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Chapter 2

Ever since Taylor’s mother died, meals had always been a morose affair. There was no longer any warmth in them as the event had merely become a matter of sustenance. This time however, things were a bit warmer.

For the first time since the incident, she found herself smiling and laughing as she and her father reminisce on times gone by. The pain of her mother’s passing would never fade but that doesn’t stop them from celebrating her life as this little pan of Lasagna reminded them of what made things so special; it’s the memories they make together that make life worthwhile.

“You sure you don’t want any help with that?” Her father asked as he carried his plate to the sink.

“Dad, I can handle this,” She replied as she smiled at her father. He was already worrying about her with just two persons worth of dishes. And to think that it only took her getting injured… no, he always cared about her; He had just been preoccupied...

Shaking such negative thoughts away, she turned on the faucet as she told him, “Don’t you have a meeting today?” Wiping the sauce from the plate before it hardened, she then said, “I remember you saying about some company… Fortress Construction I think? That’s been looking to build that ferry?” She honestly haven’t been paying much attention to her fathers work but she picked up a few details here and there.

Her father paused before looking at down on his watch. “Almost forgot about that one. Crap, where’s my keys?” he winced as he looked around before grabbing his keys in the kitchen counter. Reaching out to hug him and kiss her in the forehead, he excused himself, “Sorry Taylor but got to set things up. Mister Calverts a busy man so I can’t miss this shot.”

Reaching for his pocket, he then added “Oh before I forgot, here’s your allowance for the day. I might be away for quite sometime,” giving her the cash, he then asked “I think that’s enough for the day? Should I call over Kurt and Lacey?”

Shaking her head and chuckling, she gently laid the dishes down and washed her hands before ushering towards the front door. “Dad, I’m fine. I’m not a little kid anymore, I can handle myself,” Pushing him even as he protested, she quickly added, “Come on, you’ll definitely be late if you don’t go.”

“I’m going, I’m going!” he laughed as he stepped off the door. Turning to her, he then said, “Just call me when you need something ok?”

“I will,” She replied as she watched him drive off. He really does care…

“Your father’s a good man, you know that?” Mew piped up, making her jump in surprise as he suddenly appeared out of nowhere, “He loves you a lot and if Mesprit was here, she’ll back that up.”

Holding her hand against his chest to calm her wildly beating heart, she then scolded him, “Don’t surprise me like that!” Shaking her head, she then asked, “And why did you suddenly disappear like that earlier?”

Mew shrugged as he replied, “I’m a bit shy and I don’t think you’d like having to explain to your dad what I am so early in the morning.” She opened her mouth, about to retort before closing them. She grimaced as she looked away, hating how he seemed to have read her mind. Then again… he was Psychic type.

Snorting as if to emphasize her point, Mew then asked, “Speaking off, you are going to tell him about me right? It’s annoying having to Teleport to a cupboard. Do you know how terrifying it is to face off a rat that’s just a big as you?”

“We don’t have rats!” She fired back before her anger petered off at the reminder of that one detail, that his father has yet to actually know of her powers. If he was to find out… “I’ll tell him when I’m ready and aren’t you some legendary pokemon? Shouldn’t you blast a simple rat into oblivion?”

“Tell that to a Rattata with Endeavor and Focus Sash,” Mew frowned at her before sighing as he nodded, “But fine I guess. Just don’t put it off for too long. I swear it’s way harder to explains things if its not in your control…”

She nodded reluctantly at that. “You know, for a new born Mew, you sure sound old.” While she hadn’t made any pokemon yet, her knowledge was pretty insistent that new born pokemon, while growing up relatively fast, shouldn’t be like her Mew.

“That’s cause I’m not,” Mew replied easily. “The Golden Llama tweaked your little experiment and sent me here, your guardian angel.” Crossing his arms across his chest, he then told her, “You should be honored that your starter Pokemon is I, the legendary Mew!”

“I could have had a Mewtwo,” she fired back, making him gasp ever so dramatically.

“I’m way cuter than him!” He argued as he stomped his tiny paws in the air.

“That you are,” She nodded as he grabbed him off the air much to his protest and clutched him closely. As much as she hated that Golden Llama for sticking such cursed knowledge inside her head, she had to thank him for allowing her to have such cute companions.

Looking out to the shining dawn, she then asked, “Hey Mew, want to go out to the Docks?”


