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Drunken Promises

Charter Hill, the neighborhood containing the majority of the Middle Class of Night City and his home for the last few years. Turns out, selling high quality fruit to shady but trustworthy fences and brokers can net someone a lot of money; enough that he got himself an apartment in this part of town. It was nice, quite, and most importantly, people just mind their business; An unspoken rule which he was thankful for with how loud Rebecca got.

“Oho~ You really brought me back to your apartment? My my you work fast~” The mox giggled as she batted at the leaves of the plotted plants lining the entrance to his apartment.

It was admittedly quite the fancy looking place, with all the plants they cared for, but he knew his neighbors well enough to know it was more of a facade. After all, his neighbors were just those office workers well enough to escape the other poorer neighbor hood. This place was just for the leftovers and dregs of the middle class, a place perfect for himself.

Sending the guard/receptionist an apologetic look as he pulled her away, He guided Rebecca up to the elevator.  “That’s cause you won’t tell me where your house is,” he replied before sighing, “Let’s just get you to bed alright? It’s time for you to sleep,” There really wasn’t any point at complaining at this point. They were already here and he just want to call it a day.

“Sure~ Just sleeping together~” Rebecca teased him as she lunged at him, grabbing him by the neck. Hauling herself up close, she nuzzled against him as she whispered, “Nothing else right~?”

He blushed at her words, feeling hot under the collar as he felt her hot breath against his neck. “God damn succubus is going to be the end of me,” He muttered under his breath. Dragging her through the empty halls of the apartment, he hoped that none of the neighbors would wake up from all the noise they were making.

After a bit of trouble getting her of the Elevator, they finally made it inside his room. Barging into the small, 1 bedroom apartment, he’d quickly plop down on the coach as he finally felt at ease. He was now home. Rebecca quickly made himself familiar as she plopped down atop him, hugging him tightly.

“Oh god, finally,” He groaned out, feeling his aching back from wrangling the tiny hellion up the building, “My backs killing me… just me a second before we get you somewhere nice to sleep ok?”

Looking around, he admit that he was quite… well off? He had apartment with a dedicated kitchen, bathroom, living room and a bedroom but that was just it. It wasn’t like this place could compare to the luxurious mansions of North Oak. It was larger than most apartments… but it was empty, depressingly so. Maybe it was him being all lonely.

“Ok, let’s go,” shaking his head to break himself out of his melancholic thought, he shifted, trying to get Rebecca back up only to find the girl refusing to move an inch. In fact, the girl seemed adamant to stay in this position, “Damn it Becca, what now?”

“I dun wanna walk, carry me~” The girl giggled, holding her a bit tighter.

He grumbled for a bit, weighing if throwing her off was worth it, before he relented. “Fine,” He sighed out, accepting this was just how things were going to go, “Let’s just get this over with.”

With a mighty heave, he pulled himself up and Rebecca much to the amusement of the girl as she laughed in his arms. She was surprisingly light all things considered. Feeling him in his arms, he didn’t realize how small and thin she was. The jacket made her look bigger but seems like that was all for show.

“The bathrooms over there while the kitchens down the hallway,” he pointed out as they slipped into his room, a spartan bedroom with only a single bed to his name and nothing else. Setting how down on the bed, he then told her, “If you need anything, just call out and I’ll hear you. The walls thin anyways,” Tapping on the walls, he was reminded on how cheap the construction was.

“Comfy~” The girl moaned out happily as she plopped down on the bed, hugging his pillows. She looked tiny in his bed but even if he wanted to join in, there was just enough space. They’d need to cuddle quite closely and he had already enough of the girl for the night.

Still, as tiring as the girl was to be with, he had a fun night. It also helped that the girl was sinfully cute, cuddling up to him as he sat by the edge of the bed. Smiling, he reached down and gave the girl a pat on the head, before tucking her in, “Good Night Rebecca,” but just as he was about to leave, he felt a hand grab his back.

“Wha-?!” All of the sudden, he felt her lips against her own. He felt himself pulled in her warm inviting kiss as her hands wrapped around him. Excitement filled his veins as his blood run hot with want and need. He wanted more of her and so too did she wanted him as she pulled him down to the bed.

Getting atop him, Rebecca grinned as she licked her lips. “Hah~” She whispered as she leaned in close, kissing his neck as she started to feel him up, “I knew you’d taste sweet you big dummy~”

She then pushed her lips back against his, grinding against him and he felt his resolve weaken. “Rebecca,” He breathed out, trying to get her off, “We shouldn’t. Your-!” He tried to reason before he felt his fingers against his lips, hushing him as she looked down on him.

