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While we adventured through Costa Rica we made all types of new friends. Monique and I (Milah) have been friends for years but, we made friends with @organiczach at a beach party and later found out he was also friends with Mo. He shared his experience living in different countries including the time he lived in Handuras with a “free black” group that he later learned was a cult. 😩 So the entire trip we had an ongoing joke about how he should start his own cult and we would all be the women of the free love organic Zach cult lol. (If your not laughing it’s cuz you had to be there ) anyway these pictures are definitely giving Costa Rican Poly cult vibes so I thought I’d share. Has anyone ever had any near cult experiences? More people than you think have had close calls. I (Milah) for one would of definitely been tempted by the cult that almost stole Zach because apparently the rules were all the women had to be topless lmao. Any black community living off the grid , topless and free and promoting free love sounds tempting to me 🤷🏾‍♀️ joking…not joking 😕.

Anyway I miss our jungle life, you couldn’t tell us we wasn’t locals and wasn’t coming back to the states !


With our leader 🌱
Nothing says jungle vacation like a ring light selfie photo shoot
My titties are so thirsty to be out
With our leader 🌱
Nothing says jungle vacation like a ring light selfie photo shoot



OMGGG I love this! I’m glad y’all had a great time and found a community there! ❤️


LOVE these pics!!