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Humble Beginnings

Zaun, the city of glass and steel. With the green glow of its potent chemtech and the toxic haze spewing forth from its factories, this monstrous underground metropolis of mad scientist and untamed capitalist stood as a testament to man’s indomitable will. The city clung to the ravine that had sunk it in the past, growing in spite of how nature seeked to swallow them whole with its ever constant tremors and the rumbling echoes from deep within its pits.

Tall metal spires sprouted from the walls of the ravine upon which the city grew from while vast bundles of metal wires stretched across the canyon walls both to anchor these haphazard buildings and to serve as lines to which various cable cars and other mechanism can serve to connect the city, transporting goods and people each and every day without fail.

It was sheer chaos but in his eyes, that made this city so beautiful. Such vibrant city life could not be replicated anywhere else for where else has the people of Runeterra decided to build a city that sits atop a knife's edge. One major disaster, one disastrous spell or experiment gone awry and this city would go up in ashes yet it stood as a proud monument to man's pride.

He couldn’t help but admire it as his carriage took him deeper in the undercity, past the hazy clouds and deep below where the sun never shone. It felt almost like an entirely new world down here, one he was all too familiar with with his dealing as a merchant. Of course he wouldn’t come alone as his guards clung to the side of the carriage, shooing away any threat while his servant sat with him, their back against the driver's window.

Clearing his throat, his servant would call out to him, breaking him from his musing, “My lord, if I may be so bold,” his loyal servant asked as he pulled out two respirators and offered one to him, ”Why are we here?”’

Noticing the smell of the fumes seeping into his carriage, he grabbed the offered mask before replying, “To find my heir of course,” his own weathered and almost feeble tone surprising him. Oh, where has his youth gone…

He made sure to fasten the mask tightly. He was not a native after all and the corrosive air would damage his lungs, a thing he could not afford now that his hair has fully turned gray. He almost envied the children running by without the need for breathing apparatus but he knew better. His own device cost more than a man’s wage here. For these people, his mask would be a luxury.

“That was certainly what we’ve discussed when we left the manor but… why here exactly?” The man pressed on, “Aren’t the children of Noxus Prime worthy of being the heir to the House of Licinia? Are the children born and bred in the land of Noxus not strong enough for your needs my Lord?”

The man sighed, leaning against his seat as he looked outside. Passing by the masses, he observed, their twisted forms marred by scars and metal shuffling along as they went about doing their task. Even the children were not safe as some had mechanical limbs while those not fortunate enough just had to limp along, hobbling with whatever tool they could make or scrounge up.

“Our people are certainly strong enough in spirit and body,” He admitted before he frowned, “But they’re far too tainted by the notion that strength only comes from power and might alone. They have forgotten the other tenants of strength,”

“Vision, Might and Guile” His loyal servant replied reverently.

He nodded, feeling his pride well up as he nodded, “Yes, the creed which makes a true Noxian,” These were the values that his people pride themselves in. All Noxians must have these traits and so too shall be the one he picks, “I have need of these traits upon an untainted child, one that would be unfamiliar with our nature yes, but one to which I can mold to the character that I could proudly pass on the flickering torch that I now held,” he explained.

“The mantle of the last Licinia is a heavy one…” His servant replain, their tone making it clear that they remained unconvinced as they looked to the crowd outside, shooing away the beggars trying to tap at the beggars tapping their pan against the windows of his carriage, “Yet the children I see far, while certainly smart… are…” he grimaced before tapping at the driver's window.

“Weak, Pathetic, Emaciated?” he replied with a snort as he looked at the masses in pity. Despite the hustle and bustle of the city along with its vibrant color, it was painfully clear that the people were clinging along, their eyes hollow as the gaze of most were turned to the ground.

“All of those my lord. They are… lacking,” His servant replied politely.

“Ah they might be so but how can one become strong in such a hostile environment as this one?” he argued. They were mortals, they have limits and anyone that says that anyone can thrive here is a mad man. Only those with something special in them could rise up here, not like in Noxus where the playing field allowed for more opportunities, “Why, it’s a miracle that they are still alive and they are thriving,” He noted.

Amidst all of these husk were a select few, those that remained strong in spite of it all. Even those that had their spirits beaten in, he could see the relentless pursuit to survive. All of them, from the meekest of beggars to the strongest of individuals refused to stop moving. They were action in human form.

