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The internet holds for another day in a third world country, and out friend Joel Chaco is back again to burn off 5 years of back issues starting with,

Bad Shuffle Algorithms
Puerto Rico

We all have favorite songs, and favorite artists, and there are those songs we can listen to over and over again. Too many times and it drives you crazy. Science can't even begin to understand how Starlord did it for all those years with just one cassette. In a perfect world you'd hear a song once a year and maybe once in a lifetime, instead the Eagles get played every 13th song on the radio, let this be a warning to you the Eagles. I put the Kibosh on Justin Beiber, you're next!

And speaking of reruns didn't we just have a story about Puerto Rico being devastated by a hurricane? Don't we have that story once a decade at least? Why can't the figure their shit out? It seems like Puerto Rico is just a giant money laundering front for "charities" to pad their pockets by pointing out the suffering of others. I've had it. Donate to Patreon.com/HWIDG and you'll make one tireless alcoholic's life worth living, by buying more booze.

All that, plus we spend about an hour in the weeds, talking about god, getting mail to Paraguay, and whether or not pissing in your pants is pissing in your pants.


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