It was the weekends and with money at hand, she decided it was time for her to gather some supplies. Getting herself a bag to carry what she was going to buy and to hide Mew away, she set forth, taking the bus towards the second hand shop she frequented.

It was a quite and boring trip. Thankfully, she didn’t have to wait for too long before she arrived at her destination. It was an old hole in the wall store, dedicated to selling school supplies. With that old graying cashier and owner dozing off in the counter and the cobwebs in some of the merchandize, the store had seen better days but this suited her just fine. No one was going to bother here her.

“Are we there yet?” Mew asked through her mind, his impatiences dripping off his bored tone.

“We’re here but stay there ok?” She whispered back as she started looking around.

The cheap books and crafts wasn’t what she’s after however, it was the chemistry supply that peaked her attention. From various chemicals to glasswares, they had it all. This shop used to supply the once vibrant college of Brockton bay. Now, it’s just one of the shops rotting away at the vine as this city slowly died.

She frowned as she wiped away the dust from the cover of a college chemistry book as Hero stood proudly in its cover. “Huh, he looks just like Iron Man if he was sober and clean cut,” Mew suddenly piped up as he slipped out of the bag.

“Mew!” She hissed out, looking around to see if anyone saw him. Thankfully, they were alone in the store.

“Relax, I’ll hear their thoughts way before they can surprise me,” He told her before looking around, “So, looking for some stuff partner? Going to make yourself a pokeball?” He then asked.

“I’m just trying to get some stuff for the lab,” She replied as she kept browsing, trying to find the necessary components for a future project, “With you around, I need to start working on the stuff for a Pokemon Center.”

Mew nodded appreciatively, “Smart. Definitely a good choice,” Plopping down on her shoulder, he then said, “Hmm, maybe you should invest on some running shoes or a bike. We need to go around yeah and bus fare ain’t cheap.”

She felt heat rise up to her cheeks as she blustered, “I’m not fat!” She grimaced as she felt her stomach. She used to be bean pole but the medication and her time in bed made her gain a few pounds. On the plus side, she wasn’t a board anymore.

Looking at her in confusion, he then replied, “I meant Pokemon Running Shoes!” holding up his hands appeasingly, he explained, “Those things are a god send I swear. It’ll help you zoom around without ever tiring. I swear those tykes just never stop running with those on,”

Her cheeks heated only further as she turned away. She hated how she just jumped to that conclusion. He meant well, “It’s definitely something to consider,” She replied as she continued browsing.

There would be relative silence between them after that, only broken with yawns and frantic head turns to the counter. Looking over to her companion, he can’t help but start to wonder. “Hey Mew, you told me Arceus sent you here right?” She asked.

“Yeah?” Mew replied as he perked up.

“Is he always like that?” She asked, trailing off as she tried to find a more polite word, “Does he just suddenly appear and…”

“You mean he’s a jerk that saddles you with responsibility and gives you no say at that?” He then replied, making her look around, fearing for her life. “What? He doesn’t care what you tell him. He’s weird I swear. I like him for giving me another chance but damn, can’t he give me time to make a better deal?”

“You…made a deal with him?” She replied.

“You… didn’t?” Mew asked before holding up his hands, “Wait, wait, wait, you mean to tell me that Arceus forced this on you?”

“Well, not exactly forced but…” She trailed off as she remembered how he appeared before her at her darkest hour, “But I wanted to be a hero if I carry the knowledge of his world…”

Mew pinched the bridge of his nose as he replied, “Kid, we’ll talk to Arceus after this cause I have some choice with him! I can’t have my partner here not have a good deal!” Looking at her, he then said, “You can be a hero with the knowledge alone. Medicine, Transportation, Power, the application is damn limitless. What you need now is something else, something that you’d have as compensation.”

“It’s fine Mew,” She replied, “I think I already have what I wanted…” The knowledge made her lean to Biotinkering but she can be a hero, she just had to work a bit harder.

“Taylor, don’t this for the sake of the world,” Mew replied as he held her by the cheeks, “Do this because you love yourself ok? You deserve better and I will make sure you get want. Power, wealth, fame, whatever it is, we’ll wring it out of Arceus.” He then grinned at him as he added, “After all, what partner would I be if I don’t help you out here. ”

Taylor blushed at his insistence, embarrassed at how how he was practically going to march up to a deity for her sake… but at the same time, she felt happy. She forgotten how it felt to have someone have her back.


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