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Hey y’all!

Checking in to see how everyone is doing. It’s Day 3 and I know some of you are thriving and some of y’all are getting hit up more than ever with that late night sex text. The universe will try and test you and I swear these men (and women) know when you’re putting them on pause.

Stay strong Tribe.

We’re 3 days away from our first Dicktox support check in call and I hope you’ve been thinking about the questions I asked you to write down on my last post.

What’s the longest you’ve ever abstained from sex? Mine was 4 months during pregnancy which is probably why my BD cheated on me 😂

Funny now but not then lol.

Drop your number below!



1 yr. But not on purpose. Just a drought.


About a year and a half. More than once.