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James: Here it is, the latest chapter of Insatiable with blood and cum to spare!

Mistress Cereza: Mmmm... this was yummy. Definitely worth the wait.

James: Thank you, Mistress. I went over 9,000 words for this one and did some brainstorming for future chapters in the process. It was time well spent, I think.

Mistress Cereza: You're never going to use the word vampire, are you?

James: Nope. Not in the body of the story. That was one of my goals when I set out. If I can't get everything across without relying on that word, I'm not a good author.

Mistress Cereza: It's important to challenge oneself, I suppose.

James: Exactly. I learned the importance of it from Kubrick and Kurosawa. For them, nothing could ever be simple or easy. They nearly drove themselves mad trying to create the best films possible. And they did.


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