“Yes, a healthy boy from Noxus would beat them in terms of athleticism yet these children do not have the luxury to outfight their enemies, they have to outthink them and such is the one trait I value most.” he explained, letting his wishes be heard. It was in this environment that he wished to find the one that would succeed him.

“They are not lacking, they are merely different. While they lack in might of body, they have might in mind in spades. While they appear slovenly and pathetic, yet their sheer will to keep on living is admirable. All that they need is… Vision, a driving force to propel them to the very top,” he spoke out, letting his will speak for itself; He was here to make an heir. Turning to his wide eyed servant, he declared, “Give me one good orphan from this land and I will show you what great heights they shall reach.”

While this city wanted to choke out the light in its inhabitants, he knew that if he were to simply pull one of them out and let them grow in the light, he would have something truly special in his hands. He wanted someone untainted so that they would have no preconceived notion, a total outsider even so that they would not let themselves be shackled by the customs and unwritten rules of Noxian High Society. He needed an innovator in his house’s hour of dire need.

As his court rounded a corner, he found the place he had just been looking for. Sandwiched between two apartment blocks, he saw a repurposed house of worship standing proudly, refusing to stoop even as its grayed out painted walls started to peel.

“Here,” He pointed at the building in question, “Let’s start our search here.”

“I can see your point my lord but are you sure we will find who we are looking for here?” His servant asked, quirking a brow at the hovel that he had pointed at before he motioned for the driver to stop.

Looking up at the sign hanging upon the wall, he knew he had found what he had just been looking for. There above were the simple words in the Zaunite Script, Baker Street Orphanarium.

“It certainly seems like a poor place but I have a good feeling here,” He admitted as he opened the door to his carriage and stepped out, his joints creaking in protest as his feet met the hard paved ground. Jumping off the carriage, his servants and guards helped him along, giving his cane as they steadied him. Standing tall and gazing up at the door to this lonely orphanage he stepped forward as he whispered, “I just have to take my chances and see what cards are dealt out…”


One chest of gold to the coffers of the matron to this orphanage later and the woman was already praising him to the high heavens. He had honestly expected more resistance considering she was a foreign man yet here he was, talking amicably with the woman as they settled the matter of his possible adoption of one of her wards.

Looking about, he’d find a typical orphanage. While the lack of other staff members was a bit concerning, the woman seemed to have everything under control. The place was spotless despite its age. The wooden floor was spotless and the place, while a bit bare, at least looked like it wasn’t falling apart like the other buildings in the area.

“Thank you Lord Licinia for your patronage. We cannot stress enough how your generous donation will help the Baker Street Orphanage,” The stick thin woman, more akin to a raven with her long curved nose and black and white uniform, as he thanked him. With a plastic smile across her face, she declared, “Your generosity couldn’t have come at a better time as the facility certainly needs a new coat of paint,”

‘Ahh, that certainly explains things,’ he thought to himself. He had to remind himself that he was in Zaun, a place where its people would sell each other if they were allowed to.

Suppressing a grimace of distaste, he replied evenly, “It’s a pleasure of mine especially when it goes to a great cause,” before looking at the woman and insisting, “Children are the future after all so this is merely my own take on investing in the future. I do hope that my donation would help keep them warm in the coming winter.”

It took all his will to suppress a smile of satisfaction at the shiver of fear the woman had. Good, it’s best that he reminded her who she was dealing with. “Yes, certainly…” the woman choked out with a smile as she stood up stiffly and walked towards the door

“Why don’t we put such mundane matters aside for a bit and talk about the children!” The woman then said, nodding as she opened the door for him and his servant, “Yes, they’re certainly excited to meet a prospective parent,” she told him.

Letting a smile slip through his facade as he stood up and nodded, “Off course, lead the way,”


It wouldn’t take long for the woman to gather the children under her care. One ring on the bell and the children were already running down stairs, standing in attention like soldiers in a parade. With their hands behind their backs and chins up, they stood arrayed before him in a line as their matron extolled their virtues. If he didn’t know any better, he would think that he was standing before a slave merchant in the flesh market.

