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Tim is live in the Most Dangerous City in a America! His tank is bone dry, but his issues runneth over. We're talking about;

- ADHD Content
- "We" Projects

Everyone is so hyped about being neurodivergent these days, it only makes sense that content be made specifically for those people. The internet being what it is though, it doesn't stay in its niche corner. Like a Blob it expands and consumes every feed it touches. Oh look a train!

Speaking of trains, we've all had the metaphorical train run on us by co-workers or spouses coming up with a project to work on, that is actually just a job for you. Don't insult my intelligence please, just say you want me to do a thing, don't try to con me into working together.

All of that plus news of the weird, and your voicemails!


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