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Chris Mantakounis

I'm shocked to say I wish rain had died. He just had made to many mistakes and bad choices to really have survived to this point. He still acts like a child about the world hes in. It really should have caught up with him here.


Did dozer just go into his soul?


We don't deserve Dozer, he is literally too pure 😭

Mike G.

Very interesting!!! It's going to be a long week...


For context, Hegar was 1/2 a second or 1300 of Rain's Mana (1/6th of Rain's total) from dying, discounting resistances.


Also, I am very happy that rain's soul is classified as a domain, and that Dozer will be assisting in the administration of his domain.


In spite of how Ameliah's generalist build makes her weaker than focused builds, I'm pretty surprised two bronzeplates 10+ levels beneath her managed to take her down. I'm going to assume her current skillset was horrible for pvp, as hinted at by Hegar. She's going to beat herself up for this one. The passage after the break explaining Hegar's death via cervidian wrath was a bit run-on. It would work better either broken up into 2 or more sentences, or shortened down and made into one. Okay Undertale reference AND done via Dozer's POV? That's just unfair.


Thanks for the chapter.

Critical Hit

seriously though, freaking love the Dozer POV.


Oh what the fuck


I disagree that Rain should have died. Without him, we have no story. However, I believe Dozer should have stayed dead. Rain needs to face some sort of consequences.


Amazing!I liked everything about this chapter,you really nailed the caracterization and making everyone have depth and realism,Tallheart revealing his badass side was very well done,plus i liked Anton being able to appreciate a good dramatic entrance,he is a true connosiuer,haha! As for Dozer i'm bit torn, having him die and stay that way would have made it fee a lot more real, as the world isnt fair and people can die very easily(which was kinda done already but i dont care about Melka so it isnt as impacting),on the other hand, I'm curious if dozer can fix rain's soul or unlock some new shenanigans.


Its a numbers game? They had 1.5-2x as many stats, and she probably wasn’t taking full advantage of her skill distribution like you said.

Michael Hughes

Fantastic chapter. Hopefully Tallheart will be able to repair the stat boosting device. I want to know what accolades they get for the group now. I am glad Dozer is not dead but it would have been a good consequence that forces Rain to adapt to the new world he is in. See you next week.

Joshua Little

Sad. Thanks for the chapter.


Wow. Ok, I did not see that coming. I can’t wait to see the consequences.

Daniel Viana Rodrigues

Oh wow I didn't expect Dozer to be the solution for Rain's soul problems! Amazing chapter, though I'm shocked to see Ameliah lose


Okay I didn't like it. Pov change right out of the gate and we have no idea why Rain lost at all. Okay, maybe some idea, but damn, rather than dozer pov, chapter should have focused on the fight more clearly. Few words about what damaged rain could go a long way.


Ameliah losing isn’t a huge surprise when you think about it. We don’t know her actual level yet, she could be 25 for all we know, and the other three are all competent and close to the silver threshold themselves. It was 2v1 and Ameliah’s Jack build emphasizes balance and flexibility, which is great but also means she doesn’t have the raw power pure offense builds have access to. She’s also built as a geomancer right now, meaning high power spells with long cast times, probably the one of the worst possible builds to have in a solo close range fight. Basically, she had a lot going against her in this fight despite being stronger than them in a vacuum


Exactly! How dare the world try and erase him like [filth] when he is so [pure] and [clean]!!!


Rain just ran out of mana I think, but it is kinda unclear how Hegar has such an insane level of health. It seems like he's somewhere around like 25-30k.


I don’t get it. The crimson swords didn’t seem evil. It was only implied that the tavern girl was being raped. This antagonizes the crimson swords and justifies the retribution they received. But the tavern girl just seemed creeped out toward Hegar. Was that Stockholm syndrome for being raped? Was she ever raped at all? This whole conflict between the crimson swords and ascension just seemed like an afterthought. They weren’t really good villains in this arc. It feels like all this came out of nowhere.


A class that emphasizes the effects of Strength, health boosting skills, accolades, probably a combination thereof. There are honestly a lot of potential options

Forrest Minter

Why leave on a cliffhanger with a chapter that's already shorter than normal 😭😭😭


Awesome Chapter :)

Forrest Minter

I don't think she was necessarily being raped per se. I think he was just extremely domineering and she was scared to leave.


Nice chapter, further system breaking/bending shenanigans from Rain-King and Dozer. So I doubt Rain's soul will be fixed next chapter, but I bet he can now spend mana / health / stamina to respawn Dozer. Maybe even share xp so Dozer can lvl.

