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Make me...


Woop, hour early :)


FINALLY. That was immensely satisfying. You managed to give just enough details to make it obvious something weird was going on and there were undisclosed plots on both sides, without telling the reader what it was. I've mentioned it before, but it takes very good writing skills to juggle that balance. Well done! I love surprises.

Empty Shelf

Step in the right direction. At least we know they're digging for him, but that just makes it all the more frustrating that he's still down there. Every chapter that passes the progress gets thinner and thinner. We started with training his stats, then testing his essence, then taming, then gathering accolades, and now he's checking his supplies. It really does feel like it's scraping the bottom of the barrel when it comes to finding stuff for him to do down there. The fight scene was another welcome distraction, but it's also another reminder that things are progressing outside while Rain continues to be stuck doing almost nothing in a hole in the ground.

Michael Hughes

I enjoyed the chapter. I would have liked to see more rain but I like showcasing the other forces in operation in the city. A couple of things stood out in this chapter like the heat and cold primary elements and the relationship to the skills immolate and refrigerate, using mana vision which we know rain can access after level 10 of mana manipulation, the reference to the well like essence well, and confirmation of val's dad. It looks like rain will be breaking through and going to the surface so my idea of going back into the dungeon to break the core and activate all of the stored accolades will not happen. As much as I enjoy solo play and leveling I will be happy when Rain returns to the party. Great work SS. Now to watch AFK and dream about being sucked into a rpg world before bed. Goodnight everyone.


Ohhhh I’m excited to see how this plays outtttt


I loved that surprise! Well done. Val's dad is Lightbringer!! I should have suspected that. Illusion magic is reaaallllyyyy strong, holy crap.

Adrian Gorgey

Can you imaginesomeone picking out those Trash skills?? Ha, truly foolish...


If Val ever meets his father, he is going to try to kill him, isn't he?


Thanks for the chapter! And hey it's the ring I theorized about a few chapters ago \\OO// 56% benefit ain't great but we cant all be friends with tallheart. Really liked the exposition for all the gold ranks, and poor air-craft-carrier lady, what did she do to you!


Totally right. Has to be solely for training since it only has 20 mana capacity and not a mana battery. But called it nontheless.


Agreed. Honestly, it's already gone on for several chapters longer than it should've.


Too strong, tbh. It's ridiculous that a person who is weak enough to be enslaved is also strong enough to maintain that illusion while killing 2 Citizens, then casually escape.


Thanks for the chapter The chapter being titled 'Illusion' spoiled it for me, I had guessed and was waiting the entire fight for it to all be an illusion making me less invested.


yeah, there's this icy hot guy that has a cool build that he thinks is powerful... too bad... now he's dead lol


Just waiting for Rain to finally control the Magistraal barrier after all his soul training. It is only a matter of time at this point. Velika has no chance of controlling it and i doubt the DKE people outside will be able to break it.


Has anyone figured out what's going on with the Well things the Citizens are using? These parts: >He was forced to start drawing on his Well to replenish his mana. That was slightly regrettable, but it would all work out in the end. The mana that he was spending on this would not simply go to waste, even if the Adamants countered his opening salvo. He’d be able to repurpose it later. >She considered the fortress as she reached the top of her arc, then drew deeply on her Well, and pulled herself toward the ground once more. >He pulled on his Well, draining it completely, then summoned a pair of crystalline swords, one in each hand. They obviously provide mana, but I'm not sure if they're skills or objects. Best I can tell, the part about "repurpose it later" is Bowcraig saying that even after the Empire stops the Meteors he can still use the ambient heat mana generated as a resource for Thermal Conversion to enhance his killing cold attack. Is the Well they're drawing mana from part of the Majistraal implant artifact that each Citizen has? And is it just a large mana capacitance rune or something more?


Thank you!


Wells are slang for magic items that store mana, like the Cycling Ring from the beginning of the chapter, although presumably the Citizen's items can store quite a bit more then that. Capacitance runes with both an import and export efficiency.


I hope Rain specializes too, it would seem stupid to me to get all attack auras.


Well, he does need to have 5 points in the three aura trees to get his legendary class at lvl 25, until then he won't be picking only attack auras. And after 25 he still has to get some of the superior skills, like Discombobulate, Mana Sight and Prismatic Intent, maybe even the two other seasonal auras so he can actually kind of heal himself. So until, like, level 30 it wouldn't make sense at all to just start picking new attack skills.


