed. Was… this shop Korean or is this more of a marketing move?

There were certainly a dozen different elements from all over. From Christian Imagery in the murals nearby to the the harsh neon colors that exemplified the red light district city all the way to a banner made from a mechanized bulls skull pierced by swords with the flag of the old enemy hanging beneath. The shop was more of a hodgepodge rather than what the name implied.

“Curious,” he whispered as he watched people from all walks of life talking and chatting while they eat in the random assortment of seats around.

As he approached the beginning of the line, a short fire brand of a girl came marching out of the establishment. “Oyy! Don’t you see there’s a line?” She spat out as she slung her oversized gun over her shoulder. This caught him entirely by surprise as he found himself at a loss for words and so to did the rest of the people in the gathering.

“Watch you’re tongue girl,” One of his bodyguard spat out as he pulled out his sword, “Do you know who you’re talking to?!” he asked, pointing his weapon at the girl. This was followed by the cocking of guns as his guards were riled up.

“Do I look like care?” The girl shouted back as she cocked her gun, “Back of the line!”

“Rebecca, you gonk!” Screamed a young spindly man shouted as he scrambled out of the counter area, “You’re going to get us all killed!”

A tense standoff kicked off upon the square; his guards against this one lone girl. None dared to speak as he slowly found his bearing. He was about to order his men when a familiar voice echoed in the square, “Ah shit, is now a bad time to pick up my bagels?”

“Eve?/Eve!” both he and the defiant girl replied as both of them stared at the hooded girl. He never really understood why that girl always wear her hood despite the heat. Then again, not everyone can be made of metal.

“What the hell’s going on here?” A deep voice then asked as a giant of a man stepped out of the shop. The man gave the scene one look before he let out a long suffering sigh, “Damn it, this is going to be one of those days huh?”

“I believe so,” Hanako deadpanned as she stepped in, “While this is rather sudden, we wish to rent out your shop for the day. Just name the price and we shall give it.” He nodded, letting his daughter handle this matter.

This offer was met with a sudden shift in the rude one’s attitude as she pulled the chef down to her level and whispered furiously at them. “But,” The man intoned before he was hushed by the girl.

“Just take it! I already fucked it up so the least I can do is stop from doing the same!” He heard her hiss out.

“Fine,” The man relented, making the square groan out in disappointment. Looking at him, the man then requested, “My shop is yours for the day, if you help me raise funds for a celebration for the city.” Quirking a brow a the mans request, the shop owner then explained, “Hey, there’s a serious lack of holidays in the city and I’m sure you can help me do a festival where people can eat and be merry.”

It was an utterly ridiculous request but he couldn’t help but laughed as he replied, “You can have your festival. Maybe we can teach you gaijin’s a thing or two on celebrations!” A celebration didn’t sound so bad.

The man grinned back as he replied, “Welp, sorry for everyone but Seoul Kitchen is closing to the public early,” accepting the unspoken deal between them. “I’ll make it up to guys later, I promise!” the man replied, appeasing the disappointed crowd.

Shaking his head, he found the man to be ridiculous. He almost reminds him of someone he once knew.


Getting his entourage served out, Saburo found himself seated amongst a curious bunch. There was Eve off course, his hired gun and his daughter Hanako by his side. Filling the seats outside was his men and bodyguards. Then there was the man’s friend sitting in the shop with them.

The first two were a muscular couple seated by the corner who was followed by a foxy looking woman, probably the one whose likeness was used in the sign outside, who sat with her daughter; a rather fidgety girl that looked rather unwell. There was also that fiery one from earlier, one whom he learned was the shop owners partner; a fine one despite how rude and scandalous her lack of clothing. Finally, there was the man who owned the shop.

“I expected a Korean or even a Chinaman even, but not someone so dark,” He remarked as he looked up at the towering giant before him.

“Yeah, I get that alot,” The man laughed as he leaned down on the counter, “So, what can I get the Emperor? I can whip up something else if Udon’s not to your liking.” he then asked.

