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The Day After

The day after was… quite. He woke up as Rebecca shifted, holding him closer as the cold breeze of the airconditioning washed over them. He was no stranger to waking up to the twilight sky as he was a light sleeper but it was his first time waking up with someone in his arms. It was strange yet comforting, to feel someones else warmth against himself.

For a moment, he closed his eyes, wondering if he should just stay there and return back to sleep but nature called. The discomfort urged him out of bed and it was quickly followed by his stomach calling for breakfast. He had not eaten anything last night and now his stomach rumbled.

Sighing, he shifted, trying to shimmy his way out of her grasp but that proved easier said than down. As soon as he moved, she clung to him, groaning out,  “No… cold,” He was stuck with an adorable little koala who beckoned him back to sleep, “Too early… go back to sleep,”

Reaching up, he gently stroked her hair and back, making her ease her hold as he whispered to her, “Rebecca, need to get up,” petting her, he added, “Need to make breakfast.”

“No…” Rebecca yawned out as she slowly woke up. Shifting, she turned around and pressed her face against him as she blearily replied, “Don’t wanna,” Despite her hold, he could feel it slipping as the girl was fighting of sleep.

“It’s just a few minutes,” He whispered to her, rubbing her back and giving her forehead a kiss, “I’ll be back before you know it, promise”

The girl grumbled for a bit before she let go, pulling in the thick blanket they shared around herself as he got off. Chuckling, he gave his adorable little caterpillar a pat on the head as he whispered, “Sleep well.”

Shaking his aching head, he stumbled to his bathroom. He was not going to drink so heavily again, he promised himself but with Rebecca, he wasn’t sure he’d get to keep that promise. Still, getting himself clean and ready for the day was a straight forward affair.

Walking into the kitchen, he grabbed himself a glass of water before opening the TV to get the days news. It was the usual drivel but it made for quite the distraction as he made today’s meal, Arroz caldo. Something warm and light on the stomach aught to do the trick.

Walking up to his fridge, he grabbed himself the ingredients for the dish. As easy as it was to make food appear in his hands, he was quite the lazy bastard. Just make the ingredients and chuck them in the fridge.

Grabbing himself some pre portioned chicken thighs, he chucked them in a bowl before tossing them in the microwave to defrost. While they were there, he grabbed himself some garlic from the potted plants in his window along with some ginger to slice and dice. In a world where cooking was for the well off or for those working, he still got himself quite the decent set of knives and kitchen ware.

He does wonder why that tattooed knife maker he found in Japan town laughed at his request for some quality knives. Their work speaks for themselves however as he sliced through smoothly. There was no slipping or sticking, just the pure bliss of cutting and getting to the motion.

Tossing them in a pot with some hot oil, he let the aromatic spices cook and sizzle, letting out the most delectable aroma’s. As the two got to know each other, he followed up with the chicken.

He let it cook for a bit, waiting till the meat was no longer pink before moving in to the actual star of the dish; the rice. Gluttonous rice would have been the best but he already had some long grains stocked up so that was what he’s adding. A quick wash and in they go along with chicken stock.

Stirring from time to time, the dish was more or less finished. He just needed to boil some eggs, chop some green chives and brew some coffee and it was done. Letting it cook in low heat as he just wait for it to thicken, he turned to get himself caffeinated for the day.

A quick french press and he got himself two cups, one set aside while the other was for him to enjoy. Leaning on the center isle/dining area, he turned to the screen and tuned into the news; just in time for him to see his shop in the front news.

“Pizza Madness, the newest and hottest craze came in swinging into the scene!” The morning announcer shouted as he gestured at the images of his packed shop came flashing across the scene. He felt a smile stretch across his face as he saw a glimpse of Rebecca in the photo’s, “While Seoul Kitchen might like your ordinary hole in the wall shop, they’re certainly packing when it comes to their main dish. From the poorest to the richest, it seems that everyone in Night City had a taste of this legendary slice!”

Turning back to the screen, the announcer asked, “Who is the man behind all this? Where did he came from? Is he taken! We’ll find out more in today in Good Morning Night City!”

“Heh lookie here, somebody’s a big shot right now,” Rebecca’s voice rang out behind him. Turning, he found the half naked girl leaning against the door way, nearly making him did a spit take. He had forgotten how little she wore underneath that jacket.

