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Go Home, Your Drunk.

Rebecca kept her word, that was indeed just the appetizer. Not only did she down the rest of the bottle but several cans of beer and a few shots of whisky to top it all off. With all the drinks flowing to their table, he might have gotten swept along the way. He told himself he was getting just one drink but the girl was persistent and he wasn’t one to ruin good mood so now he was drunk. Though compared to Rebecca however, he might as well be sober.

Still, despite how hammered the girl was, she looked only mildly more drunk than he was. “Hah! Lightweight!” the girl roared out laughing as she slapped him on the back.

While she was having a merry time, he wasn’t as he held on the table for his dear life; Why was everything spinning? “Shaddup,” he slurred out before he shook his head. The alcohol was getting to him. Taking in a deep breath, he pat his cheeks before letting out a ignoble burp. Flushing, he then glared at the girl who dared to laugh as he accused her, “This is your fault. Why the hell did you order that much? Fuck, I swear this is gonna hit like a truck tomorrow,”

“Haaa~ You’re so cute when your blushing,” The girl giggled as she leaned in close, practically pressing her cheeks against his. Feeling his heart picked up as she wrapped her arms around his, she then told him, “I just want to grope that ass of yours to see you blush even more.”

He wanted nothing more than to bury his face against his palm to hide his burning cheeks.“God damn it Becca,” He cursed out, feeling all woozy. His stomach wasn’t feeling all right as well. Looking over to the still cheerful girl, he then told her, “Your drunk. I think it’s time for us to go.”

He wasn’t built for this kind of abuse; he neither have the experience nor the chrome to match her. He had a few shots and here he was, already half fucked up. Thankfully, she looked like she was done as well.

“Fine fine~” The girl replied, waving off his concern as she stood up. Reaching out to steady her, she thanked him before she then said, “Just let me go talk to Mateo. Might have to settle parts of that tab now cause I may have gotten a bit overboard.”

“A case beer and several bottle of spirits is just a bit overboard she says,” He snorted. The girl could drink and he was at awe at how much her tiny body could handle. It was definitely some form of chrome, one he had to ask for if he wants to keep drinking with her.

Rebecca blew a raspberry at him in response before teetering off to the bar.

Resting his head on the table, he started feeling his stomach turn and his mouth water; That does not feel good. Forcing himself up, he started looking around as he whispered out loud, “Now where’s that bathroom,” As he took his first step, he felt something rise up, forcing him to stop as he tried holding it all back. Thankfully, it stayed down…for now. “Damn it, shouldn’t have listened to Becca,” he lamented with his liver as he continued his trek.

Walking off without someone to help him along might have not been the best idea as he stumbles and bumped into a wall… or rather one of the patrons. “What in the!” The tall woman exclaimed as he accidentally pushed at her drink, soaking her with with the cocktail she was having, “My drink!”

“Fuck, sorry about that, I really am,” He apologized profusely as she saw the blonds ruined outfit. Panicking, he told her, “Ah shit, let me get you something but first-!” But he had to cover his mouth as another one threatened to spill out. Forcing it down this time around, he grimaced as he one more asked for forgiveness, “Oh fuck, sorry about this. Really not used to drinking but let me something to replace that.”

“I’ll be fine with another drink but you look a bit green on the gill,” The nice woman replied with a touch hint of concern. He couldn’t quite make out their face, not with her stetson hat under the dim room and harsh neon lasers but he knew the woman looked at him in pity as she asked,“Need some help getting to the bathroom?”

Shaking his head, he replied, “Nope! I can do it. I might have to go there first so uh…” He ruined the girls drink so he need to get something for her. Thinking fast, he reached for his pocket and pulled out a fruit, “Here, have this Peach. Sorry about your drink, just need to get this out now!”

“Bwah!?” the girl exclaimed but he didn’t stay there. He really needed to go.

Making a run for it, consequence be damned, he barged into bathroom. Kicking one of the door stalls open, he knelt down and grabbed the porcelain throne for his dear life as he purged the contents of his stomach. He wretched, feeling his throat burn as he felt like he was going to die.

He stayed there for a few minutes, drooling as he felt himself calm down, before he got up and shuffled towards the stall. Washing his hand the best he could, he looked back up and stared at the zombie that looked back at him. He looked like shit with his pale skin and messed up hair.

As much as it sucked, the puke was all he needed. Spitting out the bad taste of his mouth down on the sink, he washed his face as he sobered up a bit. He was still messed up but he could think much clearer now that his stomach didn’t threatened to flip flop at any provocation. He took his time there, gathering himself for a bit. Rebecca can wait, he couldn’t face her like this.

After that brief rest, he stumbled out of the bathroom… and right into brewing trouble as he saw a crowd gather around a commotion near his booth with Rebecca. Frowning, he made his way to see what the ruckus was all about and to get Rebecca before they get tangled up with what ever this was. Unfortunately, it was Rebecca that was exactly causing the commotion as she squared up with the cowgirl he stumbled upon earlier,

“Woah there little girl, I don’t mean no trouble.” The cowgirl raised her hand appeasingly as Rebecca growled at her. Now that he could get a better look, he realized why she felt like a brick wall; the women was built like an amazon.

“Little girl?! I’m 25 you whore!” The comparatively tiny girl replied as she glared at her with the anger of a thousand raging sun, “And there wouldn’t be trouble if you kept your paws to yourself! Touching my man like that, you’re really asking for it!”

Raising her hands, she then slurred out, “Don’t think just cause you’re built like a shit break house doesn’t mean I won’t throw hands with ya!” The mox shouted as she raised her hands before charging right at the cow girl, “Come here!”

“Oh fuck!” He cursed, pushing through the crowd as he grabbed the girl, lifting her up before she event got close to her. He held her tightly, lifting her off the ground even as the girl swung her fist and struggled hard against his grip. “Rebecca! Calm down!” He begged her, feeling her almost overpowering her. Surprisingly, he overpowered her.

“Unhand me!”Her tiny companion shouted, “Imma show this slut a piece of my mind for touching my man!” She raved on. She had a girlfriend? Shaking his head, he then scolded himself; that didn’t matter. What they needed to do now was to deescalate the situation.

“Shit, sorry about this. My partner’s a bit drunk as well,” He apologized again, feeling his cheeks burn as he wrestled control over Rebecca.

He felt her give him a flat look as she replied, “No shit,” Sighing and pinching the bridge of her nose, as she sighed out, clearly looking like her night out was ruined, “Tell you what, just get her out of here and we’re even.”

He nodded, accepting her deal as he walked off. “Thank you,” He told her as he hauled Rebecca before she got even angrier.  

“Let me at her!” Her companion roared out, “Nobody talks to my man and lives!” All the commotion she was making was getting all the wrong attention. He felt his face burn as he heard the other Mox giggle and gave both of them teasing grins and wolf whistles.

“I’m sorry,” He apologized. He could never show his face in this bar ever again.

“He’s mine you hear! Mine!” She roared out as he finally get her out of the door. The things he does for his friends...


Luker number 5

ahaha yes friends and only that...