Joe ?

So to me it feels like this is more evidence for the "this world is a training area for something else" idea.


Hell yea go doser!


Rain is dead, long life to dozer ! may he be the new meatsuit holder, for a better mc.


I find it frustrating that despite knowing that the Crimson Blades threatened the lives of an entire town, was pretty much but sexually abusing a woman and the known knowledge of how people in this world with power are quick to kill people, that Rain wasn't prepared to fight. Even when Ameliah said to get ready his first move was to try and stop her from dealing with the serious threat. For me this is a breaking point for following Rain as despite all his proclamations of trying to help people he isn't taking human threats seriously despite the overwhelming evidence he's been witness to. Add to all this the lack of true progression in personal skill or ability and the long-running frustration of his only possible way of having any major effect in a serious fight completely disabling himself I personally I think I'm done with this story for a while because frankly right now it feels that Rain should stay dead.


Hegar didn't break the ring. He was intending to cut through the arm and didn't succeed in doing that.


This angering me, people commenting this. You read too much xianxia or what? People with power are quick to kill people? where did that come from? Rain showed himself to be pussy, yet he was slowly getting better, but his character really seems to surprise people 134 chapters in the story. Gar's group did not seemingly kill anyone before, and did not come here to kill necessarily, they come to negotiate rights to the Crack, which is perfectly reasonable.

Jac Onue

Dozer reaching Rain's soul likely caused the system to recognize him as Rain's pet, a pet that Rain can summon (the "condition not meant" meaning the system didn't see Dozer as his pet before, thus his death wouldn't be treated as that of a pet, but rather of a monster). I doubt this actually solves Rain's soul issue, though it might help,


It'll be interesting if Rain can somehow transfer some or all his XP to Dozer as a summon. Dozer wasn't levelling at all before and Rain wasn't doing a thing with all that XP he was getting. Giving to Dozer would level him (Dozer) up, which would give Rain some much needed DPS or at least a interesting distraction in a fight (as a summons) while perhaps addressing the soul strain issue. This is all pure strain speculation and WAG'ing on my part as to where the author takes the story of course. I don't think we can really know how its going to turn out yet.


The dozer line "it filled him with determination" should be DETERMINATION. 😀


Rain was OOM. You can tell from what Rain was thinking last chapter. Rain's aura skills are only strong if he boosts the heck out of them which blows all his mana in almost no time at all. Just a few seconds is all it takes. Its why he is actually terribly weak as a attacker against anything anywhere near his level. Even against level 10-11 mushroom guys he really has go all out. Something that a lvl18 person shouldn't have to do all as has been commented on by others in story. Rain will continue to be absolute crap against strong (as in near his level) opponents for a long time most likely. He has to get to level 25-26-ish to get some key skills and upgrade his class to really be able to do some serious damage + not almost commit suicide with his auras.

Kendelle Trotter

Hope Rain finally grows up from this and adapts to the world a little instead of being so naively pacifistic. I admire the pacifism to an extent but Rain can’t be a good leader and a pacifist at the same time. He should have died more than once in the story as it is and he definitely should have died here. I love Dozer but he should be dead too if I’m being honest. If Rain can’t figure things out and the “limit break” issue isn’t addressed I’m taking a break from delve for a long long while.


So many people hating on rain, personally i like the character, because he is exactly that, a character with flaws and strengths, there is nothing less interesting than a character without real human flaws. I also like that he is stuck on level 18, after he got stuck there, i kept expecting some random bullshit thing to happen to magically put him in a situation where i could level higer, become super OP without having to struggle like were described everyone else in this world has to, because that is usually how these stories go, but no, he actually has to do the requisite work to make it there, its far more compelling and real that way.


Also why in the world are people litterally threatning the author to write the story as they want or they will leave? If you want a story written exactly the way you want it, then write it yourself lol


A) they cannot, because it is not their story and they might not be much of a writer themselves, and the experience of writing a story is very different from reading one. B) They are the financial support of the story, their threat hold a similar value to when your publisher tells you that something is so bad that they will not support it. The difference is mainly in scale, where there many more patreons than there are other publishers you could go to instead.


The issue people have isn't "why does he have flaws and why isn't he OP?" its "why does it seem like the character just took a huge step back in development and isn't he supposed to be growing and changing over time?". Personally I'm still not sure if it was the plan the whole time to have Rain stall the fight so Ameliah could come help rather than him actually regressing his development as a person in story. But I could be wrong.


