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James: Hello readers! We're back with your first update for April.

Mistress Cereza: Good evening my naughty cherubs.

James: First things first. The cleaned up second draft of "Strapped In Silk" has been uploaded and the Story Bundles have been updated with all the latest.

Mistress Cereza: The amount of time and effort you put into editing your stories is insane to me. I wouldn't have the patience.

James: Even if I could afford a full time editor, I don't know that I'd trust them to improve my work. I like doing it myself.

Mistress Cereza: The mark of a true perfectionist. But that also makes you your own worst enemy at times.

James: Aren't we all? On to the story schedule! I have three commissions in the works right now. Two of them are still in the prep stage. Chapter 3 of Cosplay Cumdump (which looks like it's going to win the poll by a landslide) and chapter 1 of a new, still untitled series. For both of them, I'm waiting to hear back from the commissioners to finalize the details. For the third commission, which is also a brand new series, I've just finished the prep work for chapter 1 and will begin writing tomorrow night.

Mistress Cereza: This one has a title, then?

James: Yes, this series will be called "Man In The Box." It's a collaboration between a story idea I've been wanting to write for a long time and some of the commissioner's own ideas which I think will add very nicely to the narrative. All I'm going to say about it, for now, is that it takes place in a increasingly dystopian, cyperpunk future where runaway technology and Femdom/Futadom kink merge in delightful and scary ways.

Mistress Cereza: That sounds fantastic! I can't wait to read the first chapter.

James: I'm looking forward to writing it.

Mistress Cereza: If you're not writing or editing tonight, what are you doing? Taking a night off?

James: Our taxes.

Mistress Cereza: Ah, yes. It's that time of year again. You sure waited till the last minute, as usual.

James: Can you blame me? It's so much fun.

Mistress Cereza: Fair. Get it done quickly so you can relax the rest of the night.

James: That's the plan! We'll see you all next week with the first entry in a brand new series. And for those of you who know what "Man In The Box" refers to, I'll tell you now that it will have more than one meaning in the narrative, but yes, the story will have a Grunge motif.

Mistress Cereza: For those of you who aren't aware, punch "man in the box" into YouTube or Spotify and get acquainted with Alice In Chains. The 90's were a special time for rock.

James: Well said, Mistress!


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