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A Devil’s Pact

Robin’s life had become a fairy tale and there was nothing anyone could say to convince her otherwise. Swept off her feet and whisked aboard a flying ship that glided across the sky, it felt more like a dream. Yet here she was, in her own room rather than in some dank and dreary cell awaiting her trial.

The room given to her was not a particularly spacious room, far from it. It was more of a small closet made to fit as many as nine people on bunk beds with barely any space for personal belongings; a necessity in most ships that needed a lot of crew. Thankfully, she had this room all to herself for now. It was rather strange to have such an empty room inside such a large ship but that just means she had time to think about… everything.

Looking around the windowless room, she found it to be well lit despite being located deep inside the ship's bowels. Under the shades of the beds above her, she was shielded from the harsh white light of the glowing seashell as she mused on the nature of these strange things.

Dials, they were called or so Genji explained. These almost magical seashells were simply a wonder to behold. From the glowing Light Dials that lit her room up to the small swinging Breeze Dial that provided her with a bit of air to cool her down, there seem to be all sorts of dials for the occasion. “Native to Skypiea? How silly,” She chuckled as she shifted, turning away from the light.

Alone in her thoughts, she laid there on her bed, feeling restless despite the smooth sailing of the ship. There was no rocking, something she had to get used to after being in the sea for a while, and the bed was decently comfortable yet she would find no rest. How could she after all that had happened? She was still reeling from what had transpired, not quite believing her fortunes.

Her chance meeting with Genji, Her capture and her subsequent rescue, it was all too much. So many things happened in such a short amount of time and that wasn’t even touching upon the subject of Saul.

“Saul…” She whispered, feeling her eyes cloud up and sting once more. Wiping the wetness off her eyes, she felt a smile stretch across her face. Saul was alive. She wanted him to be alive despite her mind’s treacherous whispers asking her why he hasn’t tried to save him… but could she have known if he did? How many times had the man attempted to go to sea while she was none the wiser? How would she know especially with how far away he was?

Elbaf, the almost mythical land of the giants. One of the few nations that was not under the umbrella of the world government. A fierce and warlike nation and people, it was no wonder the government couldn’t have touched Saul. Protected as he was, that would only extend up in the lands of his people. That meant her old friend was trapped in those distant shores, unable to sail the seas controlled by the Marines.

She clenched her fist, hating how uncertain things were. Genji could lie but… she wanted to hope. She wanted to believe the man. Until she reaches that land of the giants, she wouldn’t know. She needed to get there, to see for herself just as much as she dreamed of peace in the fragmented history of this world.

Looking down upon her clenched fist, she made a promise to herself, “I’m going to meet you at Elbaf Saul, just you wait.” Even if it takes a lifetime, she was going to get there… but how?

She was by no means a skilled sailor and she no longer had any money to her name, not after that costly ticket to the East Blue; the one true refuge in this world of pirates. In fact, she was currently in debt to her own savior. The meal she had with the three of them helped ease her worries yet it remained an uncomfortable position. To be at the mercy of someone else was not something she relished though…having herself indebted to them might not be such a bad thing.

“I could… join them,” She whispered. It was not so far-fetched given that she had plans to eventually join Crocodile, One of the Warlords of the World Government. It was simply a matter of convenience for her as the man had taken himself as a protector of Alabasta, one of the places where the supposedly repositories of ancient history lay.

To join Genji could possibly take her away from this path but it could bring her closer to a new and far more pressing goal she had.  The Warlord had not moved from Alabasta in ages and she doubted that he would allow her to go to the other end of the earth in search of a friend. Genji on the other hand, that mysterious man…

Her musing however would be cut short as the sharp sound of the ship's bell came ringing out of a conch shell above the door of her room. Turning to the strange device, she’d hear the familiar voice of a young teen girl calling out, “Breakfast!”

Blinking, Robin shifted from her bed, slipping out of the rough sheets and found herself on unsteady legs.“It’s morning already?” She asked herself with a yawn. Stretching, she rubbed her weary eyes as she slowly made her way out of the room.

She had not slept a wink after all this time and it took its toll. With the throbbing headaches she felt along with her sore muscles and the bandaged scrapes she had, she felt more like one giant bruise rather than a human being. Cradling her aching sides, she walked out of her room and down the empty hallways of the ships.

