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Hey Tribe!

May is maternal mental health month and for some reason lately, I've been deep-diving into my pregnancy, my birth, breastfeeding, and the first few years of motherhood. It's crazy how much a few years can change you. My pregnancy was pretty chill physically ( with the exception of preeclampsia at the end) . But, I hadn't realized I was likely deeply depressed during my pregnancy and after. I was in such a dark place personally and in my relationship that becoming depressed was low key my default setting. Being a woman often comes with this natural ability to just manage and "be ok" so much so we often don't even recognize when shit is off.  As I've been reminiscing I realized how unhappy and confused I was at this time. Despite that, I was simultaneously experiencing some of the happiest moments of my life right after giving birth which is confusing. I don't have that many photos or videos from Luna's infant baby stages and it makes me sad but I did manage to find my birth video ( so I thought I'd share). If you know me you know, I fuckin' love birth and also that  I had this grand plan to give birth drugless at home, unassisted with my partner, and some loved ones.  Clearly, that didn't happen, in fact, I ended up in the hospital induced three weeks early and with an epidural (thank god for the human who made that drug).  Often times women discuss coming into power after birth which we all do in some capacity but, the truth is, it isn't always immediate. There was a lot of uncertainty before I was able to stand in my "BADASS MOTHER POWER " and in some ways, I'm still coming all the way into it. The point is this shit is a process....a difficult, powerful process. I'm so grateful for Good Moms, the tribe, and the empowerment tribe has provided me on my journey.  

Was anybody else's birth as picture-perfect as they planned?  I feel like birth is the first lesson in Motherhood that teaches "you can't control everything".  Enjoy my national geographic mom boobs , and the first moments of pure bliss I experienced feeling Luna touch the outside of my body =) and take this month to reflect on your birth, if you know a pregnant mom or new mom who's just given birth, love on her because Lawd knows the process and transition into motherhood ain't easy!

Happy Monday love you guys !


Use this video as inspiration for our May detox lol 



This is "IMG_9826.mov" by Erica Dickerson on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them.



My daughter has Down syndrome and i carry such weight feeling likes horrible mom for not being joyful during my pregnancy or thereafter she will be 3 in July and it’s much better but I still feel like I am not doing enough this podcast has made me feel like a real mom I assumed mothers of typical children didn’t have the issues the darkness the failures bt also the triumphs joys ad freedom in the ups and downs thank you so much for your transparency this was beautiful I’m a wreck