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Another day has dawned and another facet of Star Trek has been irreversibly ruined. That's right Star Trek: Picard is here, but since it bears no resemblance to actual Jean-Luc Picard, we're calling him Gene Luck Pickard. A cowardly old man who when pushed decided to quit rather than stand for what he believes in. On this inaugural episode we are joined by my Dad, who introduced me to Star Trek circa The Next Generation to get his impressions on this travesty of a performance. A veritable "Who's that?" of cinema, a cast so forgettable I don't even know who they are in this latest embarrassment from Alex Kurtzman, director of The Mummy.

By the numbers
Funny Eyes - 4/4
Directly Contradicting Canon - 8/8
Cool SciFi Bro - 24/24
Cameos & Callbacks - 14/14
Called It - 3/3
Old Man Deaths - 3/3



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