I'll teach you to not take me seriously! (Is it me or does that sentence not really fit in w/ the context? Just sounds kinda weird in my sleep-addled brain)


So no consequences to Rain’s horrible decision making as usual? This is another arc with basically no point to its conflict


Rain and Ameliah got fucked up pretty bad. And Dozer did kinda die. Yeah we know he'll be back somehow but Rain doesn't know that. Consequences isn't always measured in body count. I'd think though that if the author doesn't have the MC and crew do some serious reassessment and changes after this then it'd be a mistake.


No! No! not a cliff!!


Almost all this author does is cliffhangers! I've mostly adapted to it and now bring my climbing gear just in case.


It is vaguely idiomatic: https://www.macmillanthesaurus.com/us/i-ll-teach-you-to-do-something Changed to: "I'll show you what happens when you don't take me seriously!".


I am honestly hoping for a Rain super Saiyan transformation + fusion with dozer level cap removal + all of the experience Rain has gathered


I'm all for writer freedom but honestly if you killed off (for me) the best character in the story, I would have stopped reading this... It might be unfair for me to say that but well that's how it is :D


Wow! The dozer section was awesome

Daniel Vainsencher

Intense chapter! Brovose and Anton are still alive (despite probably being more fragile than Hegar), does refrigerate nova not go through walls?


Seems like Rain is getting rewarded for accomplishing nothing. Please make his personnality change. He has to realise that his passiv behaviour is dangerous for himself but also people he care for, in this case Amelia.

Yeno Memevig

Anton died to TH after. Dont think it does, some auras do iirc. 'Shear'. With ethereal aura metamagic they all would I think.


I thought that Rain would accumulate mana with Winter Singularity and kill Hegar&Anton with Refrigerate Nova. But this course of events is OK too. I am glad that Dozer kind-of-survive.


Gotta hold real opinions for next chapter, but as of this chapter, I'm not pleased with Rain and his immunity to pain. Literally didn't make a single sound at multiple crushed bones? Yeah.. ok.


Well I was expecting Rain to at least win against Gar... I understand it was probably a matter of half seconds but still.. Tallheart cannot continue to carry Ascension by itself. I don't mind Rain hesitating to kill human beings at all or even get into conflict. In the end he's just a normal person, killing or harming somebody is not something everybody can get used to. I would even say it's normal, only sociopaths would adapt better.*


Its not so much the time as the experiences and events that he has been through that matter. In story he has only been there for like 3-4 months but in that time period he has done a whole lot. I can't see him becoming a full murder hobo but willing to kill or use violence to protect someone he loves? That is different.


I was thinking about what they could have done differently and have basically two things: Rain releasing a refrigerate nova for ~2k dmg and full range at the start of combat, to force Bravose to shield him and Anton. (assuming only Hegar can tank such hits). This should have allowed Ameliah to get some extra hits in. Or Ameliah stalling for more time before starting the fight, so that Tallheart would have been there to help out from the start. Anyone have better suggestions?


IMHO the fight was Amelia's fault. She was in total confrontation mode and stopped any chance for de-escalation. I get why she struck first with hegars comment, but it was pretty reckless to start the fight with a substandard build and with tallheart away.


Not use extended range. It costs way too much mana and barely gives any value. If he had not used it, he would likely have been able to have another tick of nova and kill Gar.


Nice chapter i love it Amelia loose can make sense for me with the circonstance and you expect the mage ennemie do great in the fight (like he have some hidden skill who can interrumpt or slow or protec vs spell) so vs a geomancer build with slow casting well vs assasin archer and kind of mage anti-magic (we have see he have good sense magic and is pretty experienced) make sense she can get torched No dozerrrrr, ok i hope he dont ressurect like its nothing (maybe later? with some shit like hijack a body of another slime when rain get better at soul shit) want he stay in etheral form or in the soul, something like that. Mmmm i have a little problem with hegar hp man with how much he get in the face, 3 sec of 1500, atleast 1 maybe 2 seconde of 2150 and the last burst of 11k So 18k total without reduc by resistance but its not like it reduce enormous so we can say he get i guess atleast 8-10 k in the ass And man he still have 6 k hp wtf he is not full tank he is between lv18-25, lets take 22 so max strenght 230 (2300 hp) (he is not full strengh and with some ring or item we can say he get his 230 strengh) some passive skill or shit (if really lucky ok het get 2 time double so 6500 hp, some rare accolade if lucky like rain get one with his +1k hp so he get 7500 or 8500 hp (no more than 12k atleast or hax) For accolade if he get more than 2-3 i cry cheat, they not really hight level and good guilder and we see with all the dead in the watch and some guilder they dont have much of accolade 1-2 per personne and we have had silver dead, accolade is rare, so bunch of "looser" dont have tons of them and not multiple rare like the +1000 hp rain get) So when he get 18k damage without the resist account in and he still have 6 k hp after i say NO, its to much its doesnt make sense Ah yes i dont like it at all the limit damage you spawn in previous chapter who come out of nowhere it seem so wrong and fuck a lot of previous writing like the fight of gold level before and the "war/fight" empire and citizen hight level (all thing and siege spell or etc) in a outranked/zeroe lv zone (i think its better you supprime this limit it make no sense for me)