“As you can see, our Orphanage offers a wide selection of children suited for every task and role you see fit,” The woman declared proudly as she gestured at her wards, “They are the finest children you can find in the Sumps,”

Turning his gaze at them, he certainly found nothing wrong. With their bodies whole and hale, dressed in immaculately clean clothes and with a wide smile across their faces, he would have thought nothing of them until he focused on just how perfect they were, too perfect. It was as if he was only being shown the best and brightest samples to hide the imperfection that would mar these perfect bunch.

Keeping his observation to himself, he turned to the matron as she began explaining, “As a Noxian, I know you’d certainly find value in strength,” The woman told him, making his servant snort as she walked to the biggest boy she had in the group. Standing heads and shoulders above the crowd, almost reaching up to his own chin,this fearsome looking, dark skinned boy was quite the specimen, “Here is Gideon, a bit on the older side at 13 years old, but he’s the biggest and strongest. Just look at his broad shoulders,”

The boy flexed, showing off quite the muscular physique only marred by the baby fat he still held in his cheeks. If he was looking for a warrior, this was the boy that he was going to pick but as he looked at the boy's slightly rotted teeth and the lack of intelligence in his eyes, he found himself disappointed. The boy didn’t even try to introduce themselves, just merely posing to emphasize their great strength. He found him lacking in guile.

“He’d certainly make for a fine fighter… but it’s not a fighter that I’m looking for,” he replied, making the boy look at the woman in confusion. Certainly not the brightest tool in the shed then.

Pushing aside the sad and confused boy, she then picked another child from the line, this time a little girl probably no older than nine. “W-well, if it's not a fighter that you're looking for then why not little Martha over here? She’s quite the talented little one with a singing voice that would make the spirits weep,” The woman said as she urged the shy looking girl forward, “Go on Martha, why don’t you introduce yourself.”

Kneeling down, he gave the girl a warm smile as he greeted her, “Hello little one.”

Slowly, the shy look slipped away as the girl made a perfectly practiced bow, curtseying as a proper lady of the court would. “Good Evening Lord Licinia, It’s a pleasure to meet you,” She replied a bit too confidently, not like the shy guise she attempted to bring up.

“A polite one this one is and a pretty one as well,” He praised the girl. She certainly had guile in spades, if a bit amateurish. Even that could be excused as she is but she is but a child after all. She attempted to deceive him, using all her charms and wit to get what she wanted. He now has his eyes on her for she just might be the one.

He would then see a flash of envy light up in the eyes of the girls as they suddenly spoke up, firing out such childish insults “Off course she’d be pretty with how long she hogged the mirror,” yet it would find its mark on Martha as the tiny girl scowled.

“You-!” The tiny girl hissed out, almost reaching out to strike at her detractor and he would find his hopes would soon be dashed. Far too vain for her own good that even simple insults stuck to her. She was also far too volatile, lashing out from mere words. She will not be fit for the court.

“Jessica!” The matron gasped, slapping the girl for her mouthiness, but the damage was already done ahs he had found himself back in square one. “To your room this instant!” the woman shouted at the girl who ran crying.

That girl was certainly off the list. At the slightest hint that her peer was getting ahead of her, she struck out, sending out barbs. Her lack of tact and her crab like mentality would prove to be a dangerous mix for his far more mercantile house. Yes, a Noxian must not be afraid to let their fangs out but they must be used in the right circumstances. If she had let that slip a bit later, maybe he would have considered her.

As he watched her run away up stairs, his eyes would come upon a tiny child with long tresses  of golden hair peeking out from above. Their eyes momentarily locked, his own gray ones to the brilliant blues of this child that was just brimming with curiosity as they judged him.

Looking at him intently, he found the girl's gaze similar to how a merchant would look upon their merchandise, looking at every inch at him and they found him wanting as their gaze turned hostile. The sheer venom in the child's eye as they looked upon the sigil on his shoulder took him off guard as they fled, slinking back to the darkness.

“I’m terribly sorry about that one. Some children are just far more concerned about their own that they’re dragging those that are far more capable than them down,” The woman apologized, scowling as she glared at the children. They all cowered in turn, even young Martha who fell back in line even when she wasn’t called back to line which only served to fuel his disappointment more, “The nerve of some of these brats,” the woman huffed.

