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David Ford

I resubscribed to see what was happening in the blood marsh.... I guess next time I hit snooze i need to wait a year to see real progress, thats what I did last time and when I caught up it felt like the story was actually moving forwards


I appreciate the insight into how adventurers normally get Tel from monsters. It really adds to the worldbuilding in my opinion. With Rain's Purify it's easy to mistakenly assume that monsters just drop their loot like in a video game. You kill monsters, collect the Tel and Crysts and then go kill more monsters. But the reality without an aura mage is that you kill some monsters and then spend at least five times the amount of time to dig through monster guts to find tiny mana crystals the size of rice grains. You might learn the most likely places certain monster types condense Tel, but it's still a lot of bloody butcher's work. And that means that Guilders pick their targets by how easy they are to kill and dismember and how many Tel they carry. Something the size of a rhino containing just 10 Tel? Fuck that, you'd be spending hours digging through that for little gain. Three Guilders sitting in a tunnel, butchering giant worms by the light of an evertorch while one stands guard makes for a great scene. It even explains why Guilders are such greedy, selfish misers. They literally have to spend most of their time digging through monster guts for a bit of wealth, with short bouts of fighting and mortal danger in between. And Ameliah, the one Guilder who freely gives her Tel away to help a newbie? She has Purify and Attract and can trivialize farming Tel. This right here is why every delving party needs an aura mage, or at least a mage with Purify. Ideally Purify, Winter, Amplify Aura and Channel Mastery. Any uncommon mage can take those four skills and give himself and his party 5x mana regeneration and turn harvesting monsters into a cakewalk.

Jacob Fox

Yeah, the arc with Ascension building an optimized delving guild is the good part of the story. It's unfortunate that the author seems most interested in Rain's wacky soul realm antics, which to me have always been tedious.


Ekrustia being full of slimes must make it way better for newbies, because getting Tel out will be so much easier...


Oh hey, random idea. The current weakness of Rain's armour is the eyeslit filled with glass, which the Metallic Unity enchantment doesn't work on. Tallheart will eventually fix that by collaborating with Myth and Reason and coming up with "transparent aluminum". It's going to happen just because of the Star Trek reference...