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Ended up being a long one, but I didn't want to split it. So it goes.



Thanks for the chapter!


This was a good chapter.


Oo more metal names. I'm gonna have trouble remembering Rykir. Atantum seems easier since it's practically "ant-ant" which is nonsensical but works. It's apparently very valuable, though I have no idea why.

Timothy Alexander

Felt like this was a really great chapter: stuff happened on every front with the main story progressing, but also some soul stuff and some math/system stuff too. 10/10!


nice irony, now Rain needs mana potions. odd how this did not affect him before, maybe cause he is closer to silver? also talheart got hurt by that guy? geeze. I wonder what he'll make out of them


Fish miners!

Mike G.

I don't understand why anyone would think "miners of fish" isn't funny :)


Personally I'll have an easier time with rykir! "Rykir rhymes with striker" is a fairly easy association rhyme for me


I think his paling is more damaged now than it was before.

Jeppe Fiig

Great chapter, and a great teaser for the new biome. The monster being a drone indicates so much. and the lvl and difficulty they had, explains why the hababa shaman, would rather starve up above. And teasing us with two new deepened metals. oh cant wait for next week :D Also i loved the creativity in having the arcane biome air pressure rise so we can have fish monsters


Thank you!


Good chapter


That was a good chapter. Perfect length. Would've been a riot if it ended right after Tallheart got hurt...

Joshua Little

Thanks for the chapter.


What is "Guided Shot"? I can not see this skill neither in Sharpshooting nor in Elemental Archer trees.


Because it should be Seeker Shot. I mistakenly used my old name for the skill and didn't notice. Fixed now! Thanks!


I really liked the Ameliah POV. Her reminiscing about Brightside, her cap increase, her former friend Lerith. He's the accolade thief and judging by her comment on killing him to do the world a favour, he might be the healer as well. Also, Ameliah must have been 16 back then. She mentioned leaving Brightside at that age.


for some reason, I am downloading the delve_158_scales_[light].pdf and delve_158_scales_[dark].pdf as (1) type of file: file 200 kb. How do i fix this?


15, actually. "Once I’d earned enough, I paid for teleportation back to the surface. I was fifteen when I finally saw the stars again" Chapter 35, "Dream".


Finally some action uhuuu

Michael Hughes

Fantastic chapter. Now we begin the hunt for resources and the power creep that is new equipment. Rain and friends can max out skills while being fully kitted out and the queen will be enough to put him into silver. If the biome gets more dense as they enter it properly then he may even fix his soul. All goals are in sight. This is so exciting. See you all next week.


Let's do some math and speculation on how much damage the fish did with it's attacks. While it looked like it one-shot the hababas, it had actually been hunting and shocking them for a while before. Now Tallheart has around 4k strength, which translates to 80k health. If he has Intrinsic Strength, then it could be 240k. The first Lightning Strike did about 5% damage to his health through his armor's less than perfect mana conversion. So that's either 4k or 12k damage that got through. Now we have to make assumptions about his armor's conversion rate. Rain's armor only gets 99% conversion through an abysmal input efficiency that only a Dynamo aura mage can handle. Tallheart's mana regeneration comes entirely from accolades and Intrinsic Clarity. To keep his armor charged, he'd have needed good efficiency. So I'm gonna assume something like 75% mana conversion. That means the attack could have done between 16k and 48k damage. It's a very rough approximation of course. My guess would be closer to 16k as that is already quite powerful for a bronze monster. Even an upper-bronzeplate defender would have trouble tanking several of those. And any bronzeplate mage would have been one-shot. It would also fit my theory of monsters becoming disgusting damage sponges with reasonably high damage as they rise in levels.


On the other hand, Rain's 50% Arcane Ward would have cost 0.75 mana/damage blocked (30% x2.4 Synergy x3 Aura Focus x0.25 Channel Mastery). Shaving 50% off of 16k damage would have taken only around 6k mana. Not enough to push him into undermana, so the damage might have been higher.


Fantastic chapter!


Great chapter!


Rain should ask Ameliah to be his pure essence battery. Now that she can do a manual paling release, Rain can just ask her to do it while standing in his domain whenever he is actively regenerating large amounts of mana, since the core seems to seek out and absorb all the pure essence in the domain regardless of distance. As long as she doesn't accumulate too much pending EXP and pops her own paling, she should be able to feed Rain some delicious silver plate pure essence. The only downside is the system might have failsafes to prevent this type of essence theft, and that Ameliah would start to experience the symptoms of essence contamination herself if they constantly abuse this cheat.


Ameliah praised how useful rain was being but then failed to give any examples as to how? Isn't he pretty useless there except for using detection?


I don't think that's how it works. His soul uses his own essence, purified or chaotic, whichever is available. Ameliah doing essence exchange next to him isn't just going to suddenly fill his soul with essence. Remember that his soul is still actively leaking at the moment. Releasing a puff of purified essence isn't going to reverse the flow and fill it up.


Maybe you need to reread that part. It mentioned that Rain was feeding them constant intel from his Detection pings about the layout of the biome and lack of enemies. She then remembered the Diviner leading her party through Brightside and then down to the lair. She was praising Rain for his divining basically and acknowledged how useful it is.


So I stopped reading at chapter 127, has anything meaningful happened since then?


No, Rain still hasn't leveled up. At this rate it might never happen. Definitely don't start reading again.


This place also needs a name. Can't just call it Not Another Arcane Biome. How's about something catchy like The Crackling Abyss?

Ole Halvorsen

I hope that Tallheart find the right metal to fix his Armor.


I'm just imagining rain's bastion one day will be this giant steampunk(essencepunk) sphere, with pipes moving essence throughout so it can be purified. Than it would have gates for sucking in outside essence and valves to release essence to keep the bastion pressure at his level. Maybe with outposts connected to the bastion with chains spaced evenly along his paling to keep track of it.


He said that he needs several deepened metals, GranTel and GranCrysts of every kind. The latter will be the greatest hindrance I believe.


Watch keepers be like "What the fuck am I looking at?"


thanks for the chapter

ricky jackson

does anybody think the metal plating on the monster also has the mana abortion effect tht normal plate armor has? and would it differ in absorption rate based on if the monster is more a magic or physical attacker?

Jeppe Fiig

Its basically a monster abusing the same trick Rain is, benefitting from the armor, but without it really interfering with it mains magic attack.

ricky jackson

the last thing we need as a reader is another second broken soul


Nah yo. I say let's go deeper. What if Tallheart also agrees to break his soul and our three legendary idiots create the first ever area where pure essence actually beats out chaotic essence?

Julien Fellegara

I'm truly tired of Rain. He is boring as hell. People around him HAVE to listen all this blabering, like he is speaking about the divine saint math. He never let loose. I can't understand what Amelya see in him. He is not realy fun, not mush more handsome than others, he certainly has no social quality. So what? He is a nice guy? There are a lot of nice guy. I think it's a trick used by the author to show off about his own glorious and wonderfull math system he is himself so proud of, while puting the blame on the clarity of Rain. So please, stop this.. i don't like to see an author fap on his own stuff like that!

Jeppe Fiig

I like Rain, his choice of mono clarity makes sense at the start along with purity(modern people like cleanliness, so makes sense to pick it), and gives him a good reason to continue and lets him learn the new language and remember stuff from our world. that there are downsides like his scatterbrained persona getting worse, thats good he is not perfect he has flaws. And a modern person getting into the delve world, yeah ascension makes sense, the lives of mosst people on the planet is bad, and ofc he wants to change it.