Grinning at him while he coughed and pound at his chest, she then said,  “Seems like you got people talking about you.”

“So it seems,” He coughed out, clearing his throat as he set his half empty cup aside. Gesturing at his pot, he asked, “ Want some eggs with yours?”

There would be silence between them after he served her her portion. Both of them sat there, their gaze not meeting as they ate. All the bravado that Rebecca had seemed to gave way to a more reserve mood as both of them just savored the meal and enjoyed each others company. Still, the silence was stifling and somebody had to break the silence.

Unable to take it any longer, he broke first. “So…” He started, making her look up to him. Rubbing the back of his head, he tried to finding his words, “About last night…”

“Yeah…” Rebecca winced as she turned her gaze away once more.

Tongue tied, he choked out, “I…” But every word he thought up slipped through his tongue while his stomach flip flopped. He liked Rebecca… but he didn’t want to ruin the friendship he had by trying to see if the chance was still there. Maybe he shouldn’t have spoke up about this and let it be forgotten but he couldn’t live with himself about this. He wanted to salvage his bond with her.

Mustering his courage, he blurted out, “I’m sorry/I’m sorry!” Only to blink as he found Rebecca apologizing as well. Both of them stared at each other before the smaller girl glared at him.

“Wait, why are you the one apologizing?” She growled out as she pointed her spoon at him. Pointing at herself, she admitted,  “I was the ass that was all over you,” before her cheeks turned rosy as she bit her tongue.

He found himself turning red as he blurted out, “Wait, you remember all of that?” He felt his heart beat faster as the memory of last night came back. The warmth, the taste of her lips, the promises he made, did she remember it?

Despite how red her face was, Rebecca managed to grin at him as she told him “Every single last detail,” She barked out a laugh as he wanted nothing more than to sink into his seat and get swallowed up by the earth, “I ain’t no light weight but that’s beside the point. I should be the one apologizing”

It took a bit for him to catch himself as he replied, “Well yeah but I kinda missed all the signals yesterday…”  he then said, “Thought it’d be just good to apologize so we’re still in good terms,” In hindsight, his reason to apologize seemed ill thought out.

“You gonk,” Rebecca shook her head before giving him a warm smile, “Think a little something like that would ruin what have?”

He laughed, rubbing the back of his neck, “I’m over thinking it huh?”

Rebecca nodded before she then told him, “Look, I shot my shoot last night and I came in a bit strong. That was my fault,” Nodding at her, he then found her a bit closer as she stood up on her seat,  “What’s not your fault is for being as dense a brick, I can’t fix that.”

“Yeah?” He replied, unsure on what to say.

“What I can fix though is this,” She then said as she reached out and grabbed him by the collar and pulled him close, smashing her lips against his. He froze up as he felt her sweet lips against his before melting as their kiss deepened. Standing up, he pressed himself closer to her lips, seeking her out as she pulled back. Pulling her back in, they made out before both of them pulled back, breathless from the kiss.

Licking her lips, the girl looked up back to him and found himself wanting. Chuckling, the girl then said, “I still going to take a shot no matter what,” befoe she whispered into his ears, “And I’m now sober~”

Finding himself getting hot under the collar and caught under her spell, he found himself tongue tied, “I… uh…” Did he just kiss her? All thoughts left his mind as found himself in the most confusing situation.

Shaking her head in bemusement, she shouted, “Just say yes you gonk!” Getting up the counter, she slid over to him and pushed him back to his seat. Getting atop his lip, she then asked, “Do I have to give you a lap dance to get you to see that I like you?”

Unable to resist her anymore, he nodded. “Good~ Glad you still have some brains in there Chef~” She laughed out as she gave him another kiss, this time a bit more chaste.

He still wasn’t quite sure what was happening but he liked how things were going. “This is… fine,” He whispered as he held the girl.

Giggling, the girl turned around and pressed her back against his chest, “More than fine~

Pulling his arms around her, she then said to him, “Still, I can take it slow~” Looking up at him, she then assured him, “Don’t worry lover boy, I’m not going to eat you all up… yet~” That left him swallowing thickly. That was a promise he was sure that the girl was more than happy to fulfill.

So there he was, getting himself an output of all things. He expected that his life would change but not like this. Still… this was this might have been the best breakfast/confession he ever have and he wouldn’t exchange it for the world.


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