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Patch notes below. Spoilers for the chapter if you haven’t read it yet.


Changed some of the description around when Rain gets hit to make the strike feel more in line with the level of damage it is doing. Also changed a bit of dialog where Rain and Hegar are discussing the “rules” of their “duel” to make the stakes clearer. A few other bits and pieces tweaked, making things flow better. Had to force myself to stop adjusting things. I have the next chapter to work on, and whenever I edit like this, I introduce typos. Let me know if you find one, yeah?




You know, I may think that pre-marital sex will ultimately end in sadness and hurt for our young hero, but it’s being portrayed pretty classy, Senescent. You do a good job.

Adrian Gorgey

Rain continues to be painfully naive, but I'm glad that the very real threat of death is enough for him to actually fight the people trying to kill him. Sometimes it seems like he'd let people take turns shooting arrows into his eye-slit rather than respond in kind. This lack of decisiveness is something I hope he'll get over, and I also hope he'll learn to actually wield executive authority. Democracy is good, but a company this young also requires a unifying vision and decisiveness that you can't achieve by committee - especially because, more likely than not if given the choice, people will just fall back into the systems they're familiar with, because they've never known anything else. If Rain really wants to bring his vision to fruition, he needs to actually show them that it's possible, or else they're like as not to repeat to repeat what happened with the Citizens, the powered and the not etc., which from what I understand is exactly the opposite of what Asension is about.


Booo week long cliff without warning. Otherwise great chapter.

Michael Hughes

Great chapter this week. Between focus strain, freezer burn, guilt from killing a man, soul damage, and consequences from breaking the damage limit for the area next chapter is going to suck for Rain. Can't wait. See you next time.


goddammit soul, you had to pull a cliffhanger like that, didnt you? :( nice chapter though, finally some action :D


I'm jumping down the cliff boys, WITNESS ME


I had to downvote this time. It took two shots to his head and still getting his ass beat for him to stop being a pussy. I have been in enough fights to know that as soon as some pops you in the head which must be amplified when that shot is meant to kill then you are not going to be thinking of deescalation or how to hold back. You will either feel fear or rage.


Has the damage limit been explained? I only remember gold rankers mentioning it in passing.


Thank you!

Joe ?

im so glad he's having that annoying naivete beaten out of him finally.


what a cliff... ((((


Someone is literally trying to kill him and he is all "lets talk it out man."


That wasn't a cliff, it was the abyss. And is going to keep staring back at us for the whole week. That was mean. Liked the chapter tought.


Thanks for the chapter. Hopefully some fear of Amelia dying will be enough to finally, Finally, FINALLY get rid of his idealistic hesitancy towards killing another human. Though the fact an arrow to the head, TWICE, didn't is still disappointing.


Take this with a pinch of salt since I don't remember exactly if all this was stated or I deduced some of it. From what I understand max damage is caped by the amount of ambient magic doing more than the cap tears the fabric of reality somehow


Well, this was refreshing and frustrating at the same time. It's been so long I'd actually forgotten how Rain's lack of aggression can be his most annoying trait. He's gotten over that when it comes to monsters, but I can't recall if this is the first time Rain has actively used his skills to harm another human being. side note: Those macros are really starting to shape up.

Critical Hit

Man, Rain has gotta stop getting himself nearly killed with his own stuff. Hope he gets his soul healed soon, it seems like its getting worse.


Won't his own Refrigerate kill him? He hasn't developed a way to protect himself from his auras, has he? Is his Cold Resistance that great? I'm surprised he was still moving.

