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I didn’t see that coming


I just reread all of Delve between the last release and now. Still good! I was quite impressed by some of the foreshadowing (or just consistent world building). I love the attention to detail here.


Rain has to realize he can't help everyone

Alexander Dupree

That was awesome and... Sad 😕 she's so old and broken.


thanks edit : or no thanks. facts : we get only one chapter by week. i take care of a senile old geezer relative irl, so this chapter was a pain in the ass.


Wow that was sudden 😆

Conor McGroarty

Well that freaking sucks. What the hell happened to her to make her that way as I don’t believe she has a mental illness. This seems more like “experienced bad shit and mind cracked to prevent complete mental collapse” kind of crazy. Manifests in extreme paranoia, territorial tendencies and possessiveness. Does it have any thing to do with the death of her grandson (Emerton’s father)? Perhaps an experience before she retired? In any case, she is dead now. Well this can be a lesson for Rain to not let people who can become hostages near a threat (also working on hostage situations on his to do list). Or maybe “expect a crazy person’s bottom line to be very low?”


Yep, and he did! He immediately killed her when she took a hostage! Good stuff.


that was good, pretty hilarious and sad

Kendelle Trotter

Poor woman died such an undignified death. Just casually had her skull burned through. Wish they could've helped her but age gets to the best of us. On the bright side this means dozens of new awakened with those lairs and accolades from Lady Sale (if Emerton joins which he likely will). I like Emerton so far. No nonsense, fiercely loyal even when not being treated well, smart. He'll make a good leader in Ascension I think. This being Rain's first actual kill though, I wonder how he'll react once he's had time to think things through.


"What the hell happened to her to make her that way" Best guess, this is what happens when you have the stats / skills to extend your physical life but not protect your mind from time and ageing.

Jeppe Fiig

Not sure if lady sale had any accolades on her, those might have been lost along with her son when he died some unspecified time ago in the past. But agree on Emerton this chapter is a fine introduction to his character.


I don't get it. Why doesn't his force shield a macro that activates automatically upon fast moving objects? Why didn't he simply put everyone in force shields like white jackets to prevent any harm they could do to themselves and others? Seems awfully obvious and stupid not to do so, especially after the first dozen attempts of harm. Don't need to be rocket scientist to predict possible reactions. Either he's a moron in disguise or this was does done for some easy drama.


For what i understand his Force Ward cant stop the elementary damage she do with her swing skill, he just stop the physique so that why he cant protect the man with just that For macro fast moving object, i dont see this as good, he already have a "superior" version build who activate when damage is done outside of the range of his armor, so armor block all fine and if damage surpasse it the force ward activate The fast moving object is like the basic first version macro to do (and i guess its a shit to programme and dont see how he can do it) but its full of flail who can pump all of his mana on useless thing in a fight, the version he have is already much more upgraded (and we can understand how he macro it with the link soul with his armor and the infos he get on it) Yeah maybe his action was not perfect and some part obvious for us, but who does perfect? and him a little shocked and dumbfouted in this situation who is escaladed really fast and in a really short time framme with a lot happenning is perfectly acceptable in my view, he somewhat acted fine and decisive in the end (who is a big up vs his own past self before, so its good and its his first kill too, gonna suck for him)


Alright next up on the civilization uplift subplot is developing Xanax® and Wellbutrin®. Fuckin hell what a remarkably human interaction from all three parties involved.

Osamaru Ta

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I Like this old Lady!


I have to say that I'm a bit confused by this chapter. I don't remember these lords and ladies mentioned in this chapter and the prior two chapters from before this. Maybe that's on me and I need to re-read things. I also don't fully understand the motivation to try to save the entire town... if that is what's happening now. Does the group have enough resources and capability to take of itself as things stand, or is there some benefit to dragging along the town's people as well? Seems like it would just make it easier for the Empire to catch up to them. Again, I should probably reread the pre-dungeon chapters.

Michael Hughes

Nice chapter. I am assuming that the plan is to crack all of the dungeon cores that the nobles might have awakening as many as possible in the process, take the accolades from the old lady, get Tallhart to check out the defensive runes to adapt them, take as much loot and people as they can, and then collapse the crack before they leave. I really want Rain to level his last few skills so that we can see what class he can get. TFTC. See you all next time.

Alexander Dupree

They were mentioned before as for saving or not saving the town the whole reason they were trying to get them to move was because being next to the crack was dangerous. Rain isn't going to abandon all those people or he wouldn't have a litteral asshole test as a requirement for Ascension.


I like that macro. I know enough about rain, the system, and computer code by now to know exactly what it was doing and why. I'm not sure why an aura made a hole instead of roasting her body evenly, though.


With his light aura it amplifies existing light so im guessing the candle-flame got turned into a beam which lasted her through the head over the guard captain's shoulder


Rain should see about getting some mirrored inserts for his helmet. Kinda similar to what the military uses for gas masks. Having to close your eyes to attack enemies is kinda lame.


Rain is such a terrible leader. People are going to die if he doesn't get his shit together


I actually thought this was a scene that showed pretty good growth for Rain. Didn't really hesitate at all once he realized it wasn't gonna work out.


“Damn it, sis, Bargem grumbled. “I said I was thinking about joining, not that I’d made up my mind.” Isn’t there something missing after sis? “Damn it, sis,” Bargem grumbled. “I said I was thinking about joining, not that I’d made up my mind.” Am I going to be ‘squelched’ now too?


This is a disappointment, I was hoping for something more. I need something to happen with this soul story line that doesn't seem like a nerf.