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We're cleaning out the cobwebs here at HWIDG, getting ready for the big move. So far we've found 12 dollars in Vietnamese dongs, a copy of the VHS from The Ring, and half an uneaten burrito that was somehow still good. So clean out your closets and let us know what weird things you find!

- Labor
- Homogenization
- Anti-Violence
- Tape Guns

I greatly appreciate guys that can break their bodies day after day for years, earning minimum wage or just above it. We need those people. Society needs them to function. I am not those people. Do I want to waste away in an office? No, but it beats roofing in July. So don't ask your accountant to work on your roof, and don't ask your roofer to do your taxes. Those guys are good at what they do!

Everything is the same these days. Movie blockbusters are all the same over-the-top world-ending CGI-fests. Social media is all essentially five different names for one platform you can copy/paste to. The news is the same repeating cycle of fearmongering and distraction. TV has all turned into lesser versions of classic shows. And it sucks. Almost nothing is truly unique anymore, and if it is, it's either ignored or shaved down to match everything else.

Violence works. We see it time and time again. Why do you have to take your shoes off at the airport? Because some jackass tried to blow up an airport with a shoe bomb! Like 15 years ago! If your head was on the line as a public servant, in order to make sure that at least 50% of your constituents approved of you, you'd do anything you could to make those people happy. It's why torture works! People will do anything to not get hurt.

Packing tape is a fickle mistress. You need her. Oh boy do you need her, and you need her bad. You could hardly move without her. Yet, every time you try and lay her down she turns into a huge mess! Folding in on her self, not sticking to where she needs to, even breaking under stress. And her gun? Useless. It jams, it comes unloaded randomly, and half the time you have to finish its job by yourself. You'd almost be better off without them. Almost.

All this and more on this week's episode! Don't forget to join us on DISCORD, support us through the end on PATREON or by BUYING A SHIRT.



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