His Dad




Jac Onue

Rain kills Hegar, Amelia kills Anton, and Brovose joins Ascension after Rain realizes he's got useful magic and didn't actively attack them. That said, Rain's naivety is too much. In a world where awakened disregard unawakaened, and everyone is out for themselves, Rain is trying to usher in a democracy... wtf? Does he not realize democracy only works with educated citizenry? His very idea for Ascension is contrary to everything these people know. How could they possibly push toward the goal that only Rain can imagine? Not to mention that if Rain wasn't at the helm, Amelia and Tallheart wouldn't join either and the whole thing would just fall apart before it could even get off the ground. Honestly, Rain's insistence on everyone voting and deciding stuff is more a testament to him being afraid of leading, and less about his desire for people to make their own decisions.

Raul klemm de souza

This hesitation sucks looks like he would rather have Ameliah die. And pls Rain can't be this dumb in letting this people fuck them selves voting, he should know a little better is their lives on the line.


A lot of people wright about democracy like it's easy because it is what they know. Not many understand its historical accomplishments let alone its failures. That said the best systems are not even pure democracies to begin with as democracy itself must be tempered with something else lest it simply be mob rule where the majority can lord over the minority.


Why is rain such a bitch? Makes it hard to read sometimes. I hope he develops past this at some point.


He has been there long enough to learn the culture and not be passive like he was. Or perhaps pretending to be? He kept stalling for time and his behavior might be kayfabe. The way its written I'm not sure.


Until he gets to lvl25-26 he won't have the skills necessary to do so. Unless a minor miracle happens and he gets a lucky kill on a blue at that level or they scrounge up enough money to buy up a team to kill a blue for him to get to that point he is stuck. The whole soul damage thing is a "clock" with no numbers. That is we know there is a issue here but we have no clue how long before it gets to be a real problem, if ever.


to be honest, if even this doesn't break his thoroughly hardcoded passivist stupidity then I will consider him unredeemable and will be dropping this story for something better.


Is it really tho? We all know what's about to happen :)


Rain really knows how to take the adventure out of adventurer.


Silly question. Is Ameliah using a telepathy skill or something to talk to Rain before the fight? Or just hand signals? I recommend a very minor note mentioning how she's doing it to make it more clear. I also recommend fixing the "his sword broke" bit. It's eventually made clear that it's Rain's sword that broke, but currently it's a bit of a pronoun game. I assumed it was Rain's sword considering it's just steel, but isn't very clear.


I’ve assumed it’s her message skill that was seen a long time ago.


Its a bit philosophical but pacifism is an inherently flawed, and ultimately doomed ideology, propped up and maintained by those willing and able to use force. It could not realistically exist otherwise. Assuming you haven't gone so far as to "pacify" everyone in some "Orwellian" dystopia.


Democracy isn't just people voting, it's all the checks and balances in place to prevent abuses and self-destruction. What Rain is instituting is by far the worst manifestation of it, like handing a baby a sword and expecting good things. Also, I have to agree with the whole fight/flight reaction thing others have pointed out; calm consideration is not something a normal person is capable of in a situation like this. Rain's only been on this world for 3 months, and has spent most of that not fighting, there's no way he's this battle-hardened and cool under pressure, even with Clarity. It's common thing in the genre, so I understand it, but still.


democracy is a pretty broad term and at its simplest it really just is allowing voting. checks and balances is if youre talking about some modified form of democracy (ie. representative republic)


So, I liked the chapter. Cheers ...before he'd [knows &gt;&gt; know] how he wants the room. Maybe whatever he [need &gt;&gt; needs] is too big? Rockbomb took [a] few seconds to activate fully...

Newguy Roy

So 3 seconds of around 10k damage on Hegar, minus his armour's absorption and resistance, will kill him? I guess it can get his health down a whole lot, his armour's saturation limit most likely being less than Rain's. I'm guessing 10k damage dealt overall in the end.


There's a lot of complaining about rain hesitating. I think it's more like the situation spiraled too fast out of control and he wasn't prepared. And not immediately going into rage mode after the headshot? Give him a break he was probably shell shocked.

Evan Burns

The cliffhanger!

