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Fixing my sleep schedule might have been a bad idea. Turns out, waking up at a normal hour doesn't leave me much time to write...

Anyway, enjoy the chapter! Finally we get back to the real protagonist! Also, if anyone has any good name ideas for the REDACTED, leave em in the comments. If I like one, I might shamelessly steal it!



The [REDACTED] needs to be called "The Rumbler". Just getting that out there.


"The Compensater" 🤣


Hard to go wrong with Enterprise as a name.


Rain should give in to temptation and call it the Enterprise.


"The Ironclad".

Jeppe Fiig

Many direction redacted could go in. Haven for the safety, tank to introduce the word to the public so they dont name it after a turtle god or something. The Tankcraft or Perhaps some monster name like behemoth




Whew. The announcement of a wedding had me half concerned that it was the perfect time for some sort of dramatic fight scene with unexpected Knives. Good to see that was another false flag. Oh god, names are hard. The tank? The Carten? Turtle, Bastion, Promise, Change, Stalwart...


Could be called the earth ship


If it weren't practically silent with all the Muffle wards, this one would be perfect.


Classified. So when someone asks "what is that?" "Oh, thats Classified"

Alexander Dupree

He should name it "The Game" also I lost.


Hahahaha, Dust thinks Rain is a girl? I never caught that before.


The [REDACTED] makes me think of bowing. Call it the Turkey, 'cause it's striking everything it goes past. "Rain, how does it resemble a ... did you say it was a bird or a country? How is that related?" "It's part of a sport, but that's not important right now." Honorable mentions: "Wideheart", "Tallball"


I laughed hard on this one. I think I counted 5 old western tropes?




Enterprise is for something fast and sleek. Completely unfitting for this monstrosity.


If they plan on more than one in the future, they should a naming scheme/theme in mind.


Fixing your sleep schedule lets you think more clearly though which will make writing easier (no brain fog) so don't give up hope on that front!


Every time Dust shows up, I start thinking "he could be the hero of a spin-off children's book".


I want to see a side story where Dust unlocks a class.

Tim Johnson

" with her winter’s breeze" is dust a boy or a girl, you initially say this but then repeatedly refer to him as a him. "The thing that had struck him, he saw, was not a thing, but a human. Rain was already getting back to her feet, sparing Dust a glance before she galloped after the fleeing not-boulder, yelling as she went" also does Dust think Rain is a girl?


The first bit is referring to Rain as a woman, not Dust. It can be hard to tell, but Dust has thought of Rain as female since their very first POV.


Mortal Engine seems like an appropriate option - as ascension develops and expands they'll eventually outgrow it and need to build ever bigger ones...


Also sort of appropriate because ascension is about uplifting the mortals/normal people. (I didn't read those books though so no promises there's not a reason that's actually a bad idea)

Conor McGroarty

Hope there is a wiki page on the index/wiki determining the deities and stuff on them like their domain(s). If I remember right, the other first generation deity along with El is in charge of Hell or one of them (probably the biggest). Dust is such a tsundere and thinks Rain is female. Brakes are certainly one of the worse things that could have malfunctioned but let’s hope steering is okay so damage can be minimized. Probably can’t “take the keys out” easily since the engine is the boiler and it would keep hot and such. Not to mention Tallheart can’t exactly leave the driver’s seat to do anything like to it. Well we have seen that they were capable of building such a large magitech “mobile building” with manpower and resources. Even if the bridge gets smashed, it won’t be too big a deal as long as no one is squished or any important equipment lost. Wonder if three cliffs has a teleporter platform and thus would have quick access to outside info (though even without that, as a sea port, it would have more info than Ascension).

Conor McGroarty

I remember the chapter on souls and how humans and Cervidians had “whole souls,” animals and such had “half souls” and couldn’t awaken and monsters had souls of a different kind “monster souls.” I personally think that an animal’s inability to awaken even when an essence monster is used should be more due to their intelligence needing to be properly developed or something (like intelligence will make their soul “whole”). That being said, it is unlikely that this particular theory will be tested until Ascension has at least one Lair (not like the Essed frostbarrows that was likely one and done) that can be used to mass produce Essence monsters and awakened (Rain using elemental refinement to drown it in essence to the point the core gets soul strain if its possible). Having a surplus of essence monsters will mean they can afford to test some theories as everyone would be awakened cheaply (law of supply and demand).


Rekzakurax has only been mentioned once or twice. The only reason I remember is because of the very unique name. The one time I specifically remember it being brought up was the Watch POV during the night of the Shift where he compared Rain's messed up soul to Rekzakurax's hell or something similar. So definitely a hell-aligned figure.

Conor McGroarty

What is the game? Is it a sex thing? I know it was mentioned with that accolade name but not that informed...

Conor McGroarty

How about calling it the “Omnibus.” It’s practically a tank-bus at this point and it contains many things so why not?

Conor McGroarty

Omnibus courtesy of google search for a possible name: ‘om·ni·bus /ˈämnəˌbəs/ Learn to pronounce noun noun: omnibus; plural noun: omnibuses 1. a volume containing several novels or other items previously published separately. "an omnibus of her first trilogy" 2. DATED a bus. "a horse-drawn omnibus". adjective adjective: omnibus comprising several items. early 19th century: via French from Latin, literally ‘for all’, dative plural of omnis .’