“I can only imagine,” He replied absentmindedly before asking and pointing up to the stairs,  “Who’s that one? The blonde one from upstairs,” He was pretty sure that he did not just imagine that child for he would have known which glare that was from his countless rivals that he had outlived.

“Oh that? That’s just Ark, never mind them. They’re just a know it all brat,” The woman spat out heatedly, her distaste all too apparent as she gritted her teeth, “Thorn in my side that’s what one is. Far too scrawny for any labor and too inquisitive for their own good. Always asking why or how and not be like Mike over here.” Shethen said as she walked up to said boy who quivered under her hand. “Mikey’s our good little angel, at Least Mikey knew to always follow orders!” she added as she pinched the cheeks of the young boy.

Dismissing the boy for their timidness, he looked back at the stairs, wondering why exactly did this girl hated him so much.

Releasing the timid one, she’d look up at the stairs as well. With a shake of her head, she muttered, “Thankfully, that one  have their use as they’re the ones that the little ones look up too else I’d booted them out long ago”

“Interesting…” he whispered as he found himself thinking of the girl. That striking look, he must know more about them.

As if reading his mind, the woman asked with a grimace, “You’re not thinking of talking to the one are you?” She talked as if the boy was a pest but he wasn’t one to be deterred. He’d seen way too much great merchandise tossed aside because their seller did not have the right mindset to sell them. Seeing the look on his face, the woman merely sighed as she told him, “I warn you, that one’s far too strange and far too smart for their own good!,”

“I’ll be sure to keep that in mind…” He replied before he reached for his pocket absentmindedly. Pulling out a few pocket change, he pressed it to the woman’s hand before commanding her, “Here, why don’t you go buy the children something to eat for tonight. It’s the least I can do for the trouble I bring coming at such short notice and as thanks for being a good host so far.”

“O-oh spirits, I should be the one thanking you my lord. Bless your good heart!” The woman thanked him once more and he couldn’t help but grimace at her greed. Smiling diplomatically at him, the woman then said appeasingly, changing his tone as easily with such paltry sum, “I’m sure little Ark would be delighted to talk to you, bright lad that one is. Why don’t I get him to wear some nice clothes…”

Blinking, he turned to the woman before asking, “He?”

The woman looked back at him as she replied, “Yes… he’s a boy,” A look of distaste flashed across her face as she told him, “He just likes to wear his hair long and held fights like a demon if I ever try cutting down their hair to a more manageable length…”

A bit vain but unlike the girl, his hair was far more scraggly and straw like. Such a trait was useful given how image was quite important to high society. Stroking his chin, he hummed. He found himself more and more intrigued by the boy with each passing moment.

“Is he not to your liking?” The woman asked nervously, pulling out a handkerchief as he wiped the sweat off her forehead before apologizing, “I do not fault you for making such a mistake. He even fooled a few Madam’s looking to bolster their houses when he was a bit younger but if boys are not to your liking, there’s certainly little Tammy…”

Scandalized by her suggestion, he whirled around and vehemently denied her suggestion, “Oh Spirits no,” yes, he was part of the upper crust of Noxian society but he was a merchant, not some party fiend or some pimp. Chuckling at the misunderstanding, he assured her, “I just find it amusing.”

Patting her on the shoulder and guiding her to the door, he then said, “I’m sure the kids are probably starving so why don’t you go ahead and buy them something nice to eat?”

Seeing his insistence, the woman reluctantly relented, “O-off course,” She said before gazing at the children who were climbing back stairs knowing that the interview was already over, “Are you sure you can handle them?”

“My guards can surely handle them,” He assured her, making his guards look at each other. He rolled his eyes at them. They were grown men, they should know how to handle children.

The woman, seemingly satisfied with his word, bowed as she told them, “Your generosity knows no bounds,” before slipping away, probably looking to buy the cheapest cuts of chicken or worse, toasted rats, to feed the children. They’re certainly the miserly kind.

With the woman out of the picture, he could finally explore the orphanage at his own leisure. WIth he guards standing in attention, making sure that none of them gets hurt, he could finally go about to find the golden haired child from earlier. His servant stuck close as he walked up stairs.

“Ahh, so this is why she just kept us on the lower floors,” his servant said as he looked about. While the tour she had given had painted a perfectly normal orphanage with faded, but intact wallpapers and clean children, upstairs was a whole different matter. Without her to distract him, he could finally see the true condition of the orphanage.

