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Buck is back this week, and we're unpacking some childhood trauma in this struggle sesh. So pull up a bean bag, light up a doob, and get ready to slappa da bongos bruddah.

Shovel Leaners
Crying About Working Conditions

When push comes to shove these days, you can count on just about everyone around you to do absolutely everyone around you to go out of their way to do nothing to help you. Flat tire? Eff You. Need help moving a large item in your apartment building? Get bent. Feeling some dark emotions and need a listening ear? Be a man! Surely there will be no consequences for our total ever growing societal narcissism.

These days instead of doing anything to advance yourself, just band together with the other absolutely useless people you work with and demand more. Sure maybe one guy in a hundred deserves more, but the other 99 of you are going to ride that guy to death while you try and squeeze another few bucks an hour. All the while they tell you "we're in this together" and pretend that the standard day to day functions of the job are somehow cruel and unusual.

All of that plus a secret members only island, and a conspiracy so vile but it's been right under your nose the whole time.


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