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James: Behold! The birth of a new series! "No Escape" has arrived.

Mistress Cereza: I just finished reading it. Very nice! Those who've been patiently waiting for the Futa takeover in Athena Corp Chronicles are going to love this. No waiting here.

James: That was the idea. What do you think of Vanya?

Mistress Cereza: She's wonderful. A homage to a certain infamous guest character in Lost In Space, if I'm not mistaken.

James: You are correct, my Queen.

Mistress Cereza: Fitting, since this is a sci-fi series.

James: Well, it begins in a contemporary setting, but will get more sci-fi as it progresses. This was originally slated to be a medium length chapter, but it ran a little long, as my setups tend to.

Mistress Cereza: For a noted receiver, you sure do like to give.

James: Thank you, Mistress. ^_^

Mistress Cereza: You're welcome, Cheshire. Enjoy the new series, sluts!

James: Yes, by all means, dive in. We'll be back soon with an update.