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Hey there, Oxdarock here!

Thank you, everyone, for another month of support! I got a little bit off-track last month, but I plan to continue working as much as can! So, in that regard, not much will change for March as far as things go here. 

That said, I've been a bit concerned about the character suggestions I've held at the end of the past three months. Suggestions sent my way have gone down each month, to the point that I wasn't even sent a full 18 this month and had to fill in the last spot myself. I'm a bit bothered by this, since it essentially makes the soft lock I put on characters moot. I'd imagine the reason participation has gone down is because looking through the list every time is too bothersome and considered going back to deciding all the characters myself, however, I'm gonna leave things as-is. I mean, it's not much different than how polls normally go, with less than a third of my patrons ever participating. So if a select few decide to run the show and suggest the same characters over and over, unless I decide otherwise, so be it. I'll simply fill in the remaining characters as needed. 

Anyway, that's all for now! Look forward to this month! 


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