As she wondered about, her footsteps echoing up down the path, she’d find no around. Pausing, she’d look to one of the portholes, finding one of the great billowing sails pushing the ship forward. With such great volumes of sail, surely this ship had a lot of crew yet he would find neither hair nor hide of any crew member rushing out of their rooms to find food. This made her task of finding the mess hall all the harder given the size of the ship.

She however wouldn’t have to look for too long however as she soon found one of the strange crew members of this ship she had come to meet from yesterday. Approaching the sailor, she found herself staring upon a tall wooden hare sweeping the hallways. Were these the same crew she met from yesterday?

Still, her stomach growled and she had yet to memorize the ship's layout so she called out, “Umm, excuse me,” Reaching up to the man, the figure kept sweeping, unmindful of her touch even as she shook the man, “Sir?” she asked as she walked around and stared at the man's face only to find an unblinking, unrecognizing eyes of a toy soldier moving all on its own. Were they even alive or aware?

“You’d have to excuse my sister's pets,” An older and far more mature voice of a woman called out from behind her. Turning, she’d find a woman with a slightly unkempt mane green hair and thick circular glass staring back at her. Smiling the woman walked up to her and the toy before knocking at the hollow head of the tall being that kept to its task, “They’re not exactly the brightest bunch… or even all there after she turned them from mere bunnies to toy soldiers,”

“Turned her bunnies into toy… soldiers?” She replied in a skeptical tone. These were mere bunnies but how were they turned to such wooden figures?

Sensing her confusion, the woman waved off her hand as she told her, “Don’t think too much about it,” leaning against the creature, she then explained, “Just your typical Devil Fruit Fuckery as Genji would put it,”

She quirked a brow at her words. She had known of the wonders of devil fruits but for someone to turn another into something so different? Surely, it was stretching the imagination but stranger things can happen in the vast oceans of the world she supposed.

Shrugging, the woman then asked, “So, looking for the way to the kitchen?” to which Robin’s stomach would reply with a growl.

Robin felt her cheeks heat up at the woman’s soft, chime-like laughter, but she pressed on, nodding in confirmation. Patting her on the shoulders, the woman then walked past her and beckoned her to come along., “Well you're in luck cause I’m going there as well. Just follow me,”

“Thank you…” She replied, shadowing the woman as she guided her up to a set of stairs leading to the deck of the ship. There, she’d find the ship alive, if a bit under-manned as all but a dozen of these bunnies were marching around, tending to the ship.

High above the clouds they sailed. The breeze felt cold and fresh, almost lacking the salty tang of the sea below. With a great balloon of sorts above them, now she could see how the ship floated. To think such a ship would be possible… it was almost as unbelieve as the people that had saved her which reminded her, she couldn’t recall their name.

Turning away from the wondrous sight, she looked over at the girl ahead, before asking “Sorry, but I can’t quite recall who you are?”

The events of yesterday came through like a breeze and her lack of rest didn’t help. She had barely any time to know them before she had to rest, or at least attempted to rest. All she could remember was the woman ahead was the one that tended to her after her rescue.

Giving her a sympathetic smile, the woman then asked, “Couldn’t sleep huh? Still on edge even when you know you’re going to be alright?”

Robin nodded slowly. It was her almost constant companion at this point, this paranoia she felt. She just couldn’t shake it off no matter what. Before she could dwell any further on that subject, she saw a flash as the woman called out, “Here, have this!” Reaching out, she’d find herself holding a bottle with some matter of blue drink inside. “It’ll help you with the dehydration and at least some of the edge of that headache,” The woman assured her

Looking down on the strange drink, she hesitated. Taking the risk, she cracked open the drink and took a good long drink, feeling the cool refreshing drink fill her stomach. Sweet and slightly sour, the drink had this weird after taste yet not something she’d find repulsive.

“As for who I am?” The woman then asked as she led her too to the aftercastle of the ship, “I’m just the ship's doctor, Monet. It’s nice to meet you,” She introduced herself as she opened the door, showing her a large dining room where the man that had saved her sat ahead of a great table. With a short green hair teen to his side, Monet’s younger sister perhaps, Genji looked almost comically large.

“Yo Monet! Robin!” The lion maned man waved at them with this goofy smile stretched across his face, one Robin would find infectious as she felt herself smiling as she waved back, “Glad you can join us.”

While Genji was quite pleasant with his greetings, the young girl on the other hand was not. The young girl leveled a nasty glare at her before greeting them. “Oh hey, the titty monsters are here,” The girl replied with a sardonic grin as she chomped down on the sausage on her plate.