I would have enjoyed Rain winning over Gar, but at the same I feel that the hesitation keeps Rain’s character more real and consistant. A change of core-value isn’t supposed to be smooth. And it feels realistic that in high stress and fast-passed moments, his slowly changing modern man’s pacifism throws him into confusion and hesitation. P.s God do I love Dozer


This chapter left me with a lot of negative feelings, and I really could have done without that extended torture of Rain.


His armor will add a lot of effective hp, first it absorbs mana and then it has several k durability. Rains armor has 26k hp against magic. Hagar probably has less effective armor but 10-15k is not unlikely.


Despite the tension I'm so used to last minute powerups that I was expecting Rain to somehow succeed. A bit disappointing even if we saw Tallheart being cool. And the buildup from last week was completely shattered with it not being enough. And it's been a very long time since Rain leveled up. Idk, I'm not going to unsubscribe since it's cheap but I'm also feeling a bit disappointed by how things are progressing.


Not bad. As long as ppl learn from this and maybe some good comes out of all this stress you caused. Overall still love the story and can't wait to see the dozer development.

Newguy Roy

Am I the only one who cheered at tallheart? I'm fine with rain being unable to kill. He's the brake to make sure there's no needless death. But when shit hits the fan, he has other people who can do what he can't.


So with all the cards on the table, the final score looks like this; Rain, whose entire identity is built around not running out of mana, lost because he ran out of mana. Ameliah, whose identity is built around using prep time to adapt to different situations, lost because she chose not use several days worth of prep time to adapt to the situation. And finally, Tallhart, whose identity is built around being a crafter, wins because he's an unstoppable juggernaut of a fighter. I mean like...ok? Consider my expectations Luke-throwing-his-lightsaber-away level subverted.


Rain's skills are insane mana blackholes if he tries to use them at high power and he only has a few seconds of run time at full blast. Ameliah wasn't planning on fighting and it takes time for her to switch out her skills. Tallheart used to fight with his wife all the time and the 2 of them would work to kill powerful monsters to level up. All this stuff was gone over in story, some of it a long time ago, but still.


Winter Singularity will give him mana faster but not instantly and it can't store mana for him either. His mana regen times are pretty nuts compared to everyone else we've seen in story but in a fight where fractions of a second count its still abysmally slow. He'd have to be able to run away for quite a while before regening up enough mana to attack again. And each time he does that it damages him a whole bunch too due to environmental effects. He is basically nearly committing suicide with such attacks. There are some skills he could that can address these issues (Prismatic Intent and Ethereal Aura) but he has to raise his level cap by quite a bit and that is incredibly hard to do. Maybe we'll be lucky and it'll happen this year but the author seems to have slowed down his development massively so perhaps in 2022 he'll get to a high enough level.


thank you for the chapter

Jac Onue

I think I figured out my issue with this chapter (the way the story unfolded). It's not that Rain and Amelia lost, but their complete lack of preparation. OK, Rain is naive, but Amelia should know better. First they take Gar's girl, then they take over the crack. "Hey, should we prepare for this angry and impulsive guy, who nearly attacked us previously?" "Nah, it will be fine" (spoken in criticalDrinker's voice) "Hmm, should Amela switch to a pvp build until this matter is dealt with?" "Nah." "Oh. Should we like put someone to trail Gar, so we know when he's coming?" "Nah, Gar seems like a reasonable guy, I'm sure we can talk things out." "Should we go over our negotiations goals & tactics, as well as who'll be the one negotiating?" "Nah, let's just do it as a spur of the moment thing, it'll be fine." Again, Rain is new to this world, but Amelia and the others aren't. They should've known Gar's reaction, yet did nothing to prepare for it. Forget Tallheart saving the day, what would've happened if Amelia wasn't at the camp (like on patrol or in town)? Gar would kill all of the ascension. Or what if they ambushed Amelia? We've laughed at the notion of Anton taking her out with a single shot, but going by the results, it seems very likely that he could do it. Amelia should know all of this, yet did nothing to prepare, worse, she actually escalated things, removing any chance for peaceful negotiations. The only way this makes sense is if Amelia thought she was stronger and got surprised by their power (they do seem to have plenty of accolades, Anton had more than his max, as we see him switch some out). So, I hope to see Amelia beating herself up next chapter about underestimating Gar's team due to them being lower level, and not treating them like a huge threat. Otherwise Amelia is as dumb as Rain, as far as predicting the consequences of her actions.