Just above the neat hallways and rooms on the ground floor, the upper floor was a mess. Peeling papers, holes on the wall, spots in the floor that creaked concerningly if he stepped on it, it was the whole package. The place was slowly coming apart.

The farther he got up, the more decrepit the place looked though he could hardly blame the matron. As greedy as she was, she looked like she’s trying her best to take care of the children… on her own twisted way. They at least knew that having the lower floors well kept made sure the children weren’t going to be dying anytime soon. The fact they pulled this off alone was praiseworthy.

As he got to the final room, he’d finally find the boy that he had been looking for. Huddled in their bunk beds were a bunch of dirty rosy cheeked children in sack a clothing who jumped off their bed as soon as his head poked out of the stairs. Springing into action, the boy from earlier got in between the little ones and himself, brandishing a sturdy dowel rod as he growled at him.

“So, there’s more children in the back as I suspected,” he noted as he hauled himself up with the help of his servants. Finding a chair, he hauled it close before sitting on it, to rest his weary joints. The child meanwhile remained alert, his eyes never once looking away as he observed them.

“What do you want?” The boy growled out, pointing the blunted end of his stick at them threateningly, “You won’t find what you’re looking for here Noxian,” he told them, clearly intent on making it a fight if he were to try and grab one of the children behind him. They looked emaciated and skinny at first sight but the closer he looked, the more it became apparent that their tired eyes were only painted with coal.

“It’s certainly a good ruse… if you didn’t make it too prominent. Starving children shouldn’t even be able to blush like them and the coloring you use is a bit too dark. Might I suggest baggier clothes next time?” he noted before giving him a suggestion. The sacks were certainly a nice touch but they were a bit too close fitting. They weren’t selling the illusion well enough.

With his eyes widening in alarm, he shouted, “I won’t let you take them!” Baring his teeth, he growled in warning, “You’re not taking a hair on any one of them. Touch them and we’re going to have a problem.”

He raised a brow at his words as he questioned him, “But how about those offered by the matrons?” This boy was intent on defending the little ones but they seemed willing to sacrifice them for the sake of those he loved.

Spitting to the side, he fired back, “Those jerks could handle their own. Having Gideon in the Fleshing Arena would certainly lighten the load around here.” The boy was ruthless enough to know which fights he could pick and was willing to let one of those children get picked to open up resource. This boy was no hero and that was good. Heroes die fast in Noxus.

Still, He’d frowned at the accusation. “The Arena?” He blustered, holding out his hands to stop his servant from speaking out. With narrowed eyes, he asked, “Boy, why do you think I’m here?”

The boy gave him a nasty glare in return as he let out a hollow laugh, “You Noxians are always the same. You’re just here looking for soldiers or servants but I won’t let you!” He accused him as he took a step forward, his grip tightening on his staff.

Pointing at the emblem upon his chest, he added, “I’ve seen several houses already come by and take a child from the orphanage. They might not always be the same person but they share the same seal! Several houses have used the orphanage as a recruiting ground so don’t tell me otherwise!”

He grimaced at the accusation but he found no words to refute his claims. It wasn’t a secret that Noxus does take the poor and needy of other territories to bolster their workforce. What’s worse was that the Arena was into it.

While he had his empathy for the boy, his servant could no longer stand the insults hurled at him, “You impudent boy, how dare you!”

“No! How dare you! How dare you all!” The boy fired back, shouting at them, “You and everyone here just come here looking for servants and tools, not people,” Gesturing at the children behind him, he shouted, “They all deserve a home, not a place that would work them down to the bone.”

Squaring himself up, he then declared, “And like I said, touch them and you’ll see just how hard I can swing this bat!” There was fire in the boy's eyes. Even as he stood up, he refused to back down. This boy was willful.

He approached the boy even as his servant warned him. With his grip on his cane tightened, he dared the boy to strike and strike he did. He struck fast, jabbing straight at his throat without hesitation. Meeting his attack, he parried it with his cane, pushing the rod away. He then reached out, grabbing the stick as it was swung at him, refusing to let go as a look of panic set in his eyes.

Dropping the stick, the boy would then rush to him with his fist raised. Now it was his turn to strike as he jabbed out at the boy's stomach, driving the air of his lungs. The boy collapsed, hacking their lungs out as the children cried out for their brother.

