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Update: Patreon seems to have had some issue with the attachments. Deleting them and re-uploading seems to have fixed it, so if you weren't able to open them, give it another try.


Joe ?

The pdf link isn't working for me for some reason? Edit: for anyone else having this problem save link as and add .pdf to the end of the file.

The 49th Khan

Can't open the pdf either


Tarny is a good lad who must be protected at all costs.

His Dad

yes it downloads as "1" but can be renamed


Not even 30 minutes after the chapter was released, and I already need to wait 10051 minutes for more.




They dug graves for a whole village of strangers mid winter? Thats a massive undertaking


Just my $0.02, but I thought that was one of the best chapters yet.

Ole Halvorsen

fuck patreon I cant open any of them


So there's definitely some aspect of being awakened that allows the breaking of cores. And no accolades for anyone but Rain? Oo. Considering awakening turns people into superhumans that can wield magic, I think I'd have a good cry if I were Tarny, too. Just to remind everyone, this means they awakened 15 out of the 36 dull members of the company. 21 to go (at the moment).


Neither could I but the Gmail attachment worked. Try your email


Don't know if you appreciate comments about sentence structure, but the rising bread sentence took me a second to parse through. I don't really know of a better way to word it while keeping the 'risen' pun though.


Thank you!

Daniel Viana Rodrigues

Great chapter, I think your pace is improving quite a bit. I hope Tarny can get a special class when he awakens for using skills while still unawakened.


Very well written I feel. I say that without doing a conscious analysis but because I was left with a feeling of contentment and satiation. Thanks 0/

Judah Frankel

I suspect that it depends on how it would work if he gave up the skill; if he gets to keep the skill levels after losing the accolade like Ameliah does with her class, then maybe upskilling like that could become a thing for Ascension. If he has to start over, though... Needs more testing. Hopefully Rain is taking notes.


Cant open the links.help!


Ok. Thx


I find it odd that we have seen so little of Jamuss in this arc, considering that this had been his village and all, could have been a good way to flesh out the caracter some flash backs to the past to the anger and hurt from his wife's infidelity and how he has gotten over it, maybe an emotional moment at his sons grave? Just saying would have been a good chance to flesh him out but still grate arc overall


Could have been, yes. But should it have been? I'd say not. DeadSpirit made the right choices in chapter focus based on how I'm guessing he's chosen to structure the grander plot. Put another way, yes, that deleted scene was amazing and hurt to not incorporate it into the final cut, but seeing the main actress cry again as a baby who misses mommy does nothing to move ahead the story of how she's fighting to discover core-dwelling aliens on Mars.


Only the pdf works and i cannot read it on my poone to tiny need epub.

Orion Dye

That means they will need two more lairs, assuming that the next one will have a blue, otherwise three more lairs.


Did the villagers die before the dungeon formed, get telefrag'd or frozen when it formed or suffocate while surrounded by it?


The epub version is still broken.

Alexander Dupree

I mean it's a pun. It's supposed to make you stop to parse it and regret the effort.

Alexander Dupree

Based on all the spirits trying to go about their day they probably died when it formed.


I think the spirit thing was tied to cold mana's ability to retain memories. Remember when Rain first discovered 'Flashback movie Mode' by concentrating the overmana generated by Winter? And then proceeded to never discuss/use it again.


I think that the jar stats were the best. Just a little bit of whimsy and wholesomeness before going back to the drama. At least it can't be worse than waking up at 6 to a military bugle.

Kendelle Trotter

Hmmmmmm. Would the accolade count towards skill requirements? Probably no. But if yes what happens when you get rid of it? The skill w frostbolt/cold spell as a requirement goes away? Points refunded?


Best case scenario, training Frost Bolt with the accolade and then giving it away lets you keep the skill. But that's doubtul, because then we'd probably have heard of that as a paid service already in existence. Then again, it might exist as a paid service, but only for the silver+plates, which would make it much less well known. Slightly worse case but still interesting scenario, training up frost bolt but losing the accolade works the same way as Ameliah's skill switching - keeping the skill for the purpose of prerequisites but not giving active access to it. Regardless, it seems *very* valuable for either a metamagic-focused mage (if such a thing exists), or a frost mage that would take the skill anyway but now doesn't have to.


