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Buck and Tab are sitting down to talk about some real measly annoyances. This month its.

No Replacement Parts
Anti Piracy Warnings
Storylines In Video Games
Royalty Payments
Not Finding Beta Readers
Corporate Tools

I just got a JcPenney freezer from I think the 70s. If anything breaks on it it's a piece of garbage, you can't even google this thing. 25 years ago you could still get parts, why? Because we fixed things. Not any more, now the whole TV is just trash because 6 dots that are barely there.

I bought a movie for $20, but before I watch it I have to be reminded to buy it for $20. Counter intuitively the movie I torrented from the internet that needs the anti piracy warning has been completely stripped of this immense waste of my time.

When you get to be slightly older than a teenager your time starts being valuable. So why do video games waste so much of it with cutscenes? I get it I need to go punch the thing, or shoot the other thing, who could possibly care? Just put a dot on the map and I will kill everything between me and the dot.

Be a hollywood writer. You write a terrible TV show for Netflix. They promote it all over the internet. Like 11 people watch it. You only make $4. Well no, you made $7500 a week for the entire development and filming process of the season. You only made $4 post facto because nobody actually watched your crappy show.

Please email buck if you'd like to read his short story.

Why do employees have greater loyalty to the companies they work for than the company will have for them? Did you see the woman that worked at lowes beaten by some Scholarship Recipients? 13 years she workd for lowes. Fired immediately for getting beaten by those future doctors. Not only should she have let them steal, she should've been stealing every day herself.


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