Froyo Baggins

Thought we were above mid-fight cliffhangers. Also, I feel like when combat happens there needs to be enough other content to balance it. Though admittedly, I'm thinking about this in the context of a dnd session and how my players would feel.


There is no practical difference there though if that were true. Personally I'm not sure at all if he was really hesitating or just stalling for time and waiting on his partner to whoop them all since he is actually pretty crappy in a fight. The way the story is written it almost feels like a set up from the get go and he is stalling the whole time and even says as much internally. At this point he has been in too many fights to get "shell shocked" by hits to his armor. He also litterally goes into RAGE mode right after the 2nd one too lol...though the way that is written its after he hears his girl scream and then he seems to get worried she isn't coming any time soon. The way the author wrote it comes off as ambiguous to me but I could be misreading it too. If he really did have Rain be truly shocked and hesistant after all that is happened in story than I'd say that is bullshit


I wouldn’t say the frustration I feel and the loss in MC likability after reading that to be caused by him not going into rage mode. For me it’s more like he’s consistently an innocent martyr/saint good guy that can’t confront difficult conversations or conflict. He can spend a night talking about democracy and slave labor. But the outcome doesn’t matter... so despite taking a stance it’s fine maybe he was wrong and it’s good people can go against him... that kind of conversation means he wasn’t really standing up for something. Just yappin. He Can’t spend time talking about the guys who are definitely coming for a confrontation and talk ameliah down before they show up? Worst decision ever to try to interrupt her at the 1-2 sec mark. It’s like he doesn’t want to do the hard thing. Icing on the cake is he seems clueless that she would want to immediately kill them and his decision process isn’t immediate backing her up. He can try to rescue the damsel... he can’t fight the dragon. He can stand up in front of people and act moral. He thinks it’s a good thing when they don’t listen... Just frustrating MC.


I actually like that Rain still lacks bloodthirst. I actually hate the CH ending. Soul, are you worried that we're gonna leave you, bro? I promise, I'm here to stay. No need to do us like that. :(


Well some of his decision was dumb as shit, hope its a wake up for him (i kind of understand as to why and how he react but after this no more reason ( when he got betwenn amelia and hegar wtf man, if she got in combat mode so fast its because reason she sense and the 2 arrow is to much, wake up man, its normal he hesitate because he his virgin killer but with all his exp he have before and the attack he get he is to slow to react in my opinion (problem soul? clarity build?)


Honestly, best chapter in a while. It's great to see Rain's systems interacting with the world in a meaningful way, him actually doing what he can do and it mattering. I loved the way you introduced the strength macro to set expectations for what he would do, and then had him pull out limit_break instead. And the way you anchored Rain's damage only to come back and have him hit the limit for multiple seconds when Hegar only managed one. Notes on other comments: It seems like you probably added the line "She told me to keep him busy, so I’ll keep him busy" in response, because it was clear to me when I read it that Rain wasn't just being a ideologue pacifist. Of course, jumping in front of Ameliah probably wasn't the best idea... Oh well. Characters are never perfect. About democracy: I think this situation is a tough call for Rain, because if he just vetos everything he disagrees with then he's showing the people that it actually isn't a democracy. At the same time, the first vote is a motion to consolidate power in the hands of those who already have it, reducing the amount of democracy... but also, maybe this amount of democracy reduction is a good thing? People need time to acclimatize to Ascension's environment, which is very different from other places. Who knows. Slippery slope is really the thing to watch out for, and I think Rain is indeed doing that. It's interesting to see all the criticism of Rain. I was definitely anchored by seeing a "Why is rain such a bitch" comment before reading, so I wasn't expecting him to be cool and he ended up being way more cool than I expected. But still, he's a STEM dropout that's been living in a new world for three months... he's not going to get everything right, from political science to lethal negotiations. I wonder why readers are so very critical when he does something they disagree with or don't think is optimal. Maybe because we identify with him, so when he does something suboptimal it feels like it reflects on us. The mantle of MC is a heavy burden to bear. Anyway, sweet chapter. Of course as a reader I hate the cliff, but it was a pretty masterful cliff and I can't wait for next week. I wonder how you'll handle the whiplash of going from a week of no Delve to straight into the most intense part of the fight. Maybe a Tallheart interlude to increase tension before going back into it? But that feels like it would be bad for sequential readers, who have no whiplash... seems like a challenge. Keep it up.


