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Thanks for reading! As always, let me know what you thought in the comments, and make double sure to leave me a note if you found any typos!


Mike G.

Good chapter, thanks. "Ameliah tsked, feeling hearing" pick one, feeling or hearing, or insert an and :)


Tallheart didn't know they'd recognized his arrow, so the Lily drawing seems like a deliberate and unforced surrender of knowledge to the enemy


He said in a previous chapter that they would use his presence as a deterrent


Great chapter!! Thanks! Though it was quite the tease to not show us jamus' earring

Alexander Dupree

If anyone complains about this chapter being slow they're nuts. This was awesome. So much going on.


Shouldn't it be energy well instead of essence well where ameliah talks about supplying 800 people with stamina?

Jac Onue

A very nice chapter. Soul progression for Rain, a bit of character development for Ameliah and Tallheart, story progression and Emerton's pov. Very nice overall.


This was a great balance of detail, progression, and a bit numbers and world building. Good job!


Fun chapter. Always good to see our boy back in action and progressing! Tons of new plot threads, too. Exciting!


The scene with Rain screaming was a little emo. Slow down there Sasuke ;)


But the chapter as a whole: yeah! It’s a blast to see Rain cut loose, and finally get some real payoff from all the soul work. Can’t wait for Prismatic and Etherial!


Amelia with Dozer Tell "Where is he getting them, anyway? Someone’s pocket?" Maybe now he can create them like other monster by taking material and mana and his ability to produce essence with chaos and its dont bother him or hurt to give them So much happened Rain dont have time to check what dozer really can do and at what point he is but its pretty clear he is growing in multiple way (did his level get a upgrade now and he can level up?


good call escaping. acension isn't ready to do pvp warfare - yet


I really want dozer to have a lvl 30 cap


Disappointed that rain didn't scream: "UNLIMITED POWER!"


Great chapter


i like where this is going. ive been an on and off sub for most of the time, binging the 8 chapters when i feel like it but otherwise not caring too much. if the direction your writing is going stays consistent, that will change. this chapter (and the last 8, really, ever since the cave arc concluded) have been exceptional.


Small typo, "branching through the onrushing horde" instead of "hoard".


Wow great chapter! Nice progression all around, can't wait for Rain's class evolution. Thanks for the chapter! :)


Pure gold!


Made me laugh. They wouldn't have gotten the reference but still, what a wasted opportunity.


Great chapter, I love the worldbuilding in regards to Rellagia. We had a long discussion about it on RR a while back. The only logical conclusion was that the monarchs and their courts were awakened and using unawakened armies to fight their wars by proxy. Apparently they are using the Limit Spikers to take out any threats from outside, while regular people who manage to awaken get killed to preserve the status quo. Anyway, I'm looking forward to Ameliah's confession. Some sort of body modification through healing? Sounds like she was much more cold and selfish back then. I wonder if this was after her level 31 cap and the lair or already started beforehand.

Kendelle Trotter

Before level 31. Likely before she even made Silver actually since she said Rain is stronger now than she was at the time. My guess is that her Uncertain Savior class title refers not only to how a Jack is uncertain which skills they use but also refers to her lack of certainty in herself as she used to be what she would describe as a ruthless or you could even say in some ways evil person. It became her title because she had just overcome some of the darker parts of her past when she made silver.


Gah! Somehow, I managed to make this same mistake in both this chapter, and the one that just hit Royal Road at the same time. There's gotta be an achievement for that. Fixed, thanks!


Very good blend of soul stuff, MC's personal growth, action, and story progression here author!

Michael Hughes

Great chapter. Rain will have fulmination maxed out soon but how would he level mental ward? He is so close to taking his Silver class. The anticipation is killing me. See you all next week.

Alex I

Can't wait for the Adamant empire to get a swift kick in the nuggets with an adamant boot.


We need more Dozer POV. We all know that he is the real main character.


He just needs someone with a mental skill to use it on him. Even something as harmless as Message would work. Rain can use metamagics to amp up the power of the ward to extreme overkill which in turn makes the ward extremely mana inefficient and speeds up leveling


Are limit spikers nukes?


Maybe Dozer learned [Pickpocket] and is grinding some skill experience.


Okay here’s something that’s been bothering me since my read through last week. Rain emphasizes a few times that he can’t toggle or switch auras faster than the one second system tick rate. But his macros (narratively, at least) seem to bypass this as his reactions and OODA loop don’t really seem to match the 1s/pulse 20 questions style of information discovery that known Detection mechanics imply. Does anyone else get this feeling? Also one second tick rates and relatively slow expansion absolutely must be overcome if something like Rain’s build is capable of even being in the same ballpark as Westbridge punching through stone at the speed of sound and then *reacting* to an encountered object. One second tick rate just doesn’t work for superhuman conflicts, something’s got to give.


Clarification, I know that Rain can start one aura and then cancel it and start another in less than a second. But my understanding is that he can’t toggle any single aura on more than once per second.


Mass coordinated velocity is epic!


Just imagine him at silver. He wouldn't even need Aura Focus and could run Spring and Summer simultaneously, with occasional bursts of Fall and Purify, while giving himself Winter, pulsing Detection and possibly firing bursts of Ethereal Fulmination against stealthed Knifes.

Joshua Little

Thanks for the chapter.

Harley Shockley

Yes, Rain! Embrace the Chuuni!


Eh, the countess dies because you couldn't just take a hint and walk away, Rain. Not any other reason. Trying to imprison someone that powerful? Not practical without way, way more power than you had, and not worth the effort anyhow. She wants to stay behind and fight monsters, or the Adamant's, let her. Or, if you think she's too much of an intelligence risk, just bloody kill her from the start.

Jan Alexander

Love the Lily drawing message. Hehe