“Drunk?” She asked before she smiled smugly, pressing down on him below, “Yes~ but do you think that’ll stop me from having what I want?” She then asked. He considered there and then, letting himself just pulled in for the night as Rebecca started pulling off her Jacket, revealing what little she wore below, “Come on big guy, let’s do it~”

Reaching down, she guided her hands up to her hips, ignoring how he called out to her, “Rebecca…” He could feel his pants tighten as he laid there, feeling all that pent up lust well up now that she was laying it thickly.

“Just one night,” She breathed out as she leaned down, pressing her chest against his, her lips just inches away from own, “You can have me all for yourself~”

For a moment, he reached up to her, lust all but overwhelming his reason. He wanted to… but he couldn’t. Grabbing her shoulder, he pulled her down and shouted, “Rebecca!” For a moment, she looked stunned yet excited, biting her lips as she wrapped her legs around him but as she stared back into his eyes but he held his gaze.

“You… don’t want me?” Rebecca replied slowly, wilting under him as she wrapped her arms around herself, “I’m not your type huh…” She whispered as her face twisted to a grimace, “It’s that girl from the bar-!” but before she could go on, he cut her off.

“Rebecca,” He called out to her, getting her attention all for himself. Breathing out a heavy sigh, he admitted to her, “You’re an beautiful and amazing girl and a guy like me would be luck to have you,” before he paused and pulled away. Sitting down beside the bed, he shook his head and told her, “But… I can’t do this, not like this, not when you’re just plain out drunk...”

He was prepared for Rebecca to just storm of but he wasn’t prepared for her to wrap his arms around his waist. He froze as she held her there, just hugging her as the world passed by. There was just silence between them as they both soaked in the moment, enjoying each other’s company.

Finally, Rebecca broke through the silence with a short but beautiful laugh, “Hah, you called me beautiful,” Nuzzling against his back, she then told him, “I wouldn’t have minded you know… waking up beside you. Your just so cute with your stupid smile. You make me all fluttery inside, it’s not fair,”

His younger self would have kicked him for letting this moment past but now, he just smiled as he fired back, “You think your the only one?”

She giggled at his light hearted jab as she slapped him playfully in the back, “Liar~”

Grinning at her, he unashamedly told her, “It’s unfair that you get to crash into my life with that grin of yours and worm your way into my heart,” It might have been the drinks making his tongue lose but tonight it didn’t matter, not like they’ll remember this night as he let his heart out, “And then you’re the one to do that drunken confession as well. Shouldn’t I be the one doing that?”

“Hah~ You think I’d let a guy like you go?” The girl easily fire back before she suddenly yawned, slumping against him. “So sleepy…” She whispered wearily. Looking back to her, he could see her trying to fight it off.

A softer smile soon replaced his grin as he gently pulled away from her and grabbed her, helping her lay back down on the bed. Tucking her in this time around, he told her softy, “Just rest for now alright?”

The girl shifted, yawning once more before looking up to her as she stood over the edge between wakefulness and sleep, “If I’m sober… we’re gonna do it right?” She asked weakly and for once, she felt so small and shy.

Reaching up to pat her head, he assured her, “... Yes,” This brought a soft smile onto her lips as he felt his heart skipped a beat a second time.

“Promise?”  She asked.

“Promise,” and he promised. All of this would be forgotten anyways, best to just leave at a good note. As he got up once more to leave, he felt her rough hands grabbed his tenderly.

“Stay with me,” She whispered, her eyes already closing as she told him, “I don’t want to sleep alone…”

With those words, how could he say no. “Alright… but just this once,” He told her he got in with her. It was a tight fit but they got both of them in bed with her little body pressed against his chest.

“Good night,” She whispered with a self satisfied smile in her lips as her eyes fluttered shut before finally, sleep claimed her. She laid there with him in the bed, her chest slowly rising and falling, as her hold loosened. Finally, ge could slip away now and let her rest in peace but he already made a promise and that one he intend to keep.  

Shifting to a better position, he pulled his blanket over his bedside companion and made sure she was comfortable in his arms before he settled down. It had been a long day of excitement, now it was time for him to sleep as well. Yawning, he wrapped his arms around her tiny frame before he whispered, “Good night Rebecca. Sweet dreams…”

As he closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep, he wondered what strange new things he’ll get to experience tomorrow? What challenges shall he face? Smiling, he told himself ‘Well, whatever it is, at least I won’t be alone anymore.’


Jonathan Shaw

Hopefully we're back to cooking food in night city