After Practical Guide to Evil and The Wandering Inn, this is the third massive cliffhanger in three days. At least Rain survived those arrows. Next week can't come soon enough...


welp, w/o flogging what's been said, when rather obviously in a fight w/ folks who mean you harm, trying to handicap your gf w/o warning midfight is fucking stupid. She said back me up and he didn't. He moved to block her, turning his back to Hegar. Once it started to go sideways he needed to have her back. She knows this world; he doesn't. She knows these jerks better than him. She took lead and asked for backup...and he tried to interfere (putting him on momentarily on Hegar's side, arguably). In a fight where folks are likely to die, failing to support your lead, or your partymate, let alone your actual damn mate is something worth kicking from the party. She's too good for him, and I hope she drops his ass. Honestly, at this pt I kinda hope Rain just dies. The supporting chars are mildly interesting, but anyone w/ any survival IQ in that world would kick Rain to the curb after that.


Loved the chapter! I don't think Rain trying to stop the fight was weird considering he doesn't want anyone to die, not even Anton and Hegar. Even though they're assholes. Especially considering Brovose also tried to stop it.


It's weird because it suggests that they never even freaking made a plan for what to do when Hegar et al showed up. A predictable event occurs, and Rain just tries to get in the way. At this point, it's just getting annoying that Rain is so incapable of making a plan and then following through. The number of near scrapes with death is such that I'm starting to lose immersion. Most people would have died by now if they acted as Rain continues to. I get that overmana make's Rain distractible and inconsistent. I get that this is a slow-burn build in power. But at this point, it's becoming too much. The writing is just not as engaging and the characters are losing their appeal.


I hope Rain doesn’t go on an angsty depression spree when he kills a human for 5 chapters. I won’t live that long.


Scene 1: show that stress on Rain is building and be fluff Scene 2: showed that pirate-ship-ocracy is working as intended Scene 3:bring the Helgar issue to a head and start a fight scene Did anyone else have different interpretations of how the scenes contributed to the story?


&gt; I wonder why readers are so very critical when he does something they disagree with or don't think is optimal. For me, it's because he now has a pattern of doing stupid things with no thought, even when he has plenty of time to think it out beforehand. Here, it's not so much that he reacted poorly, but that apparently they never even discussed what to do when the other adventurers showed up? How stupid do you have to be to know about a serious risk, spend a lot of time talking about your concern about that risk... but then never actually make a plan on what to do? It's just not believable.


Mmm... I do often think of mc as a soft pussy, but I support most of his choices in this chapter. Democracy is reasonable and I didn't like too much how Ameliah escalated situation.


I did not check your damage, but isn't default range for refr aura is 18m rn(without extend)? In second and third to last Refreg windows I see Extend applied, compression 13, range 5. Doesn't add up.


Rain is like a freshly minted butterbar on his first deployment that hasn't adjusted to the reality of the situation.


This isn't what he said? Or is happening? He was worried the changes might eventually amount to debt slavery but that was a potential outcome in the future not what they were voting on there.


hopefully Rain can hold his breath for a while, because there's only so cold you can get before you'd literally flash freeze the air. Seeing as how a significant amount of ice formed in the low thousands of damage, I'd imagine at 5k or so damage you would freeze the air molecules into a solid block of ice, and around 8k damage you would hit the theoretically impossible temperature of absolute zero. Another interesting thing to note, is that if Rain's soul was similar to a quantum computer, this fleeting, chaotic moment would, paradoxically, be the only time where there would be zero chaos in his soul, as quantum particles are only stable at temperatures close to absolute zero.

