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James: Here's your latest Quickie! It took a little longer than I wanted because of the Patreon situation we've been dealing with recently, but I made it another long one (almost 5,000 words) to make it up to you!

Mistress Cereza: I loved this story! Thank you, my dear!

James: You're welcome, Mistress. I was glad to see the patrons voted for it.

Mistress Cereza: We didn't mention it before, but this story was actually my idea. I wanted to write it myself (and James encouraged me to) but I'm no writer. I tried once and it was... bad. So I'm glad you finally did it, slut! It's wonderful!

James: Happy to bring one of your fantasies to life, Mistress. :->

Mistress Cereza: We'll be back in a day or two with an important announcement.

James: Some changes are coming, but the good news is we've resolved the Patreon issues (for now, at least.) Details soon!




That was a fun read, can see some sort of series coming from it


I liked this quickie very much, and that Mistress Cereza came up with it was even better.


Mistress Cereza: That would be awesome! James: I could see myself writing a full fantasy series at some point in the future. We'll see what happens. ;-)