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Alexander Dupree

Thanks for the chapter. I had a hard time reading the green text on the blue.


Thanks for the chapter!


Awakened people are essence purifiers? That's a pretty normal trope - I wonder if it's a misdirect.


missing quote ( " ) before the It Ameliah laughed. “You think so?” She tapped her chin thoughtfully. It is really tight.”


i hate to say it but those notes were a bit much. naturally i like the story and new knowledge also, but maybe make amelia or tallheart interrupt midway or something if/when next time rain shares his notes. though this might just be a me problem. for the record i liked the new skill trees when you did that for a few pages so its not ALL long stretches of blue boxes i don't like but this time i had to force myself to keep reading and it shouldnt be that way. as i said, could just be me


Hm, that chapter is kinda interesting as it brings froth the old question why someone (god/gods whoever) would like to create a world? Maybe for the same reason people like to have an aquarium, perhaps they just want a recreational area - or, it has a much more practical reason as this chapter makes one suspect...


I feel the same. I usually skip blue boxes because they feel so useless. The amount of exposition is getting crazy. Now if Rain gets a big advantage by uncovering these fundamental ideas that will be where things get interesting.


We all know that Rain will encounter the mind mage at some point and it looks like he is already starting to think about it. I can't remember how many trees he has unlocked but I wonder if there's mind skills somewhere in there to give him an idea of what they can do.


Half the chapter on stuff we've seen over the course of the story. Pretty sure that much makes this a recap chapter.


Stopped reading the big blue box about 40% through it, read the rest of the chapter, had to force myself to go up and read the rest of the blue box. Been too many blue boxes recently in my opinion, too little story :/


The blue boxes were he'll to read through ... Got about 25% befor checking how long they would be and just skipping. Almost half the chapter in blue boxes? Disappointing chapter BUT I'm sure the story's about to ramp up with the arcane bullshi+ ahead!


Boxes are normally great, but the ratio of info/story was skewed this time


Here raises an interesting question: where do unpurified parts of the essence go?


Almost half of this chapter was a blue box infodump of info we already knew about from the normal story. It could probably be cut and it would barely affect the story. This is a prime example of wastes effort in writing, and it supports the idea that the pacing is atrocious.


Could Rain at least write is note in markdown. It's the format invented to be used when we don't have any visual formater ^^ And this would make it easier for us to read haha.


Holy shit, the system is a big interactive cultivation manual. Forming a core, absorbing essence, different kinds of essence, the breakpoints in the leveling system, the exponential power curve, the meditation... This whole story is a stealth Xiangxia. Rain is basically doing some kind of manual cultivation in addition to the system provided. The system takes care of the particulars for most other people.


The air scrubber idea is interesting, opens up questions about the nature of purify too. The nearly had a stroke when I saw the blue box wall, but wasn't as bad as I thought.


I liked this one. I've been doing a bunch of wiki-building work this week and this chapter was really reminiscent of that process of figuring out how to turn a complex web of loosely interconnected concepts into a batch of distinct and concrete pages in a way that makes sense. I haven't seen anyone else mention it, so I guess I'll write this out: The character interactions have been quite lacking in tension recently. It's natural, since you've already written arcs where the resolution of the tension in the tallheart/rain mentor relationship and the ameliah/rain romance relationship were payoffs, but it makes me wonder for the future. What will the ameliah/rain pairing add to the story except scene 13 of flirting? It's a classic problem with romance stories, and I wonder what you'll do with it. The usual solution is to end the book when the romance finishes, but that one definitely seems low on the workability list. Yeah, Ameliah has trauma and that's a future plot point, but it's not very exciting on its own because there's no innate stakes. Same with Tallheart - he's got worries and things he hasn't shared, as we saw today, but it doesn't matter too much to me as a reader because he's already almost completely aligned with the Rain. We've still got the two major progression plotlines of soul knowledge and levelling to silver, but it'd be nice to have a major character plotline as well. Maybe after the delve? I can hope, I suppose.


12 pages of blue box notes that can be summed up as "could be this, could be that, who knows??" is too tooooo much. You gotta either resolve this whole paling/soul space thing or at least sideline it for a while until he can actually accomplish something significant there or gets some real solid information. Until then its mostly boring and feels pointless. Certainly adds nothing to the story. If you're going to do that you gotta have some plot/character development happen other than just sweeping up some stuff and getting fitted for some armor. Feels like you're dragging out the story unecessarily when combined with the release rate.