He snorted at the unflattering nickname as he replied, “There’s no Emperor aside from the one who sits in the chrysanthemum throne. Best that you respect the current empress,” While he believe the throne to be ineffective to enact what is right for Japan, the royal family still deserved their respect. Besides, he was more of a shogun than anything else.

“As for my meal, I’ll have the Udon,” He replied, “And make sure my daughter has slightly bigger portions,”

“Father!” Hanako hissed out as a blush spreads across her, scandalized. Truly, there’s nothing more heartwarming than to tease one’s daughter.

The man chuckled as he replied, “Two orders of Udon, coming right up,”

What he was served would not be out of place in any Japanese Restaurant. With the thick noodles bathed in a rich smelling broth topped with an assortment of condiments, it was a meal worthy of feast. There was some protest from his daughter at the size of her meal but eventually, she relented, giving him a glare that promise some mischief later. He expected it but for now, he wanted to eat.

“Itadakimasu,” he whispered as he dug in, enjoying the warm meal. What he found did not disappoint.

The noodles was soft, chewy noddles paired well with the meaty broth. Along with the pork cutlets, eggs and vegetables, he couldn’t ask for more. It was not the best, as the broth could use a bit more salt, but it was just enough. It wasn’t perfect… but he liked it; he almost felt like at home.

He ate the meal with his daughter in silence, enjoying the company as the people around them eased up. His men talked freely, enjoying the meal he gave them while the man’s friends all joked about. It was a lively gathering, one whose warmth welcomed all. He had almost forgotten what such gathering was like. He missed this kind of meals and he had the man to thank,

Slurping up the broth, he sighed out in satisfaction as he thanked the man, “Thank you for the meal.”

“Eh, don’t mention it. It’s what I do,” The man replied with an easy going smile.

“And it’s something I wish you to do for me,” he replied as he looked up to the man. “I wish to make you an offer,” Pausing to let him gather his thoughts, he then continued, “I wish you to work for me as my chef. For years, my meals have been prepared by a team of experts but it seems that all I need is personal chef like how my father used to have.”

The man was raw but he had promise. This soup he made, he wish to have that everyday. How can someone make such dishes that is imperfect yet so satisfying. He wish to dine like such everyday. “Rest assured that I will be funding a festival for the city, this is a different offered” He clarified.

This caught the attention of the man and his friends. With bathed breath, they waited as they gaze up at the man who hummed in consideration. “Know that I reward those who work under me handsomely, Eve can attest to it,” he added.

“He might be demanding but the pays not that bad honestly,” Eve nodded along.

“We at Arasaka provide,” Hanako added as well.

Any lesser man would have folded. Many others would have killed for the offer he made. It was a rare thing, yet the man would give him one more surprise. As the man smile, he replied, “While I’d love to… I’d have to decline.”

Frowning, he asked, “Why deny my offer? Your status would be elevated. You will not just be a nobody in this city, but someone who works under me personally.” As he looked up to him, he found himself asking a question he once asked someone he knew, “Why do you stay here? Why do you insist on suffering through the indignity of it all?” Surely a man of his caliber deserves more than just being a chef of an no name shop?

The man simply chuckled as he replied, “It’s because I already found the one thing I got me going,” For a moment, he saw the outline of that man from Kure over the figure of the shop owner as he told him, “I found my purpose here so I’d rather stay here.”

Saburo closed his eyes as he smiled. Purpose… such a naive little thing but now he understood why the man’s food was good. “I see,” he replied as he set down his bowl. Standing up, he motioned for his daughter to follow, “Once more, I thank you for the meal. God day.”

Bidding them farewell, he walked away empty handed… yet satisfied. As he stared down from his aerodyne to the fool down below, he couldn’t help but envy him. He was like a man who can to walk through a storm unphased. Truly, nothing could shake a man with a purpose. Maybe that’s why the man he once knew refused to ever give up.


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