So there is some kind of monster reincarnation thing in the system?


The premise of this chapter seems like it was written by someone who didn't read the story lol. A bit disappointed. But at this point I'm just happy it's not a cliffhanger. Which is sad that our standards were degraded by halfassed writing this much.


Dude...Really? I won't say it's perfect, but half-assed? If you really think that, then stop paying the guy already. If you're going to criticize give something substantive that the author can actually act on, not vague complaints.


I suspect Dozer plugged up the hole in Rains soul or something like that. He will now evolve into Rain-Slime


So dozer finally gonna evolve and get a thicc human shaped body


Now Rain will gain the ability to produce ~~love lube~~ on demand from aaaalllll over his body!

Robert Rosenthal

I hope the rest ascension finally understands that rain is not being humble he should not be in charge of anything and his a advice to leadership should be taken as creative solutions at most

Yeno Memevig

The attempted rape of Amelia was.. uncomfortable to say the least. I like these characters and having to imagine vile things done to people I've grown attached to over months makes me wretch. This sort of thing was never in delve before, even if now it makes sense given our antagonists, the feeling of sickness is still there. Overall it felt unnecessary and avoidable. I don't like walking away from a chapter feeling worse. My 2 cents

Robert Rosenthal

Admittedly the group has a leadership problem. Rain, ameliah and talheart are the strongest individuals but are either not interest, capable or both. Who is left? mlem? Rain is a support type by chosen role and I think by personality so he chose well in that sense, but he is right and ascension and I think many readers ( myself included) he was heading towards being something else. I think the author and character have been clear but we are so used to other kinds of stories so other mc's


a bit harsh but not unwarranted. He has problems when it comes to dealing with conflict and he is a bit idealistic but when it comes to organizing the band for delving, investing in training, and crafting professions he has done a decent job. Could he use some work on what he does yes, but he is far from a bad or irredeemable leader


Didn't rain have resist rings specifically so he wouldn't be knocked out by mage burn? How did this happen?


Ok so I just thought of something. When Rain was interfaced with the Magistraal artifact, the prompt said, "Soul Fragmentation : 99%", which is very reminiscent of the notion of file fragmentation on a hard drive. Now, I just remembered that Dozer has what he calls "Order-need", which is basically OCD. What if, once inside Rain's soul, Dozer proceeds to defragment it somehow ?


I am hugely not a fan of Dozer ignoring death via pure willpower. This needs an explanation or it ruins the story. Also not impressed with Rain and Amelia here. Don’t really like Rain’s awkward insistence on the universal supremacy of pure democracy or whatever. Feels like Japanese food in a classic isekai. “Everyone loves mayonnaise! And soy sauce! They’re the best foods conceivable in every situation.”


This is really persuasive. This was one of my favourite chapters, but you're right that it doesn't make much sense.


Why not? He already was able to get close enough to sneak attack two level 20ish dudes already on high alert before being noticed. At level one, and having never displayed speed any faster than a toddler. And that the correct solution to seeing words for the first time ever, is that they are the same as spoken language and he needs to go find Rain. Maybe next time he'll be like "I am all the awakened" and kill Hegar by redirecting his own crimson light skills back at him.


You’re asking for a personality change 130 chapters into a story? After this long I think his character is pretty much settled.


I thoroughly enjoyed the chapter! People have a lot of complaints, and I just wanted to state for the record that I thought everything in this chapter was well-foreshadowed and in-line with characters' previously established motivations and abilities


Eh. Dozer surviving by the power of anime was certainly a thing that happened.


This...has actually been established in a previous chapter. Back in the mine shaft dungeon, there was a bit of a throw-away line about awakened not actually dying after being killed, and that they can only be killed if their soul 'accepts' death. It was mentioned that particularly strong of will awakened could even survive the complete destruction of their physical bodies.

crazychaza07 .