This doesn't seem to really be a romance story and some flirting with a few fade to black moments on the more intimate stuff is perfectly fine. I'd rather it not turn into a soap opera or have a bunch of smut myself. And them muddling through their issues and trying to have a relationship at all is the tension and is plenty fine to me.

Ole Halvorsen

don't listen to him, keep telling the story the way you want to, this is your story. Although I think this might not be the most exiting story, we got a lot of information in it, so much in fact that I do believe we would have gotten two or more chapters if this information would come out any other way. This soulspace thing is important for the story, firstly for us to understand how the system works and probably important for other things down the line, Please don't listen to people constant complaining as soon as there comes a chapter that is not there cup of tea, or if they don't understand the importance of it yet.


#todo, Don't test this. Yeah, that got me. Rain's essence monster speculation seems to have him forgetting that if you kill a person that's recently killed an essence monster, your cap gets increased. It would be extremely odd if there isn't some actual resource or attribute being transferred since the system has no reason to reward killing some awakened that recently killed an essence monster.

John Pratt

Hmm, interesting. I'd guess that monster souls are condensed by the ambient essence pressure and that a blue is created when a monster spends significant time in an essence depth different then the one it first crystalized in, this creates a batch of soul stuff that's more resistant to pressure changes then normal, so like a tempered soul, and when you kill a blue the system grafts that stuff onto your outer soul, essentially reinforcing you essence tank to withstand a larger pressure differential. Rain killing the blue looks like it fixes his paling, but it's just an illusion because the extra tempered soul was used up doing spot welds that blew out as soon as the container was tested.


I gotta agree. I love this story but man it's taking sooooooooo long to get anywhere. Endless chapters of Rain thinking or messing around in his soul is getting... Boring

Kirill Yrchenko

the whole chapter could have been shortened to 4 passages about swarm monster soul, air cleaners and essence is fuel fo everything and Talheartsworries. everything else we knew already. Also, Rain being shy about muscles is getting repetitive. Last two chapters were almost pointless.


I like the info dumps in one chapter as opposed to slit up over several....thanks for the chapter!


Man i love it thx for the chapter So his palling is BLUE and somewhat the system need "blue essence" for building this special palling for the awakened (guess in this blue palling we have some shit system programm build at the moment of awakening and when people jumpe new grade it get updated (first class/silver/gold level) So maybe for repair his palling he just need to kill some blue and use this blue essence in the repair or it repair auto if blue essence his present (guess with his new fuck up he lost the blue essence he get for his lv24 limit or all essence was used for get level 24 limit so he need to kill "low" blue who upgrade nothing of his system so the system maybe take the blue essence and do maintenance and repair), or we can hope when he kill a level +25 and upgrade his "system" to silver class the system when he update his palling gonna repair it (hope it work or maybe he more in deep shit after the pressure in his soul go silver level) Or he gonna do some fixing with no blue essence, like building a wall and patch the hole with essence he construct like his bastion, so later its gonna give him some "ability/possibility" not normal because part of his palling is not the normal blue palling of the programme of the system, so he get a IN in the system for hack or other shit, he get a point of acces, or just begin to drift out of the system So his level up fix it all auto and he get some understandting of it and he back to normal Or he fix it himself and get a point of acces and a part of the system modified by himself (part of the palling) so he can hack or do some shit who get people shocked (half feet out of the system and in the unknow with mass problem whoc an happen xD) Or a mix, auto repair when he level to silver but when in happen he do some thing (like touch it or other action like insert one of his construct "a cable for data link?") so he get a better point of acces to the system when he auto repair (like a little modification in the acces port xD) so he get some "admin account" or backdoor or acces level to the core programme ;P and the fun begin and he get some fundamental answer and can interact in another way with the system (like with the obelisk?)

Ty Tuttle

It's starting to feel like the lack of progression is just dragging on endlessly.


The pace of the genre is set by cheat skills unlocked day 1-3 and hand waving progression. Can one even write something realistic under the pressure of that manic heuristic?

Froyo Baggins

Always a bit disappointed when people get all muscley for reasons that don't advance the plot. Feels like wish fulfillment. I get that it was already happening but terminator levels...