She was taken aback by the harsh reply, a harsh contrast to how adorable she looked, and so did Monet. “Sugar!” The woman gasped out in horror. Still, while Robin held back, refusing to stoop so low as to slap some sense into the girl, there were other ways to correct her.

Smiling back at Sugar, Robin fired back, “Oh, look, isn’t it the local itty bitty titty committee member coming to greet us,” Fight fire with fire as they say and Robin relished how red the girl’s face became when Monet covered her lips and how Genji burst out laughing.

The young woman stood up, roaring out as she pointed at her, “You want to have a problem? Cause that’s how you get a problem,”

Robin merely shrugged as she gave the girl an enigmatic smile, letting the tiny one stew in her own impotent anger. Her reply only served to infuriate the greenette even more as she came marching up to him, only to be stopped as the sheet of a sword came down and rapped her lightly on the head.

“Sugar, manners,” Genji scolded Sugar as he finally got himself under control. Giving the young teen a disapproving look, he added, “She’s a guest. Treat her with courtesy.” Sugar did not take that well as she gave the man a look of hurt and betrayal.

The girl fumed as she clutched the small bump atop her head. Glaring at Robin, Sugar would try to reason, “But-!” but the man was not having it.

“And you started it,” Genji reminded the girl who withered under the man’s gaze. Pouting, she’d slink back to her seat before plopping down and leaning up against Genji.

The man would let out a sigh as he reached up and stroked the girl's hair before apologizing to Robin, “I’m sorry about that. She’s just a bit high strung and doesn’t take kindly to strangers.”

“I can only imagine,” Robin sighed. If she were being a bit honest, it was like she was looking at a younger mirror image of her. If this angsty ball of hormones wasn’t so cute, she might have done something but this was what teenage girls coming into puberty were like. She just had to be understanding.

Genji gave her an apologetic smile before he then said, “Anyways, I’m sure you’re probably starving,” gesturing at the table before him as she added, “Just take a seat anywhere, there’s plenty to go around!” and what a mouth watering sight it was.

It was a simple affair of various breads, assorted spreads, eggs and various processed meats, one clearly made in a rush but a welcome one as she felt her mouth water. “The bread’s still fresh so dig in while it's warm!” he told her.

“Don’t mind if I do~!”, Monet replied, giggling as she sauntered over to the man before plopping herself down and grinding against him. The man sputtered, getting all red while Sugar squawked in protest and Robin found herself covering her mouth as she walked up to one of the empty seats near the trio.

“I meant the bread god damn it!” Genji sputtered out, trying to pry the woman off his lips to no avail. She had stuck to him like an urchin upon the hull of a ship and she refused to let go.

“But honey~!” She protested  and Robin found herself to quite the entertaining show. They were certainly quite the eccentric bunch.


As animated as the trio were, things would eventually settle down. With the two girls flanking Genji at the head of the table while Robin took her seat beside Money, they ate in relative silence, broken only for a few moments of chatter and small talk.

Taking a sip from the wonderful brew of coffee she had, she took a look around, soaking in the sight. Much like the rest of the ship, this dining table, one she assumed was made for the officers of the ship, was rather plain looking. The only thing that stood out really was the state of the art kitchen attached to the dining area, a place where a chef could work but with the apparent lack of people sitting at the table, with just the four of them occupying the seat, there was no one dedicated to just the task. These three might just be covering everything; Perfect for her purpose.

Just as she was about to call for their attention, Genji would suddenly speak up, “Alright,” the man sighed out, placing down his utensils as he looked at her. WIth all eyes on him, he then told her, “So, Robin, I might not have been entirely truthful to you about everything…”

Robin blinked, staring back at the man as she replied, “Oh?” She should have been angry yet… she felt relieved? But most of all, she felt curious. It seems that her mysterious savior was still very much a man.

Genji raised his hands up in appeasement as he admitted, “While I did want to help you cause you’re someone in need, I might have also wanted to for another reason…”

Looking over to his two companions, the trio exchanged a silent conversion between them. It felt like a  look of anger or frustration washing over Sugar while a look of curiosity and intrigue over that of Monet. It felt like an eternity as Sugar and Genji argued, glaring at each other before finally the diminutive teen relented. Sighing, the girl turned away, nodding while Genji smiled.