Still, it wouldn’t take long for the boy to pick himself up but it was finally time he ended this farce. Tapping his cane to the ground, a ripple of magic would ripple out, seizing the boys limbs. For a moment, he saw light behind the boy's eyes, his magic straining to contain him but another tap, this time one to drain mana, finally stopped the boy.

The boy sagged yet he struggled still. The boy had no give in him, that was good. He certainly wouldn’t want a child that would give up the moment things get tough. Releasing the boy, he watched as they got up on shaky legs, raising his fist up, ready to throw down.

Nodding in approval, he gave a boy a pat on the head, confusing him as he looked up at him, “I don’t know what you’ve experienced or claim to understand you but rest assured, on the honor of House Liciania, that I did not come here to find a soldier, nor a fighter or an artist. I didn't even come here to find a servant but I came here to find a child to call my own,” He replied as he felt a smile stretched across his weathered face, “And maybe… just maybe I found the one already,”

He was met with wide eye shock not only from the boy and the children but from his servant as well, “My Lord? Him? The boy that dared lay a hand on you?” He asked in disbelief.

Chuckling, he turned to his servant, “Why not? He certainly has all that I need though lacking in some areas…” to which the boy would look at him in offense as he added, “But that can be remedied”

Turning back to the boy, he then asked, “So boy, what’s your name.”

The boy remained quiet for a while, still clearly confused but it only took a bit of encouragement from his siblings to get him to act. Pulling away, he’d glared up at him before he replied, “Ark, my names Ark,”

The boy has the might of mind and the guile to make use of it, hiding and obfuscating his brothers and sisters. He even had the might of heart to fight like a cornered animal yet his vision is lacking. He merely wants to survive… but how can he think of anything else in a place like this. The boy needed a goal, something to live for than simply just living another day, and he could give it to him. He just needs to get him on board.

“Ark, a fine name. Certainly one fitting your character, unyielding and ready to support,” He noted before offering his hands, “So Ark, what do you say about becoming a Licinia,”

He saw flashes of desire in his eyes as he mulled at the option, biting his lips as he looked away. He could see the indecision in his eyes as he tried several times to speak up only to hesitate. It would take a while before he finally responded. Looking at him with distrust, he asked, “How do I know I can trust you? How do I know you’re not going to take me away for something else,” he asked before looking at his siblings. He was naturally skeptical, a good trait to have.

Reaching for his belt, he pulled out a knife, making the boy jump in surprise before he paused as he offered it to him, “Here, I want you to give you this,” He told him as he handed it to him. It was a finely made knife, intricately carved with the symbol of his, a dove wielding with an arrow on its beak, atop its pommel. To most, it looked like an ordinary knife and feel like one but for one touched by magic, it glowed an eerie blue.

With wide-eyed wonder the boy held the knife, holding it reverently and with clear knowledge that what they held was a deadly tool, not a toy. Grinning wider, he then told the boy, “I want you to decide what you want moving forward. It’s not going to be my decision, nor the decision of your matron or even that of your siblings. I want see what you’ll do given the power in your hands,''

“My Lord, you are the last of the Licinia! I suggest you-!” His servant warned him before he was silenced by his glare. Bowing, he took a step back, letting him handle this.

“Let the boy decide,” he told his servant before he turned to the boy. Slowly kneeling down and stooped over, he now stood face to face with him, “With this knife, I give you power over me. One slice to the throat, one stab to the eye, and I’ll be gone,” he told him, offering his neck even as the boy’s fist tightened on the knife’s handle.

For a few tense moments, it seemed that the boy was about to strike but at the last moment, he faltered. Turning the knife edge away from him, the boy offered it back before asking him, “Why… Why give me this?”

Shaking his head, he stood up as he said, “Keep it, it’s yours and as for why?” He gave the boy a soft smile as he explained, “It’s because I want you to teach you a lesson. Sometimes, you just have to bet everything on the line to gain something in life. It’s through the pursuit of one's goal despite the risk that makes a Noxian powerful.”

Where once was distrust and hate, now it was admiration and respect. Patting the boy on the head once more, he then asked, “Now do you trust me?”