This also fits the theme of Tallheart's typical naming scheme considering he named the bow he gave Ameliah "Irony."


It's a shame this isn't the flying version yet, or I'd suggest calling the Redacted 'Helios'. That said, it's aluminum and steel on the outside, yeah? Then the name should be "Silverpilen" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Silverpilen


I'd say better sleep is way more important than faster writing.

Joshua Little

Thanks for the chapter.


If its using tank treads for steering couldnt they put them in reverse to cancel forward momentum?


For "REDACTED" perhaps Bastion, Argonaut, Icarus or Daedalus (Icarus's father architect, engineer/inventor). My preference would probably be more swayed with Daedalus or Argonaut. But I'm sure whatever you end up picking will be amazing regardless.


They probably could but would probably break a whole lot. Reversing the force would be insane strain, probably breaking a whole bunch of stuff. I think they should just be able to disengage the transmission and than it should slow due to friction


Sounds like a tank, I'd call it "Sherman" ... a hush fell over the croud - crowd*

Tomer Yud

For me, brain fog comes from interrupting my sleep, like with an alarm clock


"Mobise" as in mobile base, could eventually be called "Mobbi" by the crew.


... did Rain insist on the Tank having the equivalent of blinker fluid xD ?

Shiro Fuun

How about The Equipment, Protocar, (an acronym), or since the group is called ascension, The Fall, The Driver(like a tool), Edify, The Path, I really can't say Greek names or other gods can really fit it since no one knows what the Greek names mean, and there are other folklore gods.

L Pedersen

Headlight fluid. Damn you.


Possible names for the [Redacted]: Troop carrier Juggernaut Chariot The Beast


I nominate the name: Rolling Thunder


The Tinkertank, since it's basically a super upgrade of a tinker's cart.


The “Bastion of Ascension” sounds suitably awesome IMO. Though that might fit a city or settlement better. Daedalus is great but the mythological connection wouldn’t really exist for anyone save Rain.


Temerity is the overall theme of Ascention. I'd go with that.


They claim that El and the pantheon up to the third generation existed before the Majistraal and that Karum created the system while El ruled over it. Yet the system seems to be created by the Majistraal as training wheels for their young and they most likely were the admins. They brought order to the chaos of unguided cultivation, like the gods supposedly did. Who knows, maybe the head administrator was named El and the system head designer Karum. Would be funny, if people now worshipped the majistraal as gods without realizing it was them.


Reminds me a bit of the Dragon Age universe, which also exists in a post-cataclysmic state. Much of what their predominant monotheistic religion claims can actually be explained with "nope, ancient elves did it". And while they are revered as gods by present-day elves, they were just warlords and tyrants enslaving their own people and waging petty wars.


Of course the brakes had an issue ha less thought is always given to stopping a huge thing than should be


How about Engine of Creation? 1) I assume they will hook up wagons to it making it act as a train engine. 2) It serves as a mobile workshop (the Creation part of the name). 3) The name would also be an in-joke between the few members of Ascension who know Rain's class name. Also, whatever name is picked, maybe it could have a number, for example 07, painted on the side (if not part of the name), implying that there is more of them out there.

L Pedersen

If they did put a number on it they'd have to change it from time to time cause otherwise it'd become pretty obvious that it's the same vehicle. Then again, only ever seeing one at a time would also confirm that in time.

Bobby B.

Great chapter!


Oh hey since Rain raised his magic spear and tamed the primordial chaos in his soul, shouldn't the next step be to create a system and something to control it? Since Rain centered his system around the binary code of 1's and 0's, I guess he just needs something that can freely edit and change binary. Sounds like the Strall's soul instruction manual got kinda distorted into legend over time.


Regarding the name for the [Redacted], I'd be careful about suggesting things derived from Earth's culture. Since Latin is apparently a thing in Delveland, there might be a faction that knows about off-worlders. Though, it does seem like whomever made the system was an off-worlder since the Latin, computers use/terminology, and Rain being the only one with ambient chaos puzzle pieces all line up. So getting outed as an Earthling might be a good thing.


So just one stupid question… which is by its nature contains spoilers, but everyone should have read the chapter by now… Where did they get the materials for a new vehicle? I thought they were pretty far from a mine and only had what they could carry (+ the old vehicle). I cannot find anything about this in the chapter.


I think there might have been a bit of a missed opportunity with the Shifters. We recently saw they could imprint Dozer, who's essentially a summoned/tamed monster, so why not follow up on that? Have Ameliah powerlevel summoning with Rain's help up to T3/T4 summons and let the Shifters get some powerful options without even leaving the safety of camp.


Great chapter. What an epic redacted. And Dust was enjoyable.

Framing Device

“Change” It can fit in multiple ways, like industrial revolution like empowerment outside of Awakened, or how it will apparently require a Dynamo classed to supply sufficient mana for infusion.

Jan Alexander

Damn, the wagon is a beast! Hahaha