Turning back to her, their eyes locked momentarily, Genji then said, “Nico Robin, I want you to be part of my crew,”

Slowly, Robin set her cup down before she smiled. “Alright,” she agreed. It seems that she didn’t have to ask him to join the crew, not when they want her aboard already.

Monet cheered while Sugar on the other hand cursed out. “Damn it!” The girl shouted, fuming silently on her seat. As much as she was annoyed by the girl's rudeness, Robin couldn’t help but coo at her pouty face. She was adorable. Unable to help herself, she let a hand bloom behind the girls table before poking her on the cheeks. “Quit it!” The girl then shouted, swatting her hands with the back of her palm.

Genji on the other hand took some time to reply as he gaped at her in silence. “Wait, what?” she sputtered out, confusion and surprise painted across his face as he asked, “Just like that?”

Covering her lips, Robin let out a laugh at how clueless the man looked. “Is it that hard to understand?” She asked as she giggled. Resting her chin on her palm and smiling back at him, he then teased him, “My, and here I thought you were a bright one.”

“Oy oy oy!” the man blustered out while the girls laughed at him. Not only was Monet so easy to tease, so was their man.

Letting out a dramatic sigh, she then said, “Let me rephrase it for you. Genji, I want to join your crew,” Flicking her hair, she then added jokingly, “Besides, it’s your fault anyways. You have to take responsibility for what you did,” After all, it was all his fault that her plans had been derailed. It was the least that he could do plus it was all too amusing seeing the man sputter as he was set upon by the two girls.

“Genji~” Monet called out, a strained smile stretched across her face. “Did I hear that right or are~ you~ cheating on us~?” she then asked as she got up and wrapped her arms around his neck, her voice dripping with anger and venom.

Sugar on the other hand was practically steaming as clutched her knife and fork so hard that they bent under her white knuckled grip. “Tell me she’s just joking,” The tiny terror asked through gritted teeth as her face twisted to a rictus of a grin, “Tell me you didn’t do something down while we were going down to pick you up,”

“M-monet, Sugar, it’s not like that!” Genji assured them, laughing nervously as he turned to her, pleading to her,  “Robin, help me out here!”

She felt a smile stretch across her face as she watched the two girls loom over him. Maybe she had taken it a bit too far but what if she put more fuel to the fire? After all, it was his fault for being such a lustful and greedy man as to have two girls after him.

Cupping her cheeks, she let out a fond sigh as she replied, “Oh yes, he definitely forced himself upon me in that dank, dark cell,” It was not that she was lying, she was merely stretching the truth to her fancy. Holding herself, she then added, “My, was he quite the persuasive devil, promising all sorts of sweet nothings and making me fall for him. You can even say he swept me off my feet.”

The look in Genji’s eyes was simply delicious as he cried out, “Robin! It wasn’t like ack-!” His words were soon choked out of him as Monet let out a war cry, tightening her grip around the man’s neck. Sugar quickly joined in as latched on and started pulling at his golden hair. “Not the hair! Not the hair!“

Robin laughed as the two wrangled their captain up on the table and gave him a piece of their mind. Besides, a little bit of payback didn’t hurt.


It might have been a bit mean of her to let the two loose at Genji but she did explain what exactly had transpired, eventually. She might have waited till the two were hogtying the man before she stepped in. As cooler heads prevailed, things went back to normal. There was much apologizing to be had between the trio but watching them make up, forgiving each other made her feel strange. Whatever that feeling was, she buried it for now as she gave her own apology.

“I’m sorry about earlier,” She told Genji as she followed him outside and up to the forecastle. With the knife-like bow of the ship cutting through the clouds, the airship plowed ahead, cruising faster than any normal ship. There they stood, watching the clouds as they flew above the great blue expanse.

“Nah, don’t worry about it. No harm done,” the man replied, waving off his concerns as he grinned at him, “Besides, what’s a little bit of teasing between friends here and now? Just don’t expect me to hold back when it’s my turn,” he laughed.

Robin felt her cheeks heat up as she listened to his words. “Friends…” she whispered, smiling as she let the word slide across his tongue. Shaking her head ruefully, she then replied, “I’ll be looking forward to that time then.”

Silence would soon descend between them as they stood there, watching the clouds together. Clutching her coat closely, she walked up to the bow, leaning on the railing as savored the crisp cold air of the sky. Its cool refreshing breeze, while a little bit thin with how they were up in the sky, was like a balm on her tired body.