Chris Mantakounis

I'm personally getting really tired of the naive rain act. I get it's been 3 months but people are trying to murder him and he's still trying to solve shit peacefully. I don't know how much more I can take of this.


Well, he better hold his breath, If I’m not mistaken nitrogen liquefy around 76 kelvin. Would be a shame if he drowned.


Well the scene when he got between amelia and hegar for me is totally unacceptable (wtf rain, how can you be so blind to do this), 2 arrow in the helmet and he "still" dont really react is mee but "acceptable" because first human fight and chaos/confusion for poor rain who dont understand the fast situation (no more after, he get tap in the finger by amelia soon and get his shit together and wake up in the future, what he did is not okay not okay at all) For the rest of the chapter it was perfect for me (how he begin to us the system is to damm good)


Thank you for the chapter


Not gunna lie, True Jack Ameliah MC would be 1000x better than Rain. At least then we would get to see how skills/modifiers actually work in this setting. Seeing Tallhart's mini grenade that blew a hole straight through solid rock doing ~5000 compared with Hegar rapier stab doing 9,999+ and only knocking rain to the ground. I mean, I guess his armore protected him, but then it kinda just feels like we should have a runic powersmith as the MC.


I kind of want the story to go off the rails and have some consequences for Rain's inability to get his head in the game. Not that I expect it to happen, but losing Amelia would go a long way towards forcing him to figure out what he wants and what he is willing to do to get it.

Adam Roundfield

The simple fact is that most people, especially young people, in the modern "civilized" world do not understand conflict, If they did they would vote differently. Rain is one of them, fighting monsters is different from fighting people. Rain thought talk first and de-escalate to nogotiations and the sword drawing is just litteral sabre rattling, aka posturing. Amelia saw a sword drawn and knew a fight was their intention and acted accordingly, you do not de-escalate if the other side has already decided to fight...

Adam Roundfield

To clarify, in this world of individuals with system enabled destructive capability, you can not treat a sword being drawn against you as if it is simply them taking a firm negotiation stance via artisanal sabre rattling. You must react to them drawing their sword as if they just announced "target locked, bay doors open, weapons hot, preparing to send it".


1- Rain is a damn fine tank, he can even taunt me into hating him due to his lack of teamplay. 2- that duel was epic.


Took a quick peek at a few of the prior chapters just to verify a few numbers. I'm pretty sure I got a good idea of the combo attack Rain and Ameliah are going for. I'll hold off on saying anything for now since there's still some people who think they went in without a plan.

Tycho Green

Imagine creating a character like Ameliah to end up killing her off


So you also watched the CGP grey video and saw the similarities? But yeah I generally agree with you.


Can I just say how nice it is to see a character get stunned after being shot in the head? Twice no less!


LOL, second time Rain has straight up insulted Amelia. The first when a random woman, who is not part of his "tribe" at all, literally no relation to him, brings him to tears by calling him a name. If your SO called you a name, you're upset. If some rando on the street calls you a name, you tell them to piss off. Now he straight up questions her judgement in a fight, putting both at risk. And the democracy without all the other facets of a working democracy. Democracies fail more often than not. There are no pure democracies that work. Jesus this MC is fucking hopeless, but never gets punished for his naiivety, stupidity, ridiculous idealism.


He did. But then senescent realized his mistake because that would be progress, and this is patreon, where progress means it would end at some point. So Rain regressed. Whew, close one!

Joshua Little

Definitely the kind of mistake that should get at least someone killed. Thanks for the chapter.


Thanks for updating the damage scene. Keeping skill effects constant for combatants similar in power is a good way to progress scenes without diving head-first into a thousand skill card descriptions.


Ist this the first time we get a confirmation for the damage limits (9,999) and by what Rain was saying, a rank 10 or higher are have a higher limit (99,999 possibly)