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Chapter 1

Taylor had never been a morning person. She just wanted to just lay down on the well worn indent in her mattress and just stray there. With her blanket wrapped around her like a warm hug, she wanted to tuck herself back in to sleep and just let the world fly by; It’s not like anything would change.

Still, the world would conspire to wake her up as her eyes opened up to see the water marked ceiling to her room. “Still here huh?” She whispered as a wry and hallow smile stretched across her face. Turning to her side, she found her make shift laboratory as well kept as it always had been.

Despite of her poor vision, she could see that there was no sign of her failure as her bottle remained filled up; the pink goop of power just roiling inside their container. Her generators and fumehood were also cleaned up and unplug, their mechanism remaining still as they sat there, Vials and glasswares she was sure she had ruined from her frantic and madened attempts yesterday were all tucked in back in their shelves, like they were never used at all. It was as if yesterday never happened.

“It’s just a dream…” She whispered as she felt her heart drop and a chill wrap around her. Even if it was a dream, she could still remember that promise made to her. Their tiny little paws felt so real and so warm, their voice reaching out to her.

“I’ll be with you till the bitter end, got it Taylor?”

She blinked as she felt wetness dripped down her cheeks, her vision becoming cloudy as tears filled her eyes. Sniffling, she wiped her tears away but what use was her effort. It’s not like anyone else was here. After all, there was no one in this room but her little old miserable self.

“Liar,” She whispered as she pulling on her thin blanket, trying desperately to stave off the cold.

Laying there on her bed, she watched as the clock’s hand turned. It was still well before morning and the light of dawn had yet to peek out from the window in her room. It was too early for her to get up but also too late for her to continue sleeping. Her experiments called and she simply can’t stay there in bed.

Her experiments… she needed to get them done. They were task she could do, task she could finish and accomplish. As much as her powers were a curse upon her, they gave her something she never thought she’d have in her life, control over the results.

There was actual science behind the madness that was her powers, the strange and exortic biologies and energies she dabbled on were no mere magic. She could measure them, observe them, interact with them and most importantly, it was consistent.

This strange and wonderful world of Pokemons… She wondered what kind of world it must have been to force such strangeness into this world. What terrible creatures could wield such power and what kind of cruel god they must have to rule them. It must be quite terrible place to live in…

As much as she wanted to reminisce and wonder about the world, she can’t discover more of it’s strange and wonderful properties if she were to stay there. How can she make her perfect creation if she was just going to lay there after all?

Gathering herself and wiping her reddened eyes, she forced herself up. Powering through the aches of her joint and muscles, she sat up and shifted to the edge of her bed. Ignoring the cold feeling the cold wooden floor upon her feet, she felt around for her glasses so she could see more clearly.

She then reached out for the glass of water she kept atop the night stand beside her bed and the bottle of painkiller she had. Pouring some on her palm, she stared down on the mountain of pills before returning all but one inside their bottle. Popping one in and downing it with her glass of water, feeling almost instant relief as the prickly feeling upon her body numbed. Slipping on her slippers, she shuffled over to her bathroom to face the day.

Her movement was mechanical as she went through the motion. Brush her teeth, wash her face, relieve herself and comb her hair. Combing through her hair, she stared at the mirror as a familiar reflection greeted her, one that had been a constant fixture upon her life before they left. She had the same face, same hair, and wide lips. If not for her lesser features and the same green color of her fathers eyes, she could have thought her mother was here once more, there to comb her hair like they used too…

Tearing her eyes of her reflection, she walked out and headed down stares. It was days like these, this cold February mornings that her mother and father would make some lasagna together. She could still remember the wonderful meaty scent of the sauce and the cheese mingling with each other like now… though she didn’t remember the cheese this being this overpowering nor did she remember there being cursing.

“God fuckign hot hot hot!” a tinny voice exclaimed as she heard something clatter.

“What the?” Spurred on by the sudden disturbance, she burst in through the kitchen to find… the same pink creature in her dream, sucked on their tiny paw while a steaming pan of Lasagna laid on the table. “Mew?” She called out their name or what her power told her was their name.

Perking up, the pink creature turned towards her before greeting her, “Oh hey Taylor. Sorry about the mess,” he then gestured around the kitchen. All sorts of utensils were laid out, all too large for them but still clearly used, while empty cans of ingredient laid around the counter top. “Thought I’d make some Lasagna as a surprise… so surprise?”

