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Hell yes.


I really like the story, but is something wrong with the dark pdf this time? Also if it isn't too much work I'd love an A5 version for convenient reading on mobile.

Mike G.

Haha, I should have seen that last line coming given the title...




I think that you are going too heavy on the references. They just feel weird when you consider that he is translating them into another language even though he is the only person who can possibly understand them.

Michael Hughes

Jinkies that was a great chapter. Who would have thought that it was really old man Rankin the whole time. Loved the chapter. This was the second best Scooby Doo reference I have seen recently. Supernatural has you beat. Till next time gang. Now where did I put my ascot.


Not this chapter but a couple back a reference went right past me and it didn't make any sense in the story because I don't watch TV shows.


i can't tell what those teeny icons are supposed to be...no name when I mouse over them either.


So a chapter on white collar crime is a bit of a letdown


Scooby Dooby Doo


Great chapter, lotsa stuff happening! I love that rain knows Ameliah's class now. Also, large props for making a bunch of interesting skills for her to accomplish a desired result. The bad adventurer rant was satisfying, but I do hope the theme around caution leads somewhere; yelling at bad adventurers for being bad only lasts so long before you want to see some good and clever adventuring or some character development. Val's change of heart was great, and I want to see him put his lessons into practice and become a decent adventurer (instead of just swapping the focus to Kettel, the heir apparent of the bad adventuring throne, and having the same conversations over again.) Val's purpose was to show that a lack of caution gets you killed, and to be a foil for the careful planners of the story. He has a character arc learning the lessons he needed to learn, and it is perhaps not over. What is Kettel's purpose, aside from that? I can't wait to see.

Adrian Gorgey

That money is gonna be really helpful


100 tel is 3000 dollars so 1 Tel is 30 dollars - that seems too high a rate


Great job. I enjoyed the interaction with Amelia a lot and the using at stupid people is just icing. Lots of bravado at the end but I'm happy things are coming to a close so that we can move onto the next chapter.


Also, Rain's brain doing those mental tabulations was gorgeous. I could feel the smoke coming out of his ears


What are you comparing to? At some point the "real" conversion rate between tel and dollars depends on what equivalent purchase you make your basis of comparison. Some things are relatively harder to make in Rain's new world compared to Earth, and some are easier due to magic.


Thanks, did not know it was an SD reference, never watched that


Thank you!

Alexander Dupree

Fuck that last line is so stupid. Lol. I'm cracking up.


I don't know what the voting emojis mean so I picked the top one assuming it means good. Amelia spell combo was badass! I guess she can keep her levels in the skills but can only change out skill sets if certain requirements are met. Maybe a bunch of experience cost or once a month type deal.


It was mentioned previously that it takes her an hour or so of active concentration to transfer her skill selections. Also mentioned that she does indeed retain experience in th skills. Meaning given a day or two of prep she can transition into a highly specialized role for a given situation. Like moving talent tree options in world of Warcraft.


I found it very satisfying. We got to see rain level up his motivational speaking and practice leveraging the goodwill he’s built in two different factions while also handling his aversion to confrontation. He even gets a couple thousand tel as a reward for his progress.

His Dad

that epub is unusually dirty


Thanks for the story


So in this chapter Rain got more trusting with Amelia, goodwill with the Guild, utilized his connection with the Watch, and seed funded his new Company. Yelling at the little shits is just icing on the cake

Mr. Bigglesworth

Mysterious error when you attempt to read either light or dark, so, yeah, no chapter here atm.


Naval-gazing Rain is my second least favorite Rain. Right after moral superiority Rain. Don't even get me started on I'm-smarter-than-you-and-are-going-to-let-you-know-it Rain. Hit all three in this chapter.


There's no way skill changing is specific to Ameliah's class. With how neat and orderly everything else about the system falls into place, there's no way it would intentionally allow such a gross imbalance.


Well she doesn't get any other bonuses from her class. She can't be as good as a specialised person at their speciality. Also her skill points are spread out evenly making her kind of a Jack of all trades.


Dude is stressed out to the extreme and is surrounded by idiots, how can you blame him?


I'm in two minds about this chapter, on one hand I enjoyed the the chapter for what it was, character work with some bits of world building. On the other hand the pacing is starting to feel stretched and it's because you seem to be more concerned about expanding the cast and logistical details rather than moving the story forward. So thumbs up on a chapter level and maybe thumbs down on a story level.


I really enjoyed this chapter and how things are going, I hope you don't feel pressured into forcing the story along and to have "action." There are way to many "action" focused stories and they are mostly exhausting.


In the Delve game of Rock Paper Scissors Lizard Spock Amelia is the only player that can throw more then one symbol, but she loses on ties. Every (maybe just most) other players' builds are unchanging (only 1 RPSLS symbol) but their classes will give the bonuses that Ameila's class does not provide (she loses when she throws the same symbol as her opponent, or if she throws a symbol that their symbol regularly beets).


Ameliah is a hacker


So 1 tel is $30? Hope this comes back up again. I love to inventory rains financials because I hate when characters pull out money out of thin air to buy a new upgraded weapon or food. We now know the value of money so every tel earned feels more rewarding.


There are some large error bars on 1 tel = 30$. Rain baised that estimate on the cost of one dinner in a pub.


I wonder why Tel has value. Kinda a small thing that's been bothering me for a while. The Tel a monster drops increases in some ratio to it's soul power, so you'd think Tel would have some alchemical value in soul related potions.


Right? Imagine if she switched to an Aura Assassin build, using Dark element armor/weapons and prismatic intent to channel Darkness Aura and Detection at the same time. Sensing/Obliterating her enemies all while blinding everyone AND recharging her gear. You'd need some incredibly specific counter builds to fight her, builds that 99% of monsters/people don't run. Normally, people would be limited to builds you could safely and reliably level, but being able to change your skills AFTER the hard part of reaching silver changes everything.

Orion Dye

Man I was so on board with this chapter until the stupid scooby doo reference. I am disappoint Rain, much disappoint.

Orion Dye

Ugh, Really ruined the chapter for me. Gonna make waiting for the next chapter even worse.

Atlas Dwarf

I think it was said that monsters do not have souls or at least the non-Blues. Tel is shaped with Skills and mana to give stuff system properties so something to help Rain repair his soul veil isn't out of the question.


Awesome chapter. Great world building and theory crafting. Love that meta stuff. Also some great development of Rain as a leader. Building goodwill and earning some money. Also interesting Rain's reaction to Ameliah's class. I forgot that he didn't know about this yet. Since the readers were aware of True Jack.


The Scooby doo reference made it for me. So good