The boy would off course remain silent, clearly thinking things through. The boy was also not so rash as to jump head first into an opportunity. Good, that would serve him well. Turning around and hobbling away, he told him, “Of course, you don’t have to decide now,”

Gesturing for the children the follow him, he then shouted “We still have dinner to attend to so come along children! I’ll make sure the matron will have you all fed tonight!” He was met with shouts of joy as the children followed him. The boy followed close, his eyes while trained on him, were distant for now he had the opportunity of a life time.


The evening's humble feast came and went as he waited in bated breath for the boy's answer but the boy would keep his distance, making sure that every last of the little ones got their share before himself. He had expected it this was a life changing decision but with the celebration dying down and the children herded back to their room, the boy remained quiet, his gaze distant as he too joined them.

He stood there at the entrance of the orphanage for a few more moments, letting the bells of the Old Clock tower at the heart of old Zaun toll its evening bells, as he waited for just a bit. The sounds of the great mechanical bells echoing until they too faded in the din of the ever present hum of industry filling the air.

Walking up to his side, his servant would give one look at the door before telling him, “So my lord, it seems the boy has made up their mind,”

He sighed, feeling disappointment seep down to his weary bones. “So it would seem,” he replied, reluctantly accepting the reality of the situation. As he turned away from the orphanage, he told him, “It’s a shame really. I saw greatness in their eyes but if they do not have the will to pursue that greatness, what use would they be as my heir?” It was so often the case for most people, to be frozen in fear, letting opportunities fly by.

Giving him a comforting pat on the shoulder, his servant then asked him, “Wise words my lord… but is it equally wise to leave such a powerful heirloom in the boy's hands?”

He paused before snorting, a wry smile stretching across his face as he replied, “I have a feeling that it’ll better serve him than having it rot in my study. What use is a weapon if no one is going to use it?” While he might have not gotten what he wanted, he’d at least planted the seed of something there. The mark of his house was on that blade and if the boy was smart as he thought he was, he’d see it as what it was, a calling card to his realm.

His servant would let out a long, suffering sigh as he looked around, trying to peer through the ever present darkness of the city, “If you say so my lord” he told him before spotted their coach driver in the corner, “I’ll get the carriage ready-!” He then said before he was suddenly interrupted by the load bang of the orphanage door slamming wide open.

Out of breath, the boy from earlier stood there, bent over with his hands resting on his knees as he gasped out, “Wait!” staggering forward, the boy took in deep breaths to catch his breath, “You said you wanted a child to call your own right?” then asked.

With excitement bubbling his chest, he felt a smile stretch across his chest. “I am,” He told the boy as his carriage door opened for them, “Have you come to take my offer then?” ‘

Coughing, the boy would look up to him with those fierce eyes that he grew to admire before throwing him a question that he did not quite expect. Without missing a beat and without shame, the boy then asked, “How many can you adopt?”

For a moment he stood there in shock, his jaw hanging in awe as his servant let out a sound of utter confusion, before he started to laugh. He, Octavius Juli of House Licinia, let out a full bellied laugh with tears streaming down his face; The sheer audacity of this boy!

Walking up to the boy, he ruffled his head. The kid for his part looked back in shock. “I knew I liked you for a reason boy,” He told him as pride filled his chest. The boy's vision might be misguided but they did not do things in half measure. He might just make a Noxian out of him just yet. Hobbling back towards the,  Now let’s see what I can do for your little siblings”

He came to Noxus to find an heir and he left with a whole family. They may not be his legal children but he has taken them under his house as his ward. They shall grow to serve as his heir’s most loyal companions, his confidants and those that he could rely upon; a rarity in the Noxian realm.

As for the boy, he had all the makings of a Licinia and by the spirits, Octavius shall make him into a proud Noxian. ‘Ark Liciania, heir to one of the Ancient and Noble Houses of Noxus, How high shall you fly?’


This what I've been working on since Sunday. Sorry I didn't get to start the other fic I was supposed to write cause I forgot that I had to go back to my home province to celebrate all Souls and Saint's day. Its that time of the year I have to go visit home and home is just a place that is punishing with the muggy heat and harsh sunlight. I'll try to squeeze out another fic updated by tomorrow or the other forward. Hopefully, I can do all of that before the next round voting comes rolling.  I hate the tight schedule I got myself into. 


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