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James: Hello friends! I have returned with chapter 1 of our new series Man In The Box! Sorry for the longer than expected wait. This was my first foray into sci-fi / cyberpunk writing and some lessons were learned along the way.

Mistress Cereza: Oh, yes. He agonized over this one.

James: I suppose I shouldn't be surprised, but when it comes to a setting like this, world building is WAY more important than say, a story in contemporary times or a medieval / fantasy one. You have to consider how technology has changed between the present and the future setting, what major events have occurred in between, what the social / political climate is like, establish the relevant factions, etc.

Mistress Cereza: I can see how that would be time consuming.

James: Much more than any series I've written before. Normally I have some ideas jotted down and beyond that it's just outlining the characters and 1-2-3 GO! Couldn't do that here. I already had some plot ideas, but the details needed way more mulling over before I got started. Frankly, after this, I'm looking forward to getting back to some more typical smut writing.

Mistress Cereza: I haven't had a chance to read it yet, since you just finished it this morning, but I plan to dig into it tonight. Assuming I don't pass out early. It was a long day.

James: No rush, my love. In fact, I want everyone to be on the lookout for version 2 by the end of the week, because I'm sure some corrections will be needed. I'd like to edit it now, but I'm way too tired and it's best to wait a day or two before revising a new work.

Mistress Cereza: Of course. Take the next 24 hours off, Cheshire. Mistress commands it.

James: Gladly.

Mistress Cereza: Is every chapter of Man In The Box going to be named after a grunge rock banger?

James: Yes. This one was titled after one of Soundgarden's early hits: Fell On Black Days.

Mistress Cereza: Exciting!

James: Thanks. I hope our readers dig it too. There's more on the way, fam! Two more commissions are in the pipeline and I'll likely do the next Quickie in between them. Stay tuned!


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