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The Dance Floor of Love and Life

He really wasn’t the type to go out and it showed as Rebecca dragged him inside Lizzie’s Bar. He was like a fish out of water in the vibrant neon teal and pink dance floor but he had Rebecca with him so it wasn’t that bad. It was a bit awkward for him but with his partners encouraging laugh and cheers, he just let himself go with the flow. He danced the best he could, laughing with Rebecca as the girl teased and prodded him there until the song ended.

“Oh my god, that was horrible Chef,” Rebecca laughed as she hugged him and gave him a pat on the back, “You really don’t go out a lot huh?” she then asked as he pulled him back to their booth. With the lights coming back on, the music became more mellow, letting them all have break before the next dance.

“I told you I can’t dance,” He replied, feeling his cheeks burn but he still had a smile on his face. “You were amazing though,” he complimented, grinning as it was now her turn to blush.

Giggling, Rebecca batted at him playfully, “Shtap~,” Seeing her getting all rosy cheeks made his heart race. From behind the screen, she was already cute but now that he was face to face with her, she was just beyond adorable. He knew coming with her was the right idea.

“This is fun, I really should go out more.” He replied with a smile. Shaking his head, he then leaned back against his seat as he got himself comfortable. Sinking into the well worn but still plush seat, he looked up at the dancing lights atop the dance floor, before adding “And I even got something off my bucket list in my stay here in Night City. Thought I’d never get those done.”

“You’re not from around here huh?” Rebecca replied as she scooted a bit closer before leaning against him. Blushing, he kept still as the girl started poking him in the cheeks, “Your too… soft, squishy, and cute for your own good~”

“That I am,” He shamelessly replied. Turning to her, he then said, “Would you believe I’m from across the ocean?”

Rebecca quirked a brow at that as she replied, “No shit?”

“No seriously,” He told her, as he closed his eyes and remembered the day he got here, “I don’t really know how I got here but here I am, stuck here in Night City,”  Even now, he was still confused and scared, not knowing what to do. Maybe it’s why he latched on to getting his shop up and running. Getting himself a goal kept him sane in a way.

“Must have been rough…” Rebecca whispered as she wrapped his arms around his chest. Feeling her hands on him, he felt his heart ease up. “You miss your home a lot huh?” She asked.

Sighing, he reached up before he gently placed his hand atop her head. “Yeah… yeah, I do and I sometimes wish I could get back home…” He admitted. The scars from being torn away from home, from his family and friends, were still fresh but it no longer ached liked it used it. “But the more I stay here in Night City, the more this feels like home,” he then told her. Time did wonders for him, letting him process it all.

Feeling her eyes on him, he told her, “I have to admit, the first few months were rough. I didn’t have a single day where I dreamed of any thing else but to get away from here,” The hunger, the pain, the fear, it was all to fresh but they no longer ruled his heart. Smiling, he reassured her, “But I got better,” Looking fondly into the crowd with their varied and clashing styles mixing down in the dance floor, he continued, “I even grew to like it here. Despite all it’s fault and flaws, Night City has its charms. The atmosphere, the culture and the people, it’s just a riot of colors and personality.”

Indeed it was. It was a hellhole yes but a beautiful one, like an fire that burns bright; one that everyone needed to see till the end even if it consumes them all. The city was alluring in all the wrong ways and it got its hooks on him. “Back then I’d say I wouldn’t want to live here but after I got to meet a few people,” He then said as he finally turned towards her, smiling widely as he told her, “I say I’d be fine being here just for them.”

He laughed as the smaller woman’s face turned red before wincing from the blow he got to his shoulder. “Ow!” He hissed out, clutching his shoulder as he glared at the girl who pouted back at hi,. “What was that for?” He then asked, confused at the sudden mood swing of the girl.

“That’s for being a gonk and don’t scare me like!” Rebecca replied, fuming a bit as she pulled away and crossed her arms. Looking away, she then said, “Here I thought you’re planning to go off in a year or two…”

“That’s awfully fast,” He replied with a laugh. Leaning towards her, he then poked her as he started teasing her, “And I haven’t even explored the city yet. Already eager to see me go huh?”

The girl growled without heat as she swatted at his hands before raising her fist threateningly. Raising his hands in surrender, he replied, “I was just joking!” Shaking his head he added, “Still plotting where I go and if I could even carve out a spot for that in my calendar.”

“You better! It’s your fault I don’t find my usual eating spots good anymore!” Rebecca huffed before she grinned at him. “Speaking of good spots, you’re doing it wrong choom!” She then said.

Slinging her arms over his shoulder, she then told him, ”If you want to see the whole city then better do it fast cause that’s the Night City way!” With an eager grin, she asked him  “What’s this about planning shit? I say you live fast and get things done! See things with a fresh set of eyes, experience on your own and let Night City surprise you. Come on, I took my chances with you and see where that got me? I got myself a drinking buddy!”

Chuckling, she then added, “Don’t let the chance to experience something go cause you’re too busy planning,” Poking him on the cheeks, she continued, “Who knows, maybe that sight you wanted see is gone the time you got to actually go there. Come on, live a little.”

She made good points and he for one, agreed with her. “Hah, I’d like to a toast to that!” he cheered.

“Speaking off~” The girl then said as she looked around before waving at a passing Mox. “Yo Cindy! Get your fruity ass over to Mateo and get my pal here a bottle of the good stuff! My tab!” She then shouted, making the Mox give her an exasperated smile.

“You got it Bee,” The other girl saluted before she sauntered off towards the bar. She didn’t take long before she placed a large bottle of whisky in front of them along with the glass. As he whistled at the sight, the other girl then said, “Don’t drink it all in one go~”

As Rebecca popped the cap, he then remembered, “Wait, I thought we’re just getting one glass here?” He then gestured at the bottle as he said, “This is a whole ass bottle!” and it was a pretty strong one at that with how high the proof was at a 130.

“Who said this was all for you?” The girl asked as she poured him a generous cup before raising the bottle to her lips; “Watch and learn Chef, this is just the appetizer!” She laughed as she tipped her head back and downed the burning liquid without flinching.


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