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After weeks of fill ins, Tim is finally back and all the complainers suddenly realize how good they had it as we sit down and talk about.

Too Many Second Chances

Ezra Miller may be a sexual pervert, a woman beater, the leader of a cult, and groomer, but damn it there just isn't a better choice for the Flash. I mean who could possibly play and autistic sped who keeps screwing up his own life by trying to prevent screwing his own life? That guy on the CW show that everyone was really really into 5 years ago for no good reason? I don't think so. And he's not the only one, too often people are staying the course despite frequent and escalating proof that they have no business being part of society. Which reminds me,

330 years ago a bunch of white women in Massachusetts used their white privilege to punish those that stood against them. We should have learned two things at that time, #1 women can't be trusted and should be seen and not heard. #2 Witchcraft isn't real. Yet here we are 330 years later women have more of a say in cultural issues than any demographic, and morons on the internet draw circles inside of squares with gibberish writing to make the hot guy in class like them. Or even worse they try and punish you by burning sage and reciting the nonsense words Uncle said on Jackie Chan Adventures. Grow Up.

All that, plus does Vegan meat lead to Cannibalism? The truth may shock you!


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