He has the trees unlocked to T3. Warden Vatreece is a platinumplate, most likely legendary class. That could potentially give her access to T8. There's fuck-all Rain can do to predict her abilities. I mean, she can hijack the mental connection of the citizen's communication shards to do a mental attack on a goldplate, or use a mindcaster to subjugate a silverplate and leave a mental copy of herself behind. She can access, copy and review any memories and even annihilate someones mind. She can also casually delete herself from the memories of people around her. Even a magneto helmet made from grand mental aluminum wouldn't save Rain if she wanted to get in his head. His best protection will always be his custodian status and her morals, although the latter seem to be flexible. She's not above using Lavarro as a mind slave to do some black ops missions, most likely against the empire.


Good point. Velikah said that the essence from the blue needs to settle first and can be stolen in a certain time window after the kill. Val's class required him to absorb the full essence of a blue. The paling of dulls is thin and porous, absorbing the essence from a blue seems to give them a proper paling. It also interfaces them with the system and starts the daily essence exchange. It seems logical that killing higher level blues to raise your cap reinforces your paling, allowing it to condense essence into your core strongly enough by contracting to level up your core. Once your core reaches the limit of your paling's capacity to compress essence, you need to absorb higher level monster essence to strengthen your paling further. There's also the fact that the blue temporarily fixed his paling supporting this.


I think he was more shy about wearing ripped spandex and Ameliah was deliberately trying to get a reaction out of him.


The odd part about the muscles is that Ameliah should look like a roid junkie as well. Her effective strength is significantly higher than Rain's.


Love the Blue boxes and world building, If the Awakened really are Air scrubbers that Puts the watch Limiting awakened and Awakening in a whole Different light.


As a web novel, this is a fine but not particularly engaging chapter. I found myself losing attentiveness in the blue boxing of this and the last few chapters. If this were going towards traditional publication, your editor would probably be crawling down your throat getting you to pare the last couple chapters down and get on with things. I get the need for info to percolate before the full info dumps, but I'm getting lost in the navel gaze of "how does my soul work? here's a bunch of hypotheses, only one of which will actually pay off". What you're doing is a tough balance to keep between plot and system exposition, and up until recently I've felt like you were keeping it well. I still feel like you're darn close, and I'm trying very hard to keep this criticism constructive because I have for the most part loved this story. Either more plot progression or fewer stumbling blocks on the system exposition end is my feeling about things. Hopefully that's helpful.


Wait a minutes, if the essence becoming a solid/liquid/gas was all a metaphor his soul was using to help Rain understand what's going on, doesn't that mean he can obtain new types of essence by mimicking real life processes that generate new states of matter? For example, he should be able to make superfluid essence by cooling the liquid down the the lamda point instead of compressing it into a solid. Or maybe heating the soul gas up until there's enough energy to rip the components apart from one another, creating an essence plasm. Or maybe even Suspending the soul gas in a powerful vacuum and bombarding it with energy until all the components modulate in sync with each other, creating a supersolid. Supersolid are particularly unique due to the fact that they exhibit the characteristic of both solids and liquids: maintaining a rigid form, while still flowing like water. Kinda sounds suspiciously like the blue essence Rain needs to patch his paling.


I really hope we end this soul in flux storyline soon and get back to what made this book amazing. It is just missing the mark for me. I ended up skipping half his notes in the beginning of the chapter. I personally think the story would be 10x better if that entire plotline was dropped or at least greatly narrowed.

Joshua Little

Thanks for the chapter.

Conor McGroarty

Quite the summarizations on info. Well at least he has some direction on how to fix things so it is likely that he will fix his soul (or at least patch the hole greatly) by the time he leaves the depths.


I get the feeling that purify and suppression are going to be important to future soul stuff.

ricky jackson

please, keep the summaries short on rains logic of how things go. let the actions happen in the story line, and let the reader put all the pieces together. it's okay to note the MC is making progress in understanding his problems, but all out re summarize is unnecessary and not interesting. clearly u have a strong lore its fine to be proud of it and showcase it, just don't over do it


So, tamers being able to level their pets got confirmed. I'm assuming they share the tamer's level cap. So now they need to figure out if it's possible to tame a blue.


Super enjoying the depth of lore in your writing in case any of the other comments have been discouraging, keen to see where you go with the soul stuff.

Julien Fellegara

So he is a dynamo but he is limited by essence while a pure focus invested mage whould not. More, if the level is corelated to the size of the soul, so even with the base mana, one should be able to overdrawn easily.. It's probably well done.. but i don't read this.