Mew, the New Species Pokemon, in the flesh waving at her and offering her Lasagna. “I’m definitely still dreaming…” She breathed out as she plopped on a chair as she rested her head against her palm.

“Definitely not dreaming here Taylor,” Mew replied as he stared at his palm before it lit up, gathering light upon itself. Recover, her powers supplied her once more. “If this was a dream, I’d probably mess with it a bit more!” he laughed out as he somersaulted in the air.

Walking up too him, she watched as those big round eyes stared back at her. “Taylor?” He asked as he tilted his head at her. Ignoring his question, he reached up to the small pink creature’s cheeks and pinched them; Mew felt so soft, almost like she was squishing marshmallow. “Yesh I ish squishy,” He replied as he rolled his eyes.

“Your actually real,” She breathed out as she let him go, “So last night wasn’t a dream…” She could still remember it well, the flashes of light, the intense oppressive feeling only to be replaced by a soothing presence. She had tried to making something that she shouldn’t have.

“And by Arceus was it good that I got here before you got that guy in the field,” Mew scolded her as he lifted up a spatula and waved it at her threateningly. “Do you want to die Taylor? Cause summoning Mewtwo is a sure fire way of winning the Darwin award.”

Looking down, she stared at her hands, those very same hands that mixed and made the concoction necessary to make Mewtwo. It was not by accident nor was it a spur of a moment… She wanted to make him, she wanted this to end. “Yes…”

Mew let out a strangled noise as his tone quickly shift. “H-hey now Taylor, I’m just trying to lighten the mood here. Just ignore everything I said ok?” He told her as he reached up to her and gave her a comforting pat on the head. “Everythings going to be ok cause I’m here, got it?” he told her as she then felt him wrap her hands around her head.

In the back of her mind, she knew those were merely hallow words but they were comforting words. She remained quite as she sat there, letting him stroke her hair as he laid atop her head. It felt… comforting having him so near. She almost forgotten how it feel, to have someone hold her closely.

Their moment together was then ruined by her stomach as it growled in protest, needing a bite. Hearing soft tinkling laughter from her companion, she felt shame and disgust upon her body. She had already picked up a few pounds, why couldn’t her body just wait a few more minutes. “Well somebodies hungry,” Mew poked her in the cheeks, “Come on, don’t be shy. I kinda want to see if I did Lasagna right.”

Nodding, she slowly got up and got herself a knife. As she cut through the dish, he then spoke up, “Oh and one more thing Taylor. Arceus wanted to-!” Whatever he was saying would cut off as another voice called out to her.

“Taylor?” the tired voice of her dad called out to her. Turning around, she found him bleary eyed and rubbing the sleep of his eyes as he stumbled into the kitchen. “Thought I smelled something amazing,” He whispered as a ghost of a smile stretched across his face.

Walking up to her, he then asked, “You made this?” before he reached up to her and ruffled her hair, “Looks delicious… reminds me of your mother…” His smile slowly slipped off as he whispered, “I forgotten when was the last time we had this…”

“Oh my sweet owl,” He whispered out with a choke as he held her. “I’m so sorry,” He told her as he started crying. Freezing, she stood there, taken aback by her fathers apology. Unable to hold back her tears, she found herself sobbing as she hugged him back.

“It’s ok dad,” She whispered back as they held each other. As she held him, she wondered if she had just sleep walked and cooked on her own; that Mew had just been a figment of her mind. Whatever the case was, she was glad that she got a little taste of past.



I did not expect this when we voted for a Mew in Worm SI. So, is Taylor a Pokemon Tinker? And how would she create Mewtwo? Is he not essentially a Mew/human hybrid if I remember right? So if she creates Mewtwo, would it be her and SI!Mew's child? Also, there are quite a few other artificial pokemon: Voltorb, Porygon, Baltoy, Castform, ...


Taylor is a Pokemon Tinker and she can make something similar to Ditto's DNA and just work her way down the line to make transformation permanent. I haven't really talked about it much but she can create any pokemon except the big llama himself. It's just a matter of having the materials/resources. Also technically yes... Any pokemon she makes is her child :V