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Relationships are hard guys. Vacations can make or break your relationship. I’m on vacation with mine and it’s not going well despite what you may see on social. I don’t know what to do. It’s feels crazy to have manifested someone with all the qualities I asked for... but the details matter. Our communication is off and it makes me sad. This man wants to work it out at whatever cost and I’ve never experienced that from a man so it makes me feel guilty about feeling like this may not work.. I have so much going on in my career that maybe I just don’t have the bandwidth for this. Where is the honeymoon period in my relationship? It’s been challenging from the start and I thought it was growing pains. I’m realIzing we are just different in important ways that matter to me and us.

Have you ever found someone with almost all the qualities you want but one major thing is off?




I have definitely been there


I've been there.. In my case I chose to hold on because that's what I thought I was "suppose" to do. I thought I should just try to make it work because he had so many of the qualities I had been longing for in a partner. I thought that those qualities out weighed the negative things in our relationship. But now reflecting back on that relationship I should've left when I first had my doubts. I would've saved myself a lot of pain, hurt, and heartbreak. It was definitely a lesson that I needed. That relationship showed me what I need from my next partner and the things I don't. Good luck with whatever you decide love. ❤️


This was me 😩.. thinking this is what I’m “ supposed “ to do and giving people “ grace “ 🙄... I wouldn’t say it’s all BS but most of the time it is. And like u and many have mentioned already .. just go with your first mind. Wish I would have so I just take it as the best lesson learned. But I’m definitely not doing that again !!