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James: Fans of blood AND cum rejoice! Chapter 6 of Insatiable is here!

Mistress Cereza: Two new characters and updates for all our established ones. Very nice! This was a yummy chapter.

James: Thank you, Mistress. I haven't featured Eula and Misaki in a while, but they're side characters who may come into the forefront later.

Mistress Cereza: I look forward to it.

James: Sorry for the wait on this one. I got some early cold/flu thing that knocked me down for a while and then I had to get back into the groove.

Mistress Cereza: You're doing well, my love. Your readers know that good work can't be rushed.

James: Your next Quickie will be out soon.

Mistress Cereza: And my next Mistress Speaks is on its way too. Ta ta for now!


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