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Buck and Chaco have taken the reigns while Tab is out of town. They're doing better than the last time thankfully and they're talking about...

Reciprocal Review Systems
Celebrating Needless Death

The social credit system we have now is even more dystopian than the government enforced one in West Taiwan. At least there you know it exists, here we've been tricked into just giving everyone a pass for the sake of playing nice. We've all heard that story from a friend about a creepy uber driver, or a terrible airbnb experience, only for the person to still give 5 stars because "Don't want to be that person." Who does that help? The earliest I remember is Ebay and "keeping that 5 star rating" it was supposed to mean good customer service, instead it ended up just everyone has 4.9 stars because I don't want to be a dick.

When a criminal dies all the conservicucks come out to the comment sections to talk about how, "I'd totally do the same thing." "Stand your ground." "These colors don't run." instead of pausing for 15 seconds to contemplate the loss of another human life through unfortunate circumstances. And we all do it, that schadenfreude is a natural human element. The internet has just perverted and distorted it into a horrible cancer that is killing our humanity.

All of that plus some voicemails about the latest over the top film franchise, mandatory overtime, and the best type of news... none!


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