I'd guess you lose ability to use anything that requires it as a prerequisite, and those losses probably chain, potentially turning off your build (other than base stats) if it's a build that is based on it. If you get it back though it probably turns back on. The soul seems to remember and persist all gains, even if they're only possible temporarily, such as sync gains under a stat buff, or remembering your true total xp gained, even if you spend tons on unlocking trees, etc


I'm assuming it's the second case. Makes the most sense. It's been made clear the "soul remembers" things when you train. So even if you can't cast the spell, the soul should still remember you hit level 10 in the skill. Exactly how Ameliah's class works with refunding points.


If Tarny earns xp through his provisional interface while he can't level up, maybe his tiny lvl 0 soul will pop like Rain's did.


Betcha Mariah is going to try to get that accolade after.


Maybe! Rain should make sure he's properly receiving his daily training overviews so that weird gas that builds up in people's soul can escape. though, the difference between Rain sleeping with a bunch of skills active, gaining EXP by the tens of thousands and average Awakened is fairly substantial. Remember it takes most people months/years to max their skills.


It's been mentioned by others that dulls' souls are more.. porous. Not sure if that means they lack a sheath around it or if they can't retain anything or what. But it's mentioned as one of the reasons that dulls feel Rain's soul leakage, but awakened don't. This probably means that even if Tarny can level the skill (which I assume he can), the experience the soul usually gets from that just leaks out and is totally lost instead of retained. Which would make sense both functionally and what we know from how souls work so far.


Check the file extension, I had to rename the file to add .epub at the end, then it worked fine


Well it's good to see his soul won't spontaneously pop like a melon. Maybe if he gains EXP fast enough, he could perform a manual training window update at a moment where he has more than 100 EXP saved up, potentially raising his temporary max level to one.


Much how no matter exp Rain gets he can't get over level 18, there's no reason to think that Tarny can hit level 1 if he gets enough exp. While Tarny's soul isn't gonna crack or damage like Rain's if he forces it, all that exp is definitely gonna just leak out of his porous soul. Can't exceed your current cap without getting an infusion of essence. Whether it's from a Lair core, a blue, someone who's recently killed a blue, or some other method we don't know about yet. Gotta get dat essence first.

Kendelle Trotter

And what about in the case of a hidden rare class like Cold Mage that requires the skill?


Hmmmm but dungeon cores are an outliner in the 'gotta get dat essence' argument since they awaken people via a direct injection of mana into the soul. It might be more correct to say that in order to increase your level cap, you need to strengthen your soul somehow. That way, direct infusion of both essence and mana into the soul are both viable.

Newguy Roy

Wait, about the draw, isn't the one draws last favoured, since there is a high chance that the white piece has already been drawn by that time? Stats class is 12+ years back, so correct me if I'm wrong.


This isn't like the counterintuitive, three door prize scenario. This one is thankfully less complicated. Since all 8 stones are still in play, the order doesn't matter. As long as no stones are revealed, they all have an equal 1 in 8 chance in picking the white one. Should any stones be revealed before picking one, then the equation changes.


We don't know how dungeon cores awaken dulls, so not sure how you came to the conclusion it's mana. So far we only know that it seems to take the same energy that it uses to create accolades, and is instead used to awaken the dulls. Given every way thus far to increase your cap requires essence, it's safe to assume this process involves essence as well.


Hu? he just use the word "dulls" for non awakened who is by the way used in the story by some awakened, i dont see him be non civil her just for using a termology of the novel, its normal conversation/reflexion/argument using term of the novel on how we think the world work


Lol somehow I keep managing to just piss people right off.


Functionally, Ameliah's class is just like she gets infinite respec accolades. Her soul still remembers she leveled the skills even after she refunds them. If one can level a skill acquired through an accolade (which I'm assuming you can), if it's used as a requirement for a class, your soul would still remember you leveled it. Exactly how Ameliah can use all her refunded skills towards the requirements of other skills. I'm pretty sure you'd still have the class you got involving the skill. Losing a class you chose sounds like it would damage the shape of your soul or something.