Thoughts on stuff mentioned in this chapter. For barrier recharge. Rains base mana regen is 18k-34k a day, depending on Ring use. With a 0m Compression he gets a +216% boost to Winter. So unless he is boosting 400-750 worth of normal people it is better for him just to boost himself only. Hmm, 54m 108% compression is 200-370 normal people. So the damage limit is based on an areas rank. Wonder if hitting someone with two auras at same time lets you deal 20k damage (Cold and Dark say). Intresting that the siegmaster uses the term "high-rank mana". Looks like, maybe?, one way round the damage limit is normal physics, such as high speed rocks or liquid nitrogen. Rather than damage direct from mana attacks. The Wells the Citizens were using, if they are a storage device. Then they probably need a day+ to be recharged, even with help. Rain could be handy there. Will be intresting to see how much recharge times effects strategy. Heat and cold enviromental mana confirmed, helps explain the temperature effects in the dome. The Lightbenders control of the battle through his deceptions was impressive. I wanna see details on Froststorm skill.


op family


I think if a attacking or defending force knew the Lightbender was there they'd be able to be better prepared for the guy. Deception works poorly or not at all if you've got the info. The Citizen's were cocky here, made some assumptions, and they paid for it dearly.


he is going to make a blue monster slime, i can feel it in my jelly

Orion Dye

So let me start by saying kudos to the author for not listening to the haters on powering up rain. I think his current path is probably the best o e for him right now, especially as we see more of what gold an higher levels can do. Next up, let me say it’s good that rain is in the situation he’s in. He needs to understand that there are going to be many situations in the future neither his mana, not auras will help him and his builds over Reliance on clarity is going to cripple his strength going forward if he doesn’t compensate in some fashion. At the end of the day, rain is a soft person from a soft world, he’s lazy. He’s not a training nut. While he’s interested in the system, he doesn’t have that drive to acquire and maximize his power that’ll propel him into being truly powerful. And why should he? Everything has worked out for him so far. He’ll only go as far as he feels he’ll need to. To that end, Him being stuck in a place where his auras can’t help him and no one else is around to help is the best for him right now. He needs to wake up as. Realize that he needs to train to fully utilize that ring. Then get another and train to fully use that and so on and so on so that, when someone else inevitably tries to kill him or enslave him, he has the personal strength to stand up to them and prevent them from doing so.

And Then There Was None

His build has disadvantages, but infinite mana for an entire party has huge advantages too. He's a walking logistics solution.


Hey. If monsters appear in places with little to no light, does that mean there might be monsters on their moon? Like, a lot of them? Or a few VERY strong ones? Just a thought.

Silver Beard

Nice loot, but no Tel? Nobody had any money on them...?

Silver Beard

Too bad he can’t influence his pets growth...acid slime would be pretty useful right now


Here’s something I haven’t seen mentioned. How did Lightbreaker get around the charm? I think we just saw him break the damage limit. This created rips in reality that broke the charm. Maybe it was obvious for everyone else, but I first considered different damage types, but that seems unlikely compared to him just being strong enough to overcome that restriction. After all the class is highly focused on light magic.

And Then There Was None

Possibility 1) Really resistance penetration is aloud in a way really high damage is limited. Possibility 2) He has some high level skill along the lines of "10% always gets through damage resistance".


Happy to see this chapter! Really fun to read just how powerful Citizen-tier combatants are.

Max Alexander Michalik

When I try to download this latest chapter I instead get the following error message: {"errors":[{"code":902,"code_name":"AttachmentNotFound","detail":"Attachment with id 5248516 was not found.","id":"6b3dd9d8-8db1-4c57-94f7-a3f15501c277","status":"404","title":"Attachment was not found."}]}

Max Alexander Michalik

{"errors":[{"code":902,"code_name":"AttachmentNotFound","detail":"Attachment with id 5248516 was not found.","id":"6b3dd9d8-8db1-4c57-94f7-a3f15501c277","status":"404","title":"Attachment was not found."}]}


No problem here, either on mobile or the app. Maybe try relogging?


#BugReport Minor continuity error. Its looks like the two Razorsteel Daggers in this chapter are Melka's. But, they are listed here with Greater Sharpness runes, in chapter 83 Boon Rain notes that they are a not as good. "Huh, Greater Sharpness? That’s better than what was on Melka’s daggers. About twice as good, actually. Interesting.The capacitance rune is better, too."


Im waiting for Rain to get that darkness aura only to realize the mage burn side of it is that it spawns monsters.

Patrick camp

They only appear in places with ambient mana, though. There hasn’t been an explanation for why some areas have more mana and some have none. So maybe the moon has monsters, but I doubt we’d ever hear about it.

Silver Beard

So like is there going to be a chpt 95 soon?


There's a chapter every Sunday (AFAIK it drops late Saturday night) and sometimes a chapter during the week. So yes, very soon! In about two hours if I'm looking at the past post timestamps right.


I knew they would have had to send more citizens, clearly the DKE isn't thinking well enough to want to wipe out an army quickly. If they had sent 3 teams of 4 instead of 1 team I believe this would have gone much differently.