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Here's a WIP sneak peek of one of the two animation I'm currently working on. It can be seen from two perspective. A first person one and a alt_cam one.

Full disclosure: To save time, I did not do this one from scratch unlike all my previous anims. The main track is done by a chap called Stimuli. All I've done here is edit it to make it work with my characters by adding subtracks to fix hip, hand and foot placements. Added facial expressions, eye tracking, genitals anim and animated clothing morphs.

Mari_Test1_Firstperson (right click on vid and enable "loop")

Mari Test1 Alt_Cam (right click on vid and enable "loop")


WARNING, long rant incoming:

I've been getting DM's asking about EP10's ETA. So to reiterate: This thing is nowhere near done. I'm close to finishing the first path. After the anims are done, I just need to do some actiony story stuff outside and then show what happens once the boys get back home. 

After that's done though, I still need to do the second path. That'll be as big as the first one. Each path will be about as long as the entirety of some of the earlier episodes.

I know it's been ages since EP9 dropped but there's still a long way to go before I get this one done. And I acknowledge that I'm incredibly slow. So I urge anyone who feels that this is unacceptable to please consider dropping or lowering your pledge for now until EP10 is done. 

Still, don't get me wrong though... I'm super thankful for everyone that's been supporting me thus far, month after month, for pretty much nothing in return. I definitely wouldn't be able to do any of this without you guys.






I want it now, I want it yesterday... and I'll want it the day it comes out. I'm also perfectly happy to wait until it's done. You have crafted a great story/game. Keep doing it your way!


Thanks. It's a little cringe to admit, but positive words of encouragement does keep the ol' motivation up.

Arctic Alpha

While I admit I do have the feelings of 'cant wait!'... I also understand that it will take the time it takes. So, rock on and I keep on subbing.