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James: Hey Femdom & Futadom fam! It's update time.

Mistress Cereza: Hello, dears! Hope you're not too tired after the time change. Or, if you're fortunate enough to live somewhere that doesn't engage in "Daylight Saving" Stupidity, congratulations.

James: Mistress *really* doesn't like DST, in case you couldn't tell.

Mistress Cereza: Not even when we get the extra hour of sleep in the fall.

James: First things first. I've been busy editing. The second drafts of Long Is The Way chapter 5 and Quickie #40 are now live. Also, the third and final draft of Quickie #20 is now available.

Mistress Cereza: Don't forget about the story bundles.

James: Yes, the story bundles have been updated, and, at long last, the complete EPUB bundles have landed right beside the PDF bundles. So, for those of you who prefer reading in EPUB format, rejoice! All of my story content has been converted into EPUB and is now available in one handy download.

Mistress Cereza: Very nice, slut. Now, what's next on the story docket?

James: As mentioned previously, chapter 6 of Insatiable is up next. After that I'm going to write the next chapter of Athena Corp Chronicles and Quickie #41. After those it will be back to commissions. In the near future it'll be the next chapter of Mistress Cruel Love, the final chapter of Enslaved By Sorority Sluts and possibly some brand new stories on the way. I have a few potential commissioners who have been waiting patiently for a spot to open up.

Mistress Cereza: My goodness. It never ends, does it?

James: Never. But that's a good thing. Busy is good!

Mistress Cereza: But not too busy. I don't want you burning out. You need to schedule a week off. You've only had one real vacation this year.

James: I'll probably take the last week of the year off. Until then, full speed ahead!

Mistress Cereza: Grrr...

James: You're too cute when you're annoyed, Mistress.

Mistress Cereza: Not as cute as you are when I'm spanking your bratty ass.

James: Touche!


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