Took a quick peek back at the 'soul breathing' discussion Rain and Barnum had when they were experimenting with soul-sight. Normal awakened can't manually trigger their training window, so Tarny definitely wouldn't be able to do it. Prolly need to be a True Mage or a madlad to manually force open your paling like that. He should be fine as long as he avoids getting EXP right before the daily soul gas exchange.

Judah Frankel

Depends on the build specs for Cryomancer or whatever rare class she’s aiming for. Maybe you can’t get the class if the skill comes from an accolade rather than a skill point? OTOH, maybe she could get a point refunded by using the accolade? Too many unknowns.

Judah Frankel

Could be the second case; in which case Rain should borrow the accolade and grind out Lv.10 in a couple of days. But Ameliah has a legendary class. It’s not explicitly stated in Ch. 87 whether or not keeping the skill levels is a special ability of her class. For that matter, if the soul remembers, do respec accolades make the soul... forget? Do they wipe synch and skill levels along with refunding skills/stats? Rain should ask Ameliah or Staavo about it.


I'm fairly certain we've seen her casting some form of the spell already. That or it was some other spell that shoots an ice projectile. I'm pretty sure you don't even need the skill currently unlocked to meet requirements; you just need the skill leveled. So you could level a skill to level 10, respec and lose it, but your soul and the interface still says you meet the requirement of that skill having reached x level. Besides the concrete example of how Ameliah's skill refunding works, we have another reason to think this. It would have been almost impossible for Mahria to discover the right combination of skills, otherwise. Because you would never know how close or far you are from unlocking the class, it's only a binary yes or no. So if it does work as I described and how makes sense based off what we know, each time Mahria respecc'd, they can cross that skill off the list of skills to test because it's locked in at level 10 (obviously they'd level it to 10) in her soul even though she lost it. But if it didn't work like this? They'd need hundreds of respec allocades to try every single combination of 6, concurrent, cold related skills. And even with Lavarro on your side, that's a ridiculous task. Comparatively, numbers wise? Let's say there were 25 possible, cold related skills to go through. You get 6 skill points at level 5. For the first method, you'd need 19 respec accolades max to level all of them to 10, and the odds being you'd only need like 10. A lot, but not impossible. For the second method? It would take... uh.. shit. I don't even know how to do the math on that, offhand. However many unique combinations there are for 6 skills at once for all 25 skills, and the most efficient way to test each one. Let's just say "a metric fuckton" of respec accolades, to where they'd never figure it out.


I wonder if Ameliah knows why her previous classes were called 'jack/true jack'. All the other classes all seem to be rather generic, but Ameliah's is clearly derived from Earth culture.

Newguy Roy

Keep in mind that much of the stuff on the page is how rain interprets it in english. For all we know, in common, it could be "good at everything" class


Ameliah refers to her previous class as "True Jack" in her personal thoughts in chapter 87.

Newguy Roy

Back near the beginning of the story, Rain explained that common tongue words work in a prefix/suffix system. The word for forest being literally translated to "many trees", for example. It would be confusing for readers and really complicated for the author to have the words on the page be litteral translations of this fictional language whenever a native thinks/speaks. I sincerely doubt the common tongue word for jack really is the same as the english one.

Judah Frankel

Actually, how did Rain give his accolade to Tarny? Without screaming in agony, I mean. His soul damage should mean that any accolade that actually links with his soul can't be disconnected without causing excruciating pain. Did he figure out how to do it properly between Ch. 117 and here, or is his soul fixing itself, or is this just a plot hole?


Maybe they work like EXP, where you have to do a paling release before it will be connected.


Seeing as this specific kind of Red Herring is pretty common in iseki stories, yes I actually would enjoy seeing some translation discrepancies whenever the viewpoint shifts to a native.


A good example of this was seen in chapter 107. The obelisk referred to 'level' and 'EXP' as "core rank" and "Soul Fragments", respectively. From Rain's point of view, he might feel as though he's achieving a mutual level of understanding while discussing EXP with a native. However, from their respective viewpoints, the native would have an objective advantage due to understanding the word to mean 'fragments'.

Chyro Nighthowler

I mean even when he tried it out with Ameliah he repeated the 'link breaking' multiple times to test it out, even controling his expression to not show how much it hurts him. Compared to his past Obelisk-superpain-experience, it's probably quite manageable.