She wanted to rest, her body weary yet she couldn’t tear her eyes away. She simply wanted to stay there and watch the clouds and the birds that flew up to join them in the sky. Hearing footsteps behind her, Genji would soon ask her, “It never gets old huh? Just a sea of white that the Manticore glides across.”

With her gaze lock ahead, she answered, “It’s breathtaking,” It was magical, floating up high in the sky. With the foamy clouds parting beneath the prow of the ship, she swore she could jump overboard and bounce above the clouds but she knew all too well that could lead to her grizzly fate.

“Well expect a whole lot more strange and wonderful sights up in the air now that you’re on board,” The golden maned man told her, “I’m glad you’re now part of the crew,”

The man then yawned before he started stretching, rolling his shoulder as he turned around and gesturing for her to follow him. “I’ll draft your employment contract but for the meantime, why don’t I show you around. There’s certainly a few more rooms around that you can choose from.” The man then said as he walked back to the deck. “Don’t be afraid to tell me what I want. I only give the best to my crew. What ever dream you have? We’ll find a way to make it work.”

Robin chuckled at his words. “I certainly have a few things I want for my employment,” She told him as she followed closely, passing by the rabbits who stood there, chewing upon their carrots while waiting for orders. Monet had retreated back inside the ship while Sugar had taken to the helm, guiding the ship as it made its way across the sky.

Looking back at her as he climbed up the forecastle and slipped inside, he then told her, “Elbaf is certainly on the table if that’s what you're wondering. It's one of the places I want to visit.”

“You know, things wouldn’t have spiraled out of control if you had simply asked me to join you. We could have even talked things out,” She replied. Looking back, she had reacted rashly, going for the throat rather than actually thinking things through. She was afraid, acting more like a cornered animal than man. As mysterious as he came off at first, it was also her fault for simply not asking.

“If the first thing a man fell out of the sky asked you is if you want to join his crew, you’d think he’s mad no?” The man retorted before he guided them to a series of small rooms, each just big enough for a person to call their own.

“Touche,” she replied, accepting her fault.

Picking out a set of keys, he then told her, “And here’s where the room of the officers are. Just pick any of these and paint your name over the door.” There was quite a number of them, each having a view of the sky around them. There were already two rooms occupied, the ones closest to a set of stairs leading to what she assumed was Genji’s quarters.

Nodding, she was about to pick a room before pausing. “Genji,” She called out, “Would you mind answering some questions of mine? I’m just a little curious you see.” She asked.

Quirking a brow at him, the man nodded before replying, “Shoot.”

Walking up close to the man, she watched as a blush crept up his face. Gazing up to him in amusement as she watched him take a step back, she then whispered, letting a false hint of longing creep up her voice, “Why exactly do you want me, Genji?” seeing him swallow unconsciously, she pressed on teasing him, “Is it my charming looks, my alluring voice? Do I have to worry about my own virtue around you?”

She was no stranger to using her own charms to get what she wanted. A little touch here, a suggested look there, and a little bit of a sultry tone from time to time and she could get what she wanted without lifting a finger. Using these charms, she gazed into his mysterious blue eyes as she asked “Or… is it something else?”

There was a pause as the two gazed at each other, Robin playing her game yet she overplayed her hands. She felt her breath taken away as strong hands grabbed her and made her be the one with her back against the wall. With his arm resting beside her head and his tall broad flame looming over her, she felt herself swallow.

She let out a small shaky breath as she felt his finger against her chin, her legs nearly buckling when he made her look back into his eyes. She found herself lost in that smoldering glaze, her heart beating faster as he leaned in closer, their lips getting closer with each passing moment. She felt herself froze up, her heart pounding as she felt her face burn.

“My, aren’t you quite the bold one,”The man whispered, their lips just a few inches away. If she were to just lean forward, she could have a taste of him. “You know, you could just ask~? Monet and Sugar aren’t one to be so jealous after all?” he told her, her legs feeling like jelly as he heard his voice.

“I-it’s not like that. I-!” She choked out, feeling a bit light headed before she saw the look of amusement dancing behind his eyes. “You bastard!” She bit out as he leaned back, shame now replacing the momentary haze of lust she felt. She refused to look into those eyes of his, knowing how silly she must have been. She must have looked like a love sick tween.