Great chapter, i imagine dozer might be soulbound now? the reference to tame monster as a requirement makes me think that it usually acts as the traditional way to make an entrance for monster souls for a tamer. A sentient monster + an existing tear in the soul membrane meant rain could still get around it. This chapter also had some more foreshadowing of people bending system rules as they get more powerful with the dude letting loose multiple skills. Enjoyed this chapter, can't wait for the next one

Alexander Dupree

I personally saw the build up as a bluff which it turned out too be. He was terrified of Hegar but faked it down in the hole. Hegar got intimidated but attacked later a calling Rain's bluff. Amelia happened to get a bad match up and also wasn't planning ahead to deal with them too confident in her experience. I think it's been pretty consist in this story is people act realistically. They're unreliable narrators in that they always assume they have all the information and the connections they draw make sense. Rain thought that mana was the only thing that mattered and his auras could fix his damage problem. Turns out he just made himself into a very valuable and vulnerable battery. This was a traumatic realization and he spends months in his armor all the time because he's too afraid to take it off. Here he relied on his understanding of how people interact with him as if he were back in earth and it failed utterly.


You know, a lot of people were calling Rain dumb last chapter trying to stop Ameliah. And that was totally fair. But with this chapter, it seems like he was being the smart one. Trying to talk it out would've allowed reinforcements from Ascension to show up and back them up. Ameliah had notified them via message, they were going to come. The levels 5's wouldn't be able to do much, but Jamus and Carten would've helped. And Tallheart is.. well, obviously ridiculously strong. Instead, Ameliah forced a confrontation immediately and overconfidently. Only to get smacked down by two bronzes. If she hadn't escalated so quickly, this would've ended much differently.


Good thing I didn't let all these comments deter me, since compared to the sheer「 S U F F E R I N G 」in some other novels this chapter was pretty mild. I do have to say the entire situation, with nobody doing things perfectly and the overall resolution being brutal and "ugly" for everyone involved, was great at eliciting tension and emotional investment.

Jac Onue

But that just makes Amelia dumb (instead of stalling she escalated the situation). It also makes both of them look dumb, since they apparently didn't discuss what to do if angry Gar shows up, not even after they knew he was coming (ie. "try to talk to him and keep him busy till reinforcements get here.") Best case scenario, we find out next chapter that Amelia greatly underestimated Gar's team, otherwise she, Rain, or both end up looking like complete fools.


Oof... definitely one of those chapters that I should have just waited and read in a week with the next chapter. Not a bad chapter in my opinion, but not a great place to be left off on.


He was OOM. At full blast the mana use of auras is nuts. He can't do anything much to help the situation himself until he levels a fair amount + raises his cap.

Orion Dye

Yeap the author fooled us all, this was just a shounen story all along. Complete with the antagonist getting Rekt then joining the protagonists group at the end.


This world was a training area for the Majistraal, till they civil wared themselves back into the iron age.

Orion Dye

It’s funny because there actually is no direct reference to rape at all in the chapterZ people just like to make assumptions. It’s possible Hegar intended to Rape Amelia, but it was more likely considering his “chivalrous” attitude towards women that he wanted to Woo her


Gonna say you almost did me in with Dozer...


I've got to say, these cliff hangers are becoming more and more pervasive. I really enjoy this story, but it's making me want to stop reading it weekly, and instead check back in every few months. Maybe it's just because the last couple chapters have been particularly bad cliffhangers, (breaks in the middle of a fight make me think of crap anime) but it's really pissing me off.


This fight felt very avoidable. Ameliah risked getting both herself and Rain killed because...why? Because if she didn't start the fight, they would? Time was very much on their side, since Tallheart swung the battle in their favor single handedly. If they had managed to stall for 60 seconds, things would have been heavily in their favor and they could have negotiated or simply killed them. Just feels like Ameliah carried a huge idiot ball here and it's not in synch with the rest of the story.


It's kinda funny how much the author keeps reiterating the point that the MC is largely useless as anything other then a mana battery, and like, a memory stick. It is a strange way to write a main character, I think.


Idiot ball also bonked her on the head and made her forget all those super cool buffs skills she showed the first time we see her fight. Seeing her drop like 7 buffs in a row Ainz Ooal Gown style was so cool. Too bad she's a washed up has-been now. Gold plate Velikah absolutely dumpsters 21 Silver plates and 60+ bronze plates all at the same time, and Silver plate Amy can even beat two bronze.


A cleaner slime in your soul might be exactly what rain needs to clean up the caos in there. XD


friggin hell, dozer had me sweating