“Gotcha,” the man replied, giving her a flick on her forehead. Glaring back at him, he then said, “As for the answer to your question, you're certainly beautiful and deadly in your own right but what I really want is what’s in your head or rather what you can do with the knowledge you have.”

Robin nodded, her cheeks still burning as she straightened her coat. Waiting for her to collect herself, he then said, “I’ve heard that Ohara has been delving into the study of a certain megalithic artifact from the void century and they say that they actually cracked the code to how to read said artifact,” looking back at her, his gaze now devoid of humor, he then asked, “Is there any truth to these rumors?”

Robin pursed her lips as she looked away, considering if she should answer that question. She could lie yet… the man knew her to a terrifying degree. Could she even lie? Does she even want to lie? With a hesitant nod, she answered, “Yes… and we were cursed for this knowledge we gleaned from the past.”

“So the world government really did silence the Scholars of Ohara…” The man grimaced, shaking his head, “No knowledge should be kept hidden. Maybe taught under proper tutelage and after only gaining the proper wisdom to bear it but to have it erased? To be burnt to the very ground because they were afraid? Despicable,” he spat out in disgust.

Looking away and wrapping her hands around herself she answered, “As much as I wished for such a world, so long as the World Government remains… it’ll only be a dream,” It was the reality of this world, that she was a sinner for knowing the wrong things. She had run for so long… could things even change?

“Then what if we tear down the World Government?” The man asked without a hint of jest, making him turn to him in surprise. With steel in his eyes, he asked once more, “What if someone could take the empty throne and sit upon it, reforming this rotten system?”

If any other man would have asked her that question, she would have chalked him off as a mad man yet in the words of Genji… she felt she could believe in him. Looking down upon his clenched fist, Genji raged, “The world government is a bloated carcass of a system. The peace they claim is nothing but a lie. They are mere tyrants holding on to power as they lord upon those below them like gods!”

Banging his fist against the wall, he then said, “The only reason they exist and move forward is by their sheer virtue of their inertia and the fact that they hold the power to dictate what has happened. Even then, their control is slipping as people take to the seas,” Gazing ahead, he added, “Gol D. Roger did not only send countless of pirate out to see, but sent them out to find the truth, of how truly rotten this world has become,”

“The World Government might hold off the narrative now, branding all those who oppose it as pirates, but it’s time that the world knows, it’s time that we take away their ability to overwrite the history of this world and let them crumble under their own weight,’’ He spoke out with such fervor that she felt her breath got taken away.

Looking back at her, he then grabbed her hands, “Robin, with your help, I could read every last one of the historical poneglyphs. I want you to help compile every last scrap of knowledge from the past and let the world know the true story of the world. I want you to help me break the falsehood that the world government had set up and tear it down.”

“The world government’s been so afraid of history so it’s high time that the world knows what truly happened. Will you help me take over this world and remake it?” He asked her, no, he begged her as he got down to his knees. His impassioned speech, the sheer conviction of his words, Robin knew she stands before a visionary; He was going to change this world.

With a shaky smile, she replied, “My aren't you the ambitious one, almost sounding like a Revolutionary right there.” Countless visionaries declared that they were going to change the world, she heard it a thousand times but for her to be in front of one? It was… life changing.

“Our goals align but we're taking different routes,” The man replied with a grin, “They want the world to rise up while I on the other hand want a more direct approach.” In those eyes, she saw a whole new world. If this man wanted to burn the very world to change it… then she wanted to be right beside him and watch it. She wanted to be with him when the time comes for the corrupt kings and tyrants that held this fragile peace to have their day of reckoning.

Pulling his hands close to her chest, she then answered, “Then I’ll be looking forward to the day when you tear down the world government… Captain,” The World Government had tormented her long enough. If it wanted her to suffer then she was going to do everything in her power to help this man destroy it.

Chuckling, the man stood up as he said, “Well, best that we should get started,” blinking in confusion, the man then clarified, “I should have a copy of that lithograph of a Poneglyph I have hidden in my library. I’m not sure what the Skypeian Poneglyph contains but I’m sure it’ll have a fragment of the true history of the world.”

Robin’s mouth hang open as she asked, “I… beg your pardon?”



Thanks man but yeah, the World Government just has to go. They're just hilariously evil that it's almost sad. Like wow my dude... you're really squeezing them dry for what? Considering what the Goresei are though... I'